Monday, 7 July 2014



To speak of the Tarot, is to in all ways even, speak of Identity creation and in Africa, and that does speak even, and of the Life force in all actually. What this does truly mean is that, the Tarot in all, does speak of those said Freespirited, and as with they even finding a difficulty in all, and in truly defining what does stand for a Challenge (and Success too), and as with regards even perhaps, and to defining oneself, and as based on speak of Restrictions/pain in themselves that is [that Life in all again, is said to come to an end, and when one is free, and of all Restrictions in all actually].

To speak of the Freespirited and the Life force in an African context, is to not only speak of the Egyptian God Thoth, but that in all ways even, it does also speak of Cymbals too (and the very world of Egyptian Belly Dancers), but that finally in all again, it truly speaking even, and of the Wisdom in all, and as often associated, and with speak of the Cobra too [and as with it said the only Serpent in all perhaps, and to truly represent, the Life force in all actually].

In all, the Freespirited, and as truly even, struggling perhaps, and in defining life, and as based on Enjoyment in itself, and as those who do seek to re-define Restrictions and as seen in society (and speak even of Inhibitions, Limitations or even Inclinations too), do find themselves somewhat truly isolated from society, and as they in all again do truly struggle, and in defining Restrictions in their lives, and that do actually allow for them, to Enjoy their Lives, and in many a way too, truly know what Challenges in all, are truly worthwhile, and in living out life that is.