Wednesday 25 December 2013

Sub-Saharan Africa

Sub-Saharan Africa.

Many have heard of the term Sub-Saharan Africa, and truly do wonder what it actually does mean. In many a way, it is basically said to speak of Africa south of the Sahara in all. In reality though, this term does speak of the Presence of White skinned populations, and on the African Continent too that is.

Africa in all, is a Continent in many a way deemed, a Home to Black and Brownskinned populations, and that do have Frizzly/African Hair too that is. In all ways though, Africa defined as such, then leads to many a question and about White skinned Africans in all actually [and as with they even having straight Hair too that is]. To help many a person in Africa, put a perspective to all this, is to tell them that, White Africans and who do live in Sub-Saharan Africa in all, are very much in Civilized states, similar to civilization and and as seen in Great Zimbabwe too actually, while those in the North (or above the Sahara), are pretty much similar to Morocco, and speak even of the history of Casablanca too that is.

In many a way though, the creation of Sub-Saharan Africa and Africa North of the Sahara too, has led to racial stratification in Africa, and as with speak even, and of the creation of what some do term the Sahel actually.In many a way, the Sahel in all, does speak of Non-White Africans, and who have Caucasoid features, or even Straightened Hair too that is [and as with the Sahel in all again, said to be centered and around civilization, and as seen in Mali and Timbuktu too that is].

The end result of all the above, and as with it speaking even of presenting Africa, and at an International level too, has led some Negroid African in all, and Non-White too, to somewhat even attempt to present themselves Internationally, and along the lines of speak of the History of Moors in Europe and Spain, and further speak even, and of Omanis too, and as somewhat an African people that is. In all ways even, when Negroid Africans in all, Non-White too, think of themselves as such, then let them think of the History of 'El Cid', and in Spain too that is.

The moods of Casablanca:

The moods of Great Zimbabwe: