Saturday 15 March 2014



African Scientific & Technological Research:

Many in Africa, might not be truly aware, and of what does constitute for Research, and in Europe today for instance. That while most do believe Europeans, to strongly even engage and in Technical Research, the truth in many a way is that, Europe has always had a Technological/Scientific Body of Knowledge, and which they interpret differently today in all, and as with Europe today even and as with regards to advancing its societies in all perhaps, mainly engaging, and in Psychological Research actually.

For Africans though, a difficulty perhaps, and to just how in all, to ground in all again, any form of Scientific or even Technological Research that is. That in many a way, while most do believe in doing lots of Research in Mathematics, or even Chemistry too (and as with speak even of the Western World in all), and even Physics (and as with speak of America too), Africa in all perhaps, and as with speak even of a Technological Knowledge Base too, can be said in all, to best perhaps ground its Research in all again, and in speak of Botany too actually [Botany too, and as with it encompassing even, Microbiology in all, and in many a way too, a full study even and of Viruses too for instance].

In many a way though, Countries like Nigeria and even Kenya, and as having engaged in the study of Mathematics in all, and in the attempt to develop a Native/Indigenous Knowledge Base, but with South Africa, very much Western in all again, and as with regards to all this actually [and as with speak of South Africa, very much a Western Country that is].