Monday 2 June 2014

The Independent Research Institute

The Independent Research Institute.

The Independent Research Institute, and as with it even bespeaking in many a way, and of the Egyptian Mystery Schools too, but with it in all again, a rather interesting manner/way in all, and of Ordering society [and not speak of Organization truly either], and as it does speak even, and of Power, Might and Authority in all, and as best said Religious too, and as coming even under the influence in all, and of many an Independent Research Body, and as with regards even, and to just how best to Order society, and as with it even said favourable to one that is [and all this too, and as speaking even and of the Politics of Knowledge Sharing, Knowledge Flow, Knowledge Management, Knowledge Analysis, Knowledge Protection, or even Knowledge Collection in itself too actually]. In all, speak of societies in all again, and as very much said organized and as based around speak of Political Ritual/Celebrations/Ceremony too [and all this and as speaking even, and of many an African Country today, and such as Kenya too for instance].