Wednesday 11 June 2014



To speak of Evocation, is to in all again separate it all, and from speak of Invocation. That Invocation, does speak in many a way too, and of what they simply do call Chanting that is. Evocation differs though, and as it does speak even, and of the creating in all too even, and of Jewish Identity perhaps, and as versus that said African/Egyptian too. That in all, it is the Jewish world, and that does in all see, Egypt, and as truly African in all again, and due in all perhaps, and to just how Jews in all again, do basically create Identity that is. That Jewish Identity, can be said to grounded in all, and in speak of the Address/Addressing, and as with it even taking two forms of Public Performance: Song, and the Speech too.

Evocation, and as compared to Invocation, is actually in all again, a third manner or way, and of Address, and as with it even said Public, and that does in all too even speak of presenting oneself, and in a manner or way and that the Count, Dracula, would probably truly approve of actually. It is here in all again, and in speak of Song, Speeches and Evocation too, and just where in all again, Egypt does meet Africa, and as with telling one that, Evocation is actually something truly African, and as with finding its way out of Africa, and via speak of many a Jewish Cabal too for instance, or speak even and of Witchcraft in itself too actually.

In all perhaps, Evocation, and as an Interesting part and of African Identity, and which does result in all, and in many an African, not liking themselves in most ways, and are in many a way too, involved in an endless pursuit, and for an object or situation in all again, and that will have them in all, truly liking themselves (Link1, Link2, Link3), and as in learning just how to like oneself, does in all ways even lead to one in all again, and as truly understanding perhaps, Evocation, and as a process too that is.