Wednesday 6 August 2014


of Imoye.

What in all, is Imoye? It in all again, is simply said to be a part of the Ifa Tradition, and as going along and with speak of breeding a whole new Mankind or Humanity too perhaps. It in all though, is often poorly presented in all, and as it is often said to speak, and of the attempt to solve many a Social relation in all, and as found in the World today that is. 

In helping one and to truly understand Imoye, is to say that, it is a philosophy in all, and that does speak and of the very heights and peaks, and of the Human Experience that is [and as said Escapist too perhaps]. For Imoye, and as said to speak of African life, does in all for instance, differ, and from speak of Kundalini, and as said Egyptian/Indian too, and which does go along and with speak of Human life/Experience, and as said and in the most base of levels, and to speak of the Sexual Experience that is, in that, Human life/Experience, is said believed and to rise and to many a higher level, and by which Human Civilization is built upon that is [and outside the Sexual Experience, and which is in all ways even, associated, and with the very rise of Civilization, and as referring and to Spirituality/Intellect, and in its most base forms that is] In many a way though, speak here in all, and of Humans too, and as said failing to deliver perhaps, and on the very promises of Kundalini that is [or the very belief that, nothing much has happened, and since the very building and of the Three Pyramids at Gaza][and as with they even said, truly Monumental in all actually].

Imoye though, does offer a way of thinking of life / Human Experience, and as going along and with speak of Creationists Myths, and as referring and to Humans in all, and as simply said in a Perfect State of Existence [and as speaking of Nature and of Intellect in itself too], or speak truly in all even, and of their being said simply Perfect in their ways that is [and in the name of Adventure, Mystery, Game, Romance, Society etc.], and such that, on living out life in all (and Evolutionary too), one simply in all again, is said to return and to the Source that is [and as with it all even speaking of Creationist Myths that is]. In all, Imoye, and for those who in all do believe the World and as it truly is today, to simply be said, Tainted in all that is.

The sounds of Imoye: