Wednesday 26 March 2014

On the Human Experience

On the Human Experience.

Those in Africa in many a way, do often take a wrong view in all, and as with regards even, and to speak of the Past, the Present and the Future too. This in many a way does take the form even, and of speak of Individual Consciousness too (and as with this referring even and to the holding of many a private thought too), and as with it all even taking the form of many a Comparison contest, and as with regards to speak of African societies, and as viewed from a Historical perspective too, and as compared in all again, and to many another society, within and 'without' Africa too that is.

In all ways even, this Consciousness in all, and as with it Individual too, and not National or African truly either, does speak even of viewing African societies, and from speak even of Philosophy too, and as with Philosophy here said to speak and of basically even what does entail for Religious, Social, Political or even Economic Identity too, and as with many an African even comparing themselves, and to speak even of Europe and European Philosophy too and as such that is.

Those in Africa and as often said more or less progressive in their ways, are in many a way even, different from most Africans and as with regards to speak of Individual Consciousness [and further speak even of Colonialism for instance, and even the comparing of African societies to European societies too], in that, they do in all perceive African societies, and from the perspective of Historical, Daily and Everyday Experiences too, and as with Africa even and as compared even and to Asia too for instance in all,.having fared somewhat much more well in all, and than most do believe [and as with all this even speaking of just how American societies do in many a way even view themselves and from a Historical perspective too that is].

There is another group though and of Africans too, and as with this referring even and to Individual Consciousness, and who do view African societies, and from speak even of Rationalism in all. Rationalism too, and as with it in all even Greek too, does find its ways into the Middle East, and is at the very heart even, and of the birth of society in the Middle East too, and as with it basically even dealing with issues and matters and as pertaining to Chaos and Disorderliness in itself that is. In all again, while the Israelis are said to be the most Rational, it in many a way though, is believed that it is the Saudis that are the most Rational in all that is [and all this too, and as speaking of the History of many a Religious Sect and Cult and as to be seen in the Middle East too that is]. In all, Rationalism, and as very much guiding the Human Experience in the Middle East, but with it in all failing in many a way in Africa, and as Chaos and Disorderliness in Africa, does speak even and of Habitats in themselves actually.

There is however another way of viewing African societies, and as with it Italian too, and which in all ways even and as with regards to the Human Experience and Individual Consciousness too, does speak even and of attempting to truly define what it does mean to be Human that is. That this model in all and of viewing Human societies, does find its ways and into Europe too and via Italy that is, and does speak even of viewing Europe and as with it said even Local and Regional [and speak even of the basic manner too, and of viewing Europe as a whole and as divided into Western, Central and Eastern Europe too that is]. In all, Europeans and as living Local and Regional lifestyles, now do engage in all, and in the Development of Art, Science and even philosophy too, and from more or less an Idea oriented perspective, and which does result in the exchange and of many an Idea and as with regards to the above forementioned in all, and between regions too in all that is, and Ideas too, and that does speak even and of what it does mean to be Human that is. 

In Italy though, speak even of being Human, does take a differing definition in all, and as with it speaking even and of the Italian Language in itself, and as with Italians now basically evolving and as based around the reading even and of many a Religious and Holy Text, and as ranging from speak even of the Bible or even the Arabian Nights too [and which in many a way was actually originally an Egyptian Text and of the New Kingdom Egypt too it is believed], and as with Italians too, attempting to basically even capture the speech and Speech to be found in these Texts, and as with they even now, part of the Italian Language in all, and as with it even now said here, the most Human and of all Languages too perhaps.

In all again, the above manner of viewing African societies has never been truly looked into perhaps [and other than speak of African Aesthetics], but that in all ways even, attempting to define ourselves and as truly Human in all and as with this even said to open the door to all kinds of Expression, Creativity and Genius too [and as with this even not truly speaking of becoming God-like, and as the Greeks did believe, or even becoming truly Celestial in all, and as the Egyptians did believe, but in all ways even perhaps, speak of becoming truly Singular, and as with one even said distinct and from everything out there too, and via speak even and of truly knowing in all, what everything out there, truly is actually] [and as with this even not only speaking of Astro-Physics for instance, but also speak even of the world of Italian Names, and speak even of God and as said matching in all, ones levels of Awareness that is].

In all, and for Africans too, speak and of attempting to find what it does mean to be truly Human, does speak even and of holding steadfast to ones Beliefs in all, and never letting go, and as with this even speaking and of not being Suicidal perhaps, but in many a way too perhaps, basic speak even and of suffering from Manic Depression, and as Condition too [and as with it even said a Viral/Virus like condition, or even a Genetic disease too that is].