Monday 30 June 2014



Spacing, Timing & Planning and in Africa too [and speak too even, and of what does constitute for Western Interests, and in Africa too that is].

The Bushman

The Bushman.

The Bushmen, and speak even and of the Kalahari, and as with they said even the most improbable or topmost, and of Trackers (and in Archetype too), and as versus speak of the (Khoi) San too for instance, and as with the Bushmen even, said in all and to possess a Spirituality, and that does speak even and of Africa, and as said an Unreal Continent too perhaps.

Sunday 29 June 2014

The Anthology

The Anthology.

The Anthology, and as with it even said to speak of World History, and as with it even said Concurrent or ever-present too perhaps, and as with it all even referring, and to the spirits of the Dead that is.

Friday 27 June 2014



To speak of Percussion, is to speak perhaps, and of a manner of representing African History, and that most don't adhere to. It in many a way even, does go along and with not only speak of Conscious States, but in many a way too, speak even of Political Drama that is.

To help make this clearer, is to perhaps speak of just how the African Griot in all, and as with he said Egyptian too, did come in all and to influence Civilization far and wide, and via speak even and of Griot inspired Art too that is [and as with it even poetic or musical too actually] [and with this Influence, speaking even and of the very world of the so termed Spanish Guitar, and as with it Cretan/Italian too, and in all ways even, speak too and of Italian Opera that is].

There is however another Africa, still very much unexplored and outside Africa too in all, and that does speak even and of Jewish people and as said African, or truly even, speak of African Percussion that is [and many another debate too, and if just in all, Rock N Roll, is actually African Music that is][and as with it said more of the Percussion mold, and not Guitarist truly either].

While speak of Capoeira for instance, might in all, expose African Percussion that is, Cuba and as said even and as speaking of the Kuba Kingdom, is believed truly African in Percussion, and not Dance or Music truly either. That the Tango, and as said African too, does appear in all again, and to speak of Percussion, and not African Expressionisms truly either that is.

And while the Egyptians did strongly associate Percussion and with War Music in all, Percussion, and as with it Egyptian too, and further speak even and of the troubling fact that, Angels in all, were actually very much a part of Egyptian Civilization, and that Music in the Egyptian tradition, and that does go along and with speak of Angels in Egyptian Lore or Myth perhaps, does speak even and of Percussion in itself, and further speak too, and of War Drums in themselves actually.

Angels, Percussion and War:

Wednesday 25 June 2014



Africa, and as with it even a term in all, and that does not speak of it all and as said to represent Darkness (or speak even of the Dark Continent too), but in all ways even, speaking of life and as defined and as based around speak even of Blood, Basic (Cleanliness) Ritual and even, Cleansings/Healings/Remedies in all actually.

In all again, life in Africa and as said to emerge, and in societies, and that do go along even and with speak of many a Security concern, and society too, and as based truly on speak of Conventional Wisdom, and further speak even of the average Human Being in all, and as said disposed in all again, and towards speak of Criminal activity too that is.


The Neter.
The Orisha.
The African Saints.
The Loa.
The Lwa.
The Vodoun

Friday 20 June 2014

the Animal Kingdom

the Animal Kingdom.

To speak of the Animal Kingdom (and as versus speak of the Animal Planet too), is to in many a way basically even, speak of Animal Spirits. To make this offhandedly clearer, is to speak even and of the world of the Orissa/Orisa (and as versus the Orisha too), and that does in all speak even, and of Animal Spirits, and Animism too that is.

To explain the above in detail, is to in all again associate the Animal Kingdom, and with speak of Divination Systems [and further speak too of Song in all, and even the Obi Obata too for instance], Oracles [and further speak too of Oracular Systems/ Poetic expression, and further speak too of Odu that is], and finally in all again, speak of Counting/Number/Numerical Systems [and further speak too and of the Tracker Archetype that is].

In all again, a probable question and as with regards to how the above did arise (Link), and other than talk of Animal Folktales, but that in all ways even, the very world of the Animal Kingdom, and as not only going along and with the birth of Technology in many a way, but in many a way too, speak even perhaps, and of the very birth of War in many a way truly.




Odu, and as with it even said and to speak of the 'Beginnings of Time', and alongside speak even and of the 'Roaring Waters of Nun' too, but Odu, and as speaking in all and of making all truly possible or probable in all again, Realities, actually truly Real that is, but with Odu in all again and as speaking even and of the Egyptians, and as going along and with speak of Matter (and Alchemy too), while with the Greeks, it did all speak of Energy (and further speak too and of the Oracle at Delphi), and with further speak of Italy, associating Odu, and with Time too [and further speak even and of the Roman Curia that is].

In all, Odu, and as truly said African (Africa/Egypt), speaking in all, and of just what a Void truly is [and with basic speak here even, speaking of any worry or complaint, and as said impasse too that is].

Odu and the Void:

Sunday 15 June 2014



To speak of Corporeality in all, is to in all ways even speak truly and of just how Africa in all again, has come to shape the rest of the World [and History and Civilization in itself too actually]. That Corporeality, and as often conceived even, and alongside speak of the Incorporeal, Uncorporeal and Noncorporeal too, does in all ways even go along and with just how Africans in all perhaps, do perceive Being, and as with all this truly even (and as speaking of Capoeira or Sufism too), speaking in all and of just how African/Egyptian Metaphysics in all perhaps, have come to influence the rest of the World, and from basic speak even, and of Possessive States too that is.

Sufi Incorporeality:

Wednesday 11 June 2014



To speak of Evocation, is to in all again separate it all, and from speak of Invocation. That Invocation, does speak in many a way too, and of what they simply do call Chanting that is. Evocation differs though, and as it does speak even, and of the creating in all too even, and of Jewish Identity perhaps, and as versus that said African/Egyptian too. That in all, it is the Jewish world, and that does in all see, Egypt, and as truly African in all again, and due in all perhaps, and to just how Jews in all again, do basically create Identity that is. That Jewish Identity, can be said to grounded in all, and in speak of the Address/Addressing, and as with it even taking two forms of Public Performance: Song, and the Speech too.

Evocation, and as compared to Invocation, is actually in all again, a third manner or way, and of Address, and as with it even said Public, and that does in all too even speak of presenting oneself, and in a manner or way and that the Count, Dracula, would probably truly approve of actually. It is here in all again, and in speak of Song, Speeches and Evocation too, and just where in all again, Egypt does meet Africa, and as with telling one that, Evocation is actually something truly African, and as with finding its way out of Africa, and via speak of many a Jewish Cabal too for instance, or speak even and of Witchcraft in itself too actually.

In all perhaps, Evocation, and as an Interesting part and of African Identity, and which does result in all, and in many an African, not liking themselves in most ways, and are in many a way too, involved in an endless pursuit, and for an object or situation in all again, and that will have them in all, truly liking themselves (Link1, Link2, Link3), and as in learning just how to like oneself, does in all ways even lead to one in all again, and as truly understanding perhaps, Evocation, and as a process too that is.

Sunday 8 June 2014

The African Mass

The African Mass.

The African Mass, and as versus speak too and of the African Church Service, and as the African Mass in all, can be said to speak, and of Christianity and Africa too that is. To perhaps better understand all this, is to perhaps speak of two competitive views in all, and of Africa, and as with regards even, and to speak of Prestige in all actually. The first in all, and as said Islamic too, does preposition in all again that, Egypt is in many a way Islamic in all, and in Spirit too, and as compared to the rest of Africa, and which does have a differing Spirit to it that is. The second of these views though, and as speaking of Christianity too, does preposition in all too that, Egypt is actually Africa (and its heights too), while the rest of Africa, is in many a way even, a rather remote place in all, and as with its ways or manners, and as referring to Civility/law unknown to most, or speak even of Response too, and as speaking of an African Somasis, and one that does speak of the alienable too that is.

To speak clearer and of the African Mass though, is to say in all that, it does refer and to speak of Ritual & Worship, and the formulation/fomenting in all, and of Ideals, and that do go along and with life in Africa that is. The very belief in all that, and by African Christianity too, that Africa in all, is actually perceived a sacred place of a kind, and that in all again, if well defined and from speak of Livelihoods and 'Way of life' too, that Africa in all again, is actually truly the best Continent in all, and of them all too that is. It is here in all again, and where the African Mass, and as with it too not a Conventional Mass in all (but one Private poo), and as said even grounded in all, and in speak too of Oral traditions (and as with further speak even and of said outsiders to Africa too), Ethnography, and even Ancestor Worship in all, is believed in all again, and to very much hold the Keys to unlocking, the secret in all, and of building Civilization, and that does parallel in all again, that said Egyptian too that is. In all again, a Mass and as with speak in all, and of the fomenting of Ideals, believed to have elements to it, and that does incorporate even, Worship from all over the World and History in itself too that is [and as with this even speaking of the History of the Black-a-Moor in Europe (Link), or in all again, and in African speak too in all 'Dr. Karl Peters, I Presume?!'].

The African Mass:

Saturday 7 June 2014



To speak of Dichotomies and Africa, is to in all ways even, speak of the term Equivalency, and not Equality either. In all, Africa and Dichotomy, does speak even in many a way, and of an African/Egyptian Dichotomy, and that does speak even and of Humour, Justice and even Intellect too that is. 

While the above can be sad to speak of a Generic African Dichotomy in all, and speak even and of Africa and in the form in all again, and of a Continent too [and further speak even and of being, on, or even, speak of being, in, Africa that is], there are other said believed takes or views on Africa, and as with the example even and of what one could term African Christianity, and as with it even very much Coptic/Egyptian too, and as versus in all again, speak even of Traditionalist (and not Traditional truly either) African Religion [and as with they both in all, differing in all again, and in speak of the Iconic too, and such as speak of Yeshua too for instance].

You do also have the very view/take in all, and of Greece in all again, and as versus 'Africa' (Egypt, Libya, Nubia), and which does in all ways even, speak of Greece and as unique in Symbolism, while Egypt on the otherhand, does struggle in all, and as with regards to speak of its History, and the very appropriation in all again perhaps, and of Egyptian Symbolism, and via speak even of 'Middle Egypt' and 'Upper Egypt' too that is.

Finally in all again, speak even of Spain and as compared in all, and to the Maghreb too, and in many a way too, speak even of France/Europe, and as said distinguishable in all, and from Northern/Saharan Africa that is [and speak even of Europe's Germanic Identity too] [and all this, and as versus speak even of its Romance Language Identity, and further speak even of Islamic Egypt, its Norse/Scandinavian Identity, and as versus speak of North America too, or even speak of its Medieval/Byzantine Identity, and speak even and of the world of Kenyan/Ethiopian/Somalian English that is].

Wednesday 4 June 2014

The Ascendant

The Ascendant.

The Ascendant, and as with it even not only referring and to Astrological references in all, but in many a way a truly even, it speaking in all and of what does truly in all again, constitute and for African Law that is [and in speak of Consciousness, Disgust/Stupidity, or even Identity, and as going along and with speak even and of Chattel too for instance].

Tuesday 3 June 2014



Ela in all, and as with it said a metaphysical principle too, and that does go in all again, and in speak even and of truly finding oneself (and speak even of Invincibility too perhaps), and further speak even and of what some do term (African) Forms of Expression that is [and as with all this even, truly believed in all, the very manner in which most African societies in all again, have truly evolved, and from speak even and of the origins and demise too, and of many an African society that is].

Monday 2 June 2014

The Independent Research Institute

The Independent Research Institute.

The Independent Research Institute, and as with it even bespeaking in many a way, and of the Egyptian Mystery Schools too, but with it in all again, a rather interesting manner/way in all, and of Ordering society [and not speak of Organization truly either], and as it does speak even, and of Power, Might and Authority in all, and as best said Religious too, and as coming even under the influence in all, and of many an Independent Research Body, and as with regards even, and to just how best to Order society, and as with it even said favourable to one that is [and all this too, and as speaking even and of the Politics of Knowledge Sharing, Knowledge Flow, Knowledge Management, Knowledge Analysis, Knowledge Protection, or even Knowledge Collection in itself too actually]. In all, speak of societies in all again, and as very much said organized and as based around speak of Political Ritual/Celebrations/Ceremony too [and all this and as speaking even, and of many an African Country today, and such as Kenya too for instance].



Wrestling, and as with it even said a Game in all (and not a Sport truly either), and one too, falsely believed truly Greek (when it was in all again actually rather well known in Egypt too), and one in all again, and that is truly determining and of the African character in all, and further speak even and of African Psychosomatic health, or even truly again, Africans and African societies, and as perceived from speak of Stability/Instability too in all actually. In all again, all this for instance, and as versus speak even and of African looking peoples, and as said in all again Un-African or Non-African too, and who do in all ways even, define character in all, and in speak even and of Boxing and Athletics too that is.