Sunday 17 February 2019

the Festival

the Tanzanian Festival.



Tanzania = East Africa.


Monday 19 October 2015

The Red Sea Civilization (3)

The Red Sea Civilization (3).

The Red Sea Civilization (2)

The Red Sea Civilization (2).

This entry, said too a follow-through, and to the previous on the Red Sea Civilization (Link), does in all even now approach, speak too of society, and from it too said, to speak and of Flux, and Chaos in itself too that is. That in regard and to speak of the World today, speak of Chaos, and Flux, are in all even said linked, and to speak too, and of what does pass for Basic Research, Intensive Research, Applied Research, Action Research etc., when it can too be said that, speak of Chaos, and of Flux too, can too and in all even be said approached, or tackled too, and from speak, and of what Feng Shui, and as said too perceived, and from speak and of it, and from the said Egyptian tradition, does have to say, and in regard, and to speak and of what Chaos, and Flux, are too simply said to be [or speak too, and of Africa and in Image/Word, Name, or in speak too, and of what is simply said to speak, and of the Knowledge Intensive that is (Link)].

Saturday 11 July 2015


of Parasites.

This entry, does have to do, and with the said even here, difficulty in all, and of defining truly, what does pass for Medical terminology/terms, and in Africa too that is. That is it okay, to call Ebola, Ebola that is, and as versus speak now too, and of it all referred to for instance, and in a said even native African Tongue that is.

That what we are in all, referring here to, is the very fact that, those in Africa, might not always be aware, and of what too can be said to pass, and for speak of life that is. That in hoping to make this all too clear, is to now say that, most do often believe, Viruses, to be some of the more lethal in all, if not most lethal too, and of all micro-organisms that is, and in regards now and to speak and of what does pass too, and for general Health, and in Africa too that is. That this is true, and for those in all, and who do in all even perceive themselves, and as simply said having a Body, Human too that is. If one though, was to simply see/perceive themselves, and as said having an African Body, and with it all even said having to it, connotations in all, and that do speak too of the Social, the Political, the Religious, the Economic, the Historical, the Judicial, the Educational etc., then one in all, would now find Parasites, to in all even be truly said a threat to one that is. If though, one does truly perceive themselves, and as said truly possessing a Physical Body, and in speak now too, and of ones perceptions of Physical Fitness for instance, then one in all, would too find, Bugs, to be truly said a threat/danger to one that is.

In all, what is been said here is that, and in speak too of a said African general Health, a said even but difficult to prove, shift in Consciousness, and towards speak now and of the African Body, and of Parasites too, then it could it be said, it could in all even lead to a shift in Opinion in all, and on just about anything African too that is, and in now saying that, Parasites in the Body, African, can best be said to speak of Sensation, while in speak of Viruses, speak of Touch is said paramount in all, but it is in speak of Bugs, and where most in all, would simply find themselves in all, facing, what they do term Sentiment, and in dealing now, and with the condition in all, said implaced/emplaced that is.

Wednesday 8 July 2015



It can be said, that for many, the said Meaning/Purpose of life, and in regards and to speak of Attitude too, is simply in all even said, Missing that is. That for many, the inability, and in simply viewing, life, and in a said here accountable manner too in all, and if not that said truly realistic in all that is. That in helping one understand all this better, Meaning/Purpose, and as said now, embodied, and in speak too and of what does pass for Attainments, Achievements, Accomplishments, Successes and Goals too, and as with it all even said to speak of Religion too, and as said even Egyptian, and in Context/History too that is. In however saying that, the ancient/old World in all, did not truly associate Meaning/Purpose, and with the above said, is to now say that, Egyptian life, was truly lived out and in speak too of Egyptian Myth in itself, while that said Greek, does speak truly and of Motif, while that said Italian, grounded truly in all, and in speak of Society that is.

However, this very entry, does in all even deal, and with speak of Resilience in itself, and as said to refer, and to speak too of Gene/Evolution Theory that is. That Resilience and for most though, is in all even and in a said popular manner too in all, said to speak of Sex, Money and Time that is, and in now associating speak of Money and as such, and with speak too of Egypt (Link), but in speak of Sex, speak too now of Italy (Link), but with speak of Time, it all truly referring and to speak of Africa that is.

Wednesday 6 May 2015

African Christianity

African Christianity.

In saying that, those in Africa, and as said practising Christianity, are very much in all, at loggerheads, or even as said engaging in antagonistic behaviour in all, and with those in Africa, and who simply do not in all, adhere that is, and to Christianity. In having said that, is to now attempt to truly claim that, both Tanzania and Kenya, and as said one too that is, are simply in all here said or believed too, to be the very home of Christianity in Africa now, and with Uganda, now simply said too, their connect, and to the rest of Africa that is.

Saturday 25 April 2015

Saturday 21 February 2015

The Chimera

The Chimera.

The Chimera, and as with it all even said, a kind of Vision in all, does in all even refer, and to Nubian History in itself, and of Nubian Spirituality too, and as said distinct in all, and from speak of Egypt and of the rest of Africa too that is.



For many in Africa, a false belief or premise in all, that life in all again, and generically speaking too, is lived, and in speak of Friendship truly, when the truth in all, does actually say that, African life, and in speak of it said Hereditary too, is actually only truly lived, and in speak only of Companionship that is [that African Companionship in all, does actually speak of one and in Intellect, Creativity and Intelligence too that is].

Sunday 21 December 2014

The African Media Kit

The African Media Kit.

The African Media Kit, and speak now, and of African Civilization or society, and as very well envisioned and from speak of the Dichotomy that is [Link].

Tuesday 9 December 2014

Tuesday 18 November 2014



Underlying Currents (and not Trends either), and (in) Africa too.

Friday 7 November 2014

African Pygmy

African Pygmy.

The term 'African Pygmy', and as in all even associated truly, and with speak of Pygmy Symbolism, and Symbolism too, and that does speak of the term/word Invention, and as associated with Africa (and as versus speak of Discovery or Exploration too), but that in all again, African Ingenuity and as associated with Exploration or Discovery, does speak in all even, and of African Identity and as said Aboriginal and Bantoid respectively too that is.

Sunday 26 October 2014



When one does think of the term Scripture in all, one is in many a way even, truly speaking perhaps, and of many a Passage, simply read and from many a Religious work/text that is. That in all, the very importance of Scripture in our lives, does in all even speak of the attempt, to very much explain our very Presences on Earth, how we do perceive Time (and as said 'passing by' too for instance), or speak truly even, and of life in itself and as perceived in all, and from speak of Death and Dying, or truly in all again, Death and as said a Rite of Passage too for instance.

In all, Scripture, does give us proper perspectives and on just how we do think of Re-incarnation in itself for instance, or speak truly even, and of creating a Time Consciousness in all, and that does speak and of Ages and Eras too for instance, and which in all again does help us simply understand, what the returning or the coming back to Earth, does truly speak of, and in helping one understand perhaps, and when they do Die for instance, just when in all again, they are bound due to return to Earth that is [and speak furtherly in all, and of our said in all again and as being Souls that is, and further speak too, and of just how many Human Souls, are said destined to return to Earth that is].

In all, when one does think of Scripture, and from an African perspective, one is many a way too, thinking of what they do term Feasting, and as with it even associated, and with speak of the Sacred Feast that is. That in speak for instance, and of what some do call the Passsover (and as with it even falsely said Jewish), and as found in the Egyptian Coptic Church, it does go along in all and with a Time Consciousness, and that does speak of Scripture, and as associated with Feasting, and in the very form of a Diet perhaps, and as said basically consisting of Fish, Bread and Wine too that is.

To speak of Egypt though and from the forementioned above perspective, is to in all again speak of Wheat, Barley and Rye, but speak of Africa and from the above, does speak even and of Scripture and as found/seen in the form of the Pentateuch only, but in all ways even, speak too of Yams, Millet and Honey, and as said to make for a Sacred/Religious Feast in all that is [and as with it all even said a Diet, giving one a certain perspective of Time in Africa, and that does go along and with speak of life lived in Africa, and as said truly African that is].

Friday 17 October 2014



If Design in all (and not Designs either), can truly be said to speak of Egypt that is (and as in speak even, and of Amun too), and with what one could call Pattern (and not Patterns either), very much said Greek (and in speak too for instance, and of Greek Pottery that is), Aesthetic on the otherhand (and as versus speak of Aesthetics that is), is simply said truly Italian, and in speak too, and of what one could term the Roman world that is.

When it does come to Africa though, and outside Egypt too, African in all can truly be said, and to be grounded in all, and in speak of Conscience in itself too, and in speak perhaps of Style in itself (and not the Stylish either, and as is the case with Fashion for instance), and as Style in all again, is believed to encompass Aesthetic, Pattern and Design too that is.

Thursday 9 October 2014

The Homestead

The Homestead.

To speak of the Homestead, is to in many a way too, not only speak of the Kingdom of the Kongo for instance, but speak truly even in all, and of African home life, and as truly grounded in all again, and in speak of Consciousness in itself, and not (Family) Conscious States truly either [and with Consciousness and Africa, speaking in all even and simply too, and of the Obi / Obi Obata oracle for instance].

Thursday 2 October 2014



Parsers, Parsing, and as with it in all even, not only going along in all and with speak of Genetic Codes in themselves, but that in all ways even, Parsing, and as said truly defining African Languages in themselves, speaking in all, and of African Communications truly too that is.