Monday 30 December 2013

Multidisciplinary Studies

Multidisciplinary Studies.

What does in all, truly constitute the African Experience? Most out there, have been conditioned in seeing Africa, and from more or less a European perspective in all. This in all ways even, does speak of the so called African Experience [and as with Africa even, said to be a profound and 'deep' Continent/place, and as with regards to Mysticism for instance]. In all ways even, speak of Africa and as perceived European in all, speaks in all ways even and of Africa in all again, and as based only around Emotion in all [or even truly again, speak of Sensations, Feelings, Emotions and even Elation too perhaps, and as experienced at the highest levels even]. This is not especially wrong, but with many falsely even, attempting to define Emotion in all, and from a European perspective too, and as compared to an American one for instance [and which is more suiting for Africa that is], but that in all ways even, viewing Africa as such, has led many in Africa, to only experience life, and from a Physical perspective too that is [and as with this even, speaking only of experiencing life in Africa, and as based around Tracing Out, Charting Out or Mapping Out too, ones Physical Realities in all that is; and with the further hope even, and of experiencing Emotion, and to its highest levels, and in an Africa too, said and deemed, to have poor Infrastructure in all for instance].

To speak of Africa and the African Experience [and as versus the so termed 'Black Experience', and which does speak of dealing with issues and as pertaining to Slavery or Colonialism even], is to in all again actually speak in all, and of what some do term Set Theory. In all again, and as with regards to experiencing life, this all speaking of two or more experiences, and as merging in one way or another, and with the end result being a super experience in all that is. This in many a way, does actually speak of just how life in Africa in all again, should be experienced, and as with the belief even that, African Lives and Experiences, can only truly be understood, and from a Multidisciplinary perspective that is [and as with speak even of Set Theory too actually].

In all, to understand Africa and the Multidisciplinary, is to speak of it all even, and as not based around Emotion as many do believe it should be perhaps, but instead, from the very perspective of the Physical, the Logical, the Conceptual and even the Contextual too that is [that this in many a way, does speak even of Africa, and of life lived even, and as based around the Spiritual Experience too, and not simply from/of the Somatic Experience that is] [and as with the Somatic speaking of opening up in all, and to all sorts of Experiences, and as versus the 'Spiritual Experience' too, and which does speak of awakening in all, and to many an Experience that is] [and as with Africans even, capable of being truly deceptive, and as with speak even, and of what an Awakening truly is].

In all again, and as with Knowledge in an Idea based form, said to Historically even spring from Africa in all again (and as with the saying 'Always something new from Africa'), is the belief that the above posted work in all, 'Altering Consciousness: Multidisciplinary Perspectives' (Vol 1&2), does in many a way even, truly represent the African Experience, and not life in all ways even either, and as seen outside Africa too that is [and as with the difficulty even, and of defining in all, what does constitute Power, Might & Authority in Africa, and in an Africa too, said to have many a problem with Authority in all again, and as with regards even, and to Bribery too for instance].

Saturday 28 December 2013



There is a reason today, and for many an African in all, to truly hate whom they are actually. This in many a way does speak even, and of just how Nubian History and culture in all again, has come to shape Africa that is. That in many a way, when those in Africa do think of what is revolting, disgusting and even despicable too, and in African society in all again, one comes to realize in all that, it is actually Nubian in its ways truly even.

How to deal with this History in all again, and speak even of an African state of mind too (and as with being depressed about life that is), does in all ways even refer, and to speak of Cleansings in all. How to do this though, has remained a difficulty in all again, but with some in all truly even, wishing to replace anything that can be deemed Nubian in all, and as with speak even of Rastafarian/Reggea culture for instance, or even truly again speak of the adopting of Islam in all truly, and in the attempt to wipe out what is Nubian about them actually.

In pondering the above though, the solution to it all, did somewhat come easily (and surprisingly enough). In many a way, this solution in all again, does speak of my meeting with a certain famed Family in all (and not reknowed truly either actually), and who do reside in Nairobi, Kenya that is, and do go by the name of the Githuthus actually [and alongside their children too, Rita, Steven, Angela, and even Jenn too actually]. The pleasure of meeting this Family, and while living in a Kenya that is truly even today, somewhat truly Nubian and as with regards to being disgusting in all, had very much to do with the fact that, they are probably the least disgusting of people, you will ever probably meet in Africa. On discerning this, my further discovery that, the Githuthus in all, and are not truly Kenyan in their ways, and as with speak even of whats Nubian in Kenya that is, but surpringly enough, were actually of Dahomey origins in many a way [and speak even of beliefs that Abidjan in all, is probably one of the far much better African cities out there that is].

In all ways then, is to perhaps to tell many an African that, when they do think of the revolting, disgusting and even the despicable too, is to tell them to simply in all again re-align themselves in all, and with Dahomey culture too (and as with speak even of basic ways of Presentation and even Communications in all), and as opposed to Nubian cultures that is [and all this as perceived, and from the very perspective of the Disgusting that is].





Many in Africa, truly do know that Africa in all, is not truly well presented, and to the rest of the World that is [but also speak here of Africans in themselves too actually]. 

There are atleast two manners in all, and by which Africa today in all again, is often presented to the World. The first speaks of Africa and as presented in all, and from the perspective of Physical Maps too actually, and speak even of African Countries, and their Political History in all that is (and as stemming in all again, from the Colonial period that is). This in all, does also go along, and with viewing Africa and from the perspective of Geographical Maps too, and a manner too, that does attempt to state that Africa is truly a wild Continent in all again, and as compared to other Continents, but when in reality, Nature and Geography in Africa, is best viewed from a Habitat perspective in all truly.

The second manner is all, speaks of viewing Africa, and from Media in all too that is. That Africa today in all again, has come to be defined and by a British and also Western/Modern Media in all, and with the British Media in all again, attempting to speak of Africans as inferior in all [and as with speak even of African Organization] (and even speak of Africans as believed said Historically dominated that is), while Western/Modern Media in all again, attempts to speak of Africans, and as being Uncultured in many a way truly [and as with speak even of Africans in all, and as attempting to Westernize in all again, presented somewhat as being fools in behaviour actually].

In all though, and as with attempting to unite the African Continent, and from a Historical perspective too, and as with speak even of basic evolution on the Continent, is to not associate it with Egyptian History in all (and as based on the attempt to create a general African Consciousness from all this), but instead, speak of viewing Africa as a whole, and from a Historical and Evolutionary context too, and as with further speak even of attempting to create a general African Consciousness in all, viewing Africa as a whole in all again, and from the very perspective, and of what some do term Taxonomy actually [that it in all, is truly in all again, the only way, to truly picture or view even, Africa, and as a whole too that is].

Wednesday 25 December 2013

Sub-Saharan Africa

Sub-Saharan Africa.

Many have heard of the term Sub-Saharan Africa, and truly do wonder what it actually does mean. In many a way, it is basically said to speak of Africa south of the Sahara in all. In reality though, this term does speak of the Presence of White skinned populations, and on the African Continent too that is.

Africa in all, is a Continent in many a way deemed, a Home to Black and Brownskinned populations, and that do have Frizzly/African Hair too that is. In all ways though, Africa defined as such, then leads to many a question and about White skinned Africans in all actually [and as with they even having straight Hair too that is]. To help many a person in Africa, put a perspective to all this, is to tell them that, White Africans and who do live in Sub-Saharan Africa in all, are very much in Civilized states, similar to civilization and and as seen in Great Zimbabwe too actually, while those in the North (or above the Sahara), are pretty much similar to Morocco, and speak even of the history of Casablanca too that is.

In many a way though, the creation of Sub-Saharan Africa and Africa North of the Sahara too, has led to racial stratification in Africa, and as with speak even, and of the creation of what some do term the Sahel actually.In many a way, the Sahel in all, does speak of Non-White Africans, and who have Caucasoid features, or even Straightened Hair too that is [and as with the Sahel in all again, said to be centered and around civilization, and as seen in Mali and Timbuktu too that is].

The end result of all the above, and as with it speaking even of presenting Africa, and at an International level too, has led some Negroid African in all, and Non-White too, to somewhat even attempt to present themselves Internationally, and along the lines of speak of the History of Moors in Europe and Spain, and further speak even, and of Omanis too, and as somewhat an African people that is. In all ways even, when Negroid Africans in all, Non-White too, think of themselves as such, then let them think of the History of 'El Cid', and in Spain too that is.

The moods of Casablanca:

The moods of Great Zimbabwe:

Tuesday 24 December 2013

The Masks of God

The Masks of God (series).

The African Continent & the rest of the World (Continents) in all actually [and as with attempting even to reduce the influence in all, and of outside Cultures into Africa, and as with this speaking even, and of the very fact that, such outside Influence, tends to define life in Africa, and as based around life in Africa in all, rotating or revolving, and as based around such outside Influence too that is] [and as with speak even of someone owning a Mercedes Benz in all, and then simply having life, not go along with it or match it too, but instead revolve around it, or even rotate/circle around it too actually].

Monday 23 December 2013

Natural Selection

of Natural Selection.

Most Africans in all, are not truly aware of themselves, and as Evolutionary beings too that is. This in many a way has very much to do, and with the short-minded and narrow-minded even ways in all, and that most do tend to study African societies that is. Do African races exist? The truth and to the detriment perhaps and of many an African, and as trying to make inroads and in societies outside Africa too that is, is that, they actually do exist.

To understand this better, is to generally speak of the Evolutionary path in all, and by which African societies have evolved by. That for societies everywhere, and outside Africa too, Evolution in all, has very much taken the form of Evolution, and as often associated with Stone Age societies in all too really, and speak even of Paleolithic Timelines of Human Evolution that is [and as with this even speaking of what some do term Miscegenation in all, and further speak even, and of what some do call Gene Selection that is]. African societies though and as with speak of life on the Continent, has evolved around what some do term Natural Selection actually. In many a way, this does not only lead to speak even of African races that is, but in many a way too, speak of Hybrid theories on Evolution actually [and as versus Miscegenation too], and as with being Hybrid in all, speaking of acquiring certain Genes actually, and of a top-notch quality too, and which in all again do not lead to higher forms of Intelligence necessarily [and as with speak even of Miscegenation too], but in all again, Genes in all, and as often associated even, and with opening one up, and to all forms of Spiritual experiences actually [and not the gaining of new Intelligence particularly either that is] [and as with this even speaking, and of not only African-American Bssketball Stars for instance, but instead truly even, speak of the History of Christian Worship, and in Abyssinia too (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia in all), and as with this Spirituality in all, going along and with the owning in all perhaps, and of certain Genes too, and that do open one up to all forms of Spiritual experiences in all, and oftenly too, and as with all this referring to speak of Spirituality and religion even, and as conceived around Pure Light theories in all actually].

In all again, Life outside Africa, and as speaking even of the Development of Humanity, and as based around Tools too in all actually, and not the gaining of many a Spiritual Experience too (and speak even of the above work posted, Guns, Germs & Steel too), and as life in Africa in all, and Historically too, has been known to evolve around that is.

The Paleolithic.

Thursday 19 December 2013

The East African Memory

The East African Memory.

The East African Memory ('Africa' and by Toto too), and as preceding Anatolia that is, and as with it representing even, East Africa in all, and as a low-key place too actually, and one even, rather memorable in its ways that is. In all ways even, speak too, and of the movie 'Sheena Queen of the Jungle' actually.

Tuesday 17 December 2013



Many in Anatolia, might have heard of the term Emancipation. Most truly though, might actually wonder, what it does stand for in all. In all ways even, it is a term, and that does go along, and with what some do call in all again, International Politics actually. International Politics though, do differ from Global Politics, as Global Politics in all truly even, does speak of famed Personalities in all, and how they do in all again, influence our lives actually. International Politics on the otherhand, does deal in all again truly even, and with speak of Development, and as with Infrastructure too perhaps, and all over the World that is.

Emancipation though, does actually speak of freeing oneself in all, and from all sorts of Inhibitions and even Limitations too actually. In many a way, speak of Emancipation in itself, does go along rather well and with speak of International Politics too, and as with International Politics and speak of Modern Development in all again, might in all truly even speak actually of, and of many a person or group out there (and as hereby called Displaced even), not being able to fit in most ways, and with the ways of living in all, and that do go along and with International Politics and Modern Development too that is. In all, Emancipation here in all truly even, actually does speak of finding oneself, and as with basically even learning how to live a life, that is separate and distinct even, and from that which does go along with International Politics and Modern Development too actually.

In all ways even, and for those in Anatolia, and as with intending even, to emancipate them from many a mental entrapment in all, and as with regards even perhaps, to a false belief that getting Anatolia started in all again, is a difficult proposal, is to in all again emancipate them from the Mental prisons that do go along with International Politics too, and even Modern Development in all that is, and as with truly learning even, what does constitute for Modern Development in all actually.

In all, it can be said perhaps, there are four main forms of Development seen around the World today, and which in many a way in all, might obstruct in all again, the mental workings of many an Anatolian, and as with the belief even that International Politics in all, and specifically as referring to Modern Development, does constitute for true Developement in all, while all other forms of Development in all again, do actually go along with Poverty stricken existences, and in one form or another too that is.

Arab styled Development:

To speak of Arab styled Development, is to not only speak of Wealthy Iraqi and Egyptian Arabs in all again, and as spearheading Development in the Western World too, but that this form of Development in all, does see in many a way the very rise of the Finance Industry too (and not Banking either), and as with all this speaking even generally, and of the very world of Financing just about anything out there that is [and which is believed somewhat rather cultured in its ways too actually]. In many a way, a way of living in all, actually truly associated with Celebrity lifestyles (and as with speak even of being a Stripper perhaps), but that in all again and unknown to most, those living Celebrity oriented lifestyles in all, do actually go along with the very world of Labour employment too (and as with speak even of the ScreenWriters Guild and in Hollywood America too for instance), but that in many a way even, Celebrity oriented lifestyles, are often confused as going along with highly educated folks in all actually. In many a way too, Development in all and that does somewhat Idolize the UK/England, and speaks of living lives in places known as Suburbs too, and in all again, life, and as based around Media Conglomerates too, and that do go along even, and with High-end Shopping Complexes, and such as Harrods in London too for instance.

WASP styled Development: 

A form of Development in all again, and that does actually have its origins, and with American Slavery too, and in many a way even, speaks of the very birth of Urbanization, and in the Western World too actually, and as with Urbanization in America in itself, speaking even of Urban neighbourhoods in all, and such as Harlem in New York too, and which does go along and with the very birth and popularization and of Jazz Music in America too that is. In all ways even, a way of living in all again, and that does idolize Europe actually, and also speaks of a worklife in all, and as defined from the perspective of Corporate employment too, and in many a way in all again, a way of living in all, and where success in all again, is actually defined and from the very perspective of Upper Middle Class lifestyles too [and as with they actually defined along the lines of prosperous and popularly known Families/'Family Names' too that is] [but with most living life in this manner, living only Middle class lifestyles in all actually], and in many a way too, this form of Development in all, and as going along and with the worshiping of the White House in the United States of America too that is. 

Governmental Research styled Development: 

Governmental Research in all, should not actually be associated with Governments in all again, but Research in many a way, that is truly only centered and as around Educational Facilities too, and of all kinds that is. In many a way, a style of Development in all again, and that can be said to have its origins and with Slavery in Brazilian society too, and in many a way even, somewhat attempts to idolize in all, American ways of living actually. A way of living in all again, actually associated with what some could call Indie lifestyles in all (and as with this speaking even of Independent Media too, and also rather privatized News Media too actually), but that in all ways even, this way of living does go along with Small/Middle sized Business ownership too, and speak even of the Banking Industry actually. In all ways even, aspirations and as based around the owning of Condos and High-end Housing in all too really, and as with all this even, centered around somewhat prominent University Intellectuals, and who do in all ways even, attempt to popularize in all again, Governmental styled Research, and as with speak even of Modern University Research too that is.

UN styled Development:

Finally you do have UN styled Development, and Development too, and for those who do not fit in the above three forementioned forms of Development that is, and as with this speaking even, and of Discriminatory attitudes, and to be seen in the World today too actually. In all ways even, those who do fall under UN styled Development, are not actually Intelligently inferior, but that in all ways even, they can be said to suffer from many a Self-Esteem issue actually. They in all that is, don't actually feel like they belong anywhere, or even truly again, do feel themselves to be pretentious in nature, and on involving themselves, and with any of the above three mentioned forms of Development that is. In all ways even, many a person in Anatolia, and as not wishing to engage in the above three aforementioned forms of Development, will in many a way even find themselves and under UN styled Development too (and as with learning a basic trade or skill, and so as to earn a low Income too, and in a small town somewhere actually), but that in all ways even, and as with kicking the UN out of Africa too, UN styled Development in all, should truly even be associated, and with the masterly reading (and as with many a repeated reading of it all actually), and of what some do call the 'African Bible', and by Paulines Publishing too that is.

Saturday 14 December 2013



For many in Anatolia, a problem in all and as with regards even, and to just how best in all again, to perceive the African Continent in itself. This in many a way, does bespeak of the very fact that, when most in Africa, are simply or basically even, asked to think of the Continent, they do think of it, and from the perspective of Country based Identities too that is. For Anatolia though, and as with it spanning East Africa as a whole even, a problem does on the average exist, and on just how in all again, to truly best view the African Continent, and as a whole too that is.

In many a way again, defining Africa as a Continent, and as speaking even of its full Potential too, does also in many a way even refer to the very fact that, Continent and Africa, does bespeak in many a way, and of Country in itself too actually.

In the ancient times though, Africa, and as with speak of the Egyptians too, was in many a way viewed as a 'land' (and with a small L too), and in many a way in all again, it is the Egyptians that did actually, give birth to the very belief in all that, Africa, is actually a Sacred place of a kind, and that becoming African in all again, did speak of becoming Sacred in all truly [and in many a way even, giving birth to the very belief that Africans are moral/chaste, naturally intelligent and even more aesthetically pleasing, and than most out there too] [and as with speak even, and of the Queen of Sheba too for instance]. In all ways though, this did go along with the very belief that, building Civilization in Africa, and as with speak even of the Sacred in all, did in many a way even speak of acquainting oneself and with something Sacred too (and such as the Lost Ark of the Covenant and Ethiopia/Abyssinia for instance), and on doing as such, gaining the Knowledge in all again, to build Majestic and Great Civilization of a kind actually [but with all this at the very least even, bespeaking, and of so termed African Gods and African Oracles too actually].

There is another way though, and of viewing the African Continent in all, and as a 'Place' too, and which is very much Greek in its ways actually. The belief in all that, the African Continent as a whole, is actually only a 'Place', and that in all ways even, it can be said to constitute of many a place in all again, and where the unexpected, can truly happen to one that is [this in many a way even, does speak of African Nature in itself too, and as believed more influential and in basically changing and affecting ones Behaviour in all that is (and as with African Nature too, simply viewed as being Healing in its ways, and speak even of African Tourism in all too really)]. 

In many a way, it is believed in all again that, when it does come to just how to best view the African Continent in all, that the second view, of the Greeks, is deemed best for Anatolia that is. In many a way too, this does also speak of those in Anatolia, simply making a list of 'Places' in Africa, that might be of interest to them (and as with Cape Town in South Africa too actually a 'Place' in all, and not truly a city either, and as is Nairobi too actually), and that in all ways even, the work Kusadikika, or any other like it (and by Shabaan Roberts too), might be of some interest, as it in all ways even, does speak of a magnificent 'Place' in all, African too, and where life in all again, is rather magnificent in its ways too actually [at the very least in all again, this does speak of finding English translations, and to Kusadikika too perhaps].

Thursday 24 October 2013

Catholic Ecumenism

Catholic Ecumenism.

For those in Anatolia, a problem does exist in all, and as with regards to just how to generally represent Anatolia in all again, and on the World Stage too, and outside Africa that is.

We do live in a World in all, heavily today defined and by Global Communications, and which does speak of how differing groups in all, do somewhat know each other that is. In Modern Times though, Global Communications has in many a way come to be defined in all, and by the Internet and Telecoms Industry too. In all ways though, Global Communications in many a way, have come to be somewhat influenced in all again, and by two main social forces: Hate and Islam. 

To speak of Hate and in the World we live in, speaks in many a way of Misrepresenting others, and as in making them an equal, inferior or even superior too. To speak of Islam and the World we live in, speaks in many a way, of Representing oneself as Formidable (or undefeatable in general that is).

In all ways though, for those in Anatolia, and as with speak even of Dar actually (and Anatolian Dar-es-salaam to some extent too), and as responsible in all and as serving as Anatolia's connection to the rest of the World that is, is to in all ways even associate the realms of Global Communications in all, and with Catholic Ecumenism too, and as put forward in all again, and in the very works of Scott Hann that is.

Catholicism (and not European Heraldry):

Friday 11 October 2013



In many a way, and for those in 'Dar' and Anatolian Dar-es-salaam too, when they do think of what is the most truly defining factor, and as with regards to general Identity creation in all, then let it be all about their Voices that is [and as with Anatolians in general, perceived to have the most wonderful of Voices that is].

Monday 23 September 2013

the Underdog

the Underdog.

- the Underdog, Loser Mentalities and Anatolian Dar-es-salaam / 'Dar'.

Friday 30 August 2013

the Union Jack

- the Union Jack, and as the Unofficial Flag of Anatolian Dar-es-salaam too.

Monday 19 August 2013


Webnet and Anatolian Dar-es-salaam.


Pork, and as very much, the Official Dish, and for those, in Anatolian Dar-es-salaam too.

the Muppet Show

For those living in 'Dar', is to perhaps alert them that, everyday living, does not have to be a bore, and only if, one has an adequate knowledge, and of just what, Histrionics truly are. That instead of Drama, life in 'Dar', is very much ruled over, and by Histrionics too, and as a general way of interacting in all (and with Dar-es-salaam today, very much Swahili in nature too i.e. everyday interactions, and as versus Histrionics, and as it very well should be).