Saturday 16 August 2014

The Red Sea Civilization

The Red Sea Civilization.

The header to this entry, might not make any said sense in all, and to many a person out there. This in all, is very much because, the Red Sea Civilization, never did actually exist, and outside speak of Publishing, and as said Greek/Egyptian that is.

What though is the Red sea Civilization all about? It in many a way, can be said to be truly a critique, and of just whom or who in all, Africans, are, and with Egyptian Civilization that is. That this in all, does speak of the History of Publishing, and as said in all again, speaking of Egyptian History in itself, and that the Egyptians in all, are said very much to have known and of the African Continent too, such that, they did in all write about the place, and with the end result in many a way, speaking not of Nubia, but what the Blogger does term here in all, the Red Sea Civilization that is [and as with it all even said and to speak of Published Material in all truly].

In all, this entry, will attempt to truly criticize many an African, and as with regards in all even, and to just whom in all they are with Publishing at the very least, and as it is often believed, Publishing in all was very much Greek [and speak too and of Aristotle's Nichomachean Ethics, or speak furtherly even and of the 13-Volume Set accredited to Euclid, and on Geometry too]), and that the Egyptians in all, are falsely believed to never have engaged in Publishing, and other than speak in all, and of they in all again, and as simply said Scribes that is [but in many a way truly, the Egyptians were known to be Accountants and Record Keepers in all actually].

Having said this, is to speak and of what one could term, the Onus, and on many a person out there, and as wishing to enter into Africa, and beginning living life in the place, that they in all, should have, a basic knowledge in all, and as with regards and to what one could term Egyptian Publishing on Africa that is [that Africans, and in Africa, have truly failed in developing one facet of life, and as seen in most parts of the World, and which they do in all call, society that is]. That Africans in all, and as in speak and of just how they do perceive security that is, have never truly developed the very idea in all perhaps, and of society, in that, they in all are said to evolve in 'societies' that is (or ways of living too perhaps), and that do speak of Folklore in all actually.

In all, Egyptian Publishing, and as truly teaching one, just how best to create society, and within Africa, but with such knowledge garnered in all, and in a manner that most perhaps don't truly understand, and as with it all even referring and to just how the Egyptians in all, did know about Africa [and that in all ways even, it does speak of, and of many a known Tradition of Egyptians, and as said 'Dreamers' too that is][Link].

In all, what is society? To explain all this better, is to also speak and of just why Africans in all, are said lagging, and when it does come and to speak of Technology that is. That Technology in all, does evolve and with speak of society too (or basic speak here, and of just what kind of Bonds in all, are to be seen within groups of people, and as referring to society that is), and that in all, many another part of the World, does have society to it, and that many do compare to Europe in all again, while Africans in all, have evolved in 'societies', and that do only speak of Folklore in all actually. In having said this, is to also state that, the Discipline (and as versus Intellect or Intelligence too), needed to create Technology, does in all come along and with one, and as said having a proper or true/genuine, record in all, and of society that is [that Technology in all again, simply exists, and in helping solve, many a problem, and as seen in society too that is][and as with it all even said evolutionary in all actually].

Having said the above, is to now also speak of society, and from a perspective, and that does speak of Technology too. That society, and when it does come and to speak of Technology, does go along with it all, and as speaking of society, and from the following perspectives in all that is: (1). defining Balance, Equilibrium and Stasis in society, (2). defining Statics and Dynamics in society, (3). defining Measures/Estimates in society that is. That the first mentioned model of society, does speak in all, and of just how many a society in the past, has truly evolve (and in speak of Technology too), while the second model in all, does speak, and of what one could term Modern society that is.

In having said the above, is to also mention that, Africans, and as having evolved in 'societies' in all, and that do speak of Folklore, and that in all again, such 'societies' in all, do envision, Technology, and in a manner and that does speak of Animal Totemism that is [and speak too, and of Technology, and as merging with speak of Myth, and as said going along in all, and with speak of Meditative/meditation techniques, and as versus speak of Intellect and Intelligence truly either]. In all again, one does find that, Africans are in all introduced and to Modern Technology in all, and via speak of European Colonial Rule, and which does go along and with criticizing Africans, and as said not having society to them, and as referring and to speak of Balance, Equilibrium and Stasis too, but with Africans today in all, and other than speak and of their being employed, and for a certain said reason too, and in a Western Technology Company, have not truly envisioned just how society in all, and as said dealing with Statics and Dynamics, does truly function in all like, and as with regards and to speak of Technology that is [and other than speak perhaps, and of the Internet in Africa, and as now said exploding in its ways actually].

Having said the above though, is to in many a way broach the topic of discussion herein, and that does say in all that, Technology, is not something easy to 'come up with' perhaps, and as it does in all, not only speak of Discipline, but in all ways even, speak of a somewhat said Well-planned process, and which does in all ways too, go along in all, and with speak of planning, and as seen in society in itself that is [that Africans in all, have evolved in societies, and whereby in all again, they are simply said in all, and to hear about many a thing, and by which, they do seek to understand in its ways, life, and via speak of Oriki too for instance]. 

In having mentioned the very fact that, Technology and its Development, does take for a lot of planning, is to now in many a way too, refute the very well known fact and that does say, that having a good grasp or knowledge and of Mathematics in all, is truly needed, and in learning just how to develop Technology that is. This is not actually wrong, and as such Mathematics in all, does speak of Equilibrium, Balance and Stasis, or speak too, and of Statics and Dynamics that is. In all again, when one does think of Technology as such, is to now then in many a way, refer, and to Speak of Europe in itself, and as said evolving, and as based on two Cultural Traditions that is: a Literary Tradition (and just where in all again, Europe, does meet Italy, and the 'Moor' too), and speak too and of a Music Tradition [and which is often simply said uniquely European in all actually][and with Europe's Music Tradition, and as not not truly European, not speaking of Italy either, but of Spain, and as in many a way said, a 'land of Moors' that is]. That European Music, and as versus African Music, does often go along and with speak of society, and as versus that which does speak of Folklore in all that is [and which is more or less said African in all truly]. In having said this, and having mentioned that Developing Technology is a difficult process, is to mention that, Europeans on developing Technology in all, often do this, and via many a Group Formation, and which in all does go along and with their Communicating too, and in a manner, and that does speak of Presenting Material that is. That when Europeans in all, do go about Developing Technology, they often do it in all, and via the Presenting of Material, and that does go along and with Thought patterns, and as found in European (Traditional) Music that is [and the very reason for instance, why a European Car Model, can be presented in all, and in tandem, and with the Music of Mozart for instance]. In all, European Music and as often said believed, having a Mathematical basis to it, and such that, Communications and amongst Europeans, and in a Group Format too, and as with regards to Technology for instance, does often speak of the Repertoire (and other than speak, and of having a said firm Knowledge of Calculus in all for instance), but that Africans in all, and as said knowledgeable of Technology, Modern too, does in all perhaps have to go and with their Communicating in all perhaps, and in a manner, and that does speak of Presenting Material, and from the very perspective of Statics and Dynamics too [and speak too and of Nigerian Literature in all actually]. In all, Technology Development, and as going along and with the Presenting of Material, and as said referring and to Communications, and that does speak and of one and as said not losing interest (or 'psyched out' and as some do say), and as with it all even said, requiring Discipline, and that does speak of the very fact that, Technology in itself, is known to some extent, to be  a work of evil in all, and as most Technology out there, can be used to perform or work, some form of evil that is.

In all, while African 'societies', do in all continue to function, and in a manner and that does speak of Folklore [Folk Technology], one can say that, for those wishing to create society in Africa [and speak here too and of Kenya, and South Africa in all, and as said having better society, philosophically too, and than many another part of Africa that is], the very model of Measures/Estimates, and as going along and with speak of society, can be said in all, and to go along and with speak of society too, and as said referring and to the Red Sea Civilization here in all, and as going along in all again, and with speak of the so termed Golden Ratio/Spiral for instance [and with the name/term 'Red Sea Civilization' chosen hereby in all, and in first off, helping limit the influence of European Philosophy and as with regards to society, and in Africa too (Anglo/Franco/Luso-phone Africa), and further speak here too in all, and of tumultuous Historical relations, and between Africans outside Egypt, and Europeans too in all, but that in all ways even, it does also go along, and with speak of Africans, and as very much said connecting to Egyptian History in all again, and in speak of the 'Sea People' that is (and as with they said not Swahili either)][Link1, Link2].