African Oral Traditions.
In speaking of African Oral Traditions, and as with they said in all, and to very much go along and with African Storytelling and speak even and of African Oral Literature too, is to in many a way speak in all, and of the very belief that ' Africa's Time Has Come', and as with it all even said to refer, and to many a said African Tradition and as dying out, and in favour of the new that is [or speak even and of Africa and as said Industrializing, and as with it all even said to originate, and with the Agricultural Revolution and in Africa too that is].
In all, the above does speak of what some do term the 'Human Condition', and as it does in all again, speak of many a said African community in all, and as said suffering in its ways, and suffering too, and that has result in all result and in Africa, and in Language too, simply said as Bantu, and Non-Bantu, and with the Bantu and in Language, said to suffer in their ways that is [and further speak in all, and of Africa and as said Primitive, and Africa too in all again, and as associated and with Agricultural Farming practises in all].
In all, what does constitute and for African Oral Traditions, and as with they even said and to speak of the 'Human Condition'? It in all again, does speak even and of notions of Taboo and in Africa, and as it is in all believed that, Oral Traditions in Africa, do arise in all, and with just how Africans do define or interpret Contact, and in their lives that is. That the most basic of African Oral Traditions (and as with they even said to speak of Alien beings and alongside speak of Credo Mutwa too for instance), do speak of Africans and as living in communities in all, and just where every said event or happening in all again, is interpreted truly, and from speak of African perceptions of Contact that is. In many a way, Africa, and as said truly, dying out, does speak even and of just how they do define Contact in all, and as said in all again, truly redefined, and by speak even and of Western, American or European influences that is.
While Contact is the foremost of ways and by which Africans in all, do define or create Oral Traditions, other ways or manners are known to exist, and as seen in all, and amongst those said Non-Bantu that is. The most known of these, and as said Congo too, does speak in all even, and of what some do call or term 'spirit possession' [Ozain]. In sll though, just what in all again, does 'spirit possession' truly represent or stand for? It is in all simply said to speak and of one and as Awakening and to their environments or environs in all, and at just about any minute too, and with 'spirit possession', said very much to go along, and with speak of the spirits of the Dead that is.
In finality though, African Oral Traditions, and in the very form of Oral Literature too, and as said in all, and to speak of Insight, Spiritual too, and as with regards, and to just about anything [and speak in all perhaps, and of West Africa, and as having possessed a longstanding native Textile industry for instance][Link].