Monday 19 October 2015

The Red Sea Civilization (3)

The Red Sea Civilization (3).

The Red Sea Civilization (2)

The Red Sea Civilization (2).

This entry, said too a follow-through, and to the previous on the Red Sea Civilization (Link), does in all even now approach, speak too of society, and from it too said, to speak and of Flux, and Chaos in itself too that is. That in regard and to speak of the World today, speak of Chaos, and Flux, are in all even said linked, and to speak too, and of what does pass for Basic Research, Intensive Research, Applied Research, Action Research etc., when it can too be said that, speak of Chaos, and of Flux too, can too and in all even be said approached, or tackled too, and from speak, and of what Feng Shui, and as said too perceived, and from speak and of it, and from the said Egyptian tradition, does have to say, and in regard, and to speak and of what Chaos, and Flux, are too simply said to be [or speak too, and of Africa and in Image/Word, Name, or in speak too, and of what is simply said to speak, and of the Knowledge Intensive that is (Link)].