Saturday 14 December 2013



For many in Anatolia, a problem in all and as with regards even, and to just how best in all again, to perceive the African Continent in itself. This in many a way, does bespeak of the very fact that, when most in Africa, are simply or basically even, asked to think of the Continent, they do think of it, and from the perspective of Country based Identities too that is. For Anatolia though, and as with it spanning East Africa as a whole even, a problem does on the average exist, and on just how in all again, to truly best view the African Continent, and as a whole too that is.

In many a way again, defining Africa as a Continent, and as speaking even of its full Potential too, does also in many a way even refer to the very fact that, Continent and Africa, does bespeak in many a way, and of Country in itself too actually.

In the ancient times though, Africa, and as with speak of the Egyptians too, was in many a way viewed as a 'land' (and with a small L too), and in many a way in all again, it is the Egyptians that did actually, give birth to the very belief in all that, Africa, is actually a Sacred place of a kind, and that becoming African in all again, did speak of becoming Sacred in all truly [and in many a way even, giving birth to the very belief that Africans are moral/chaste, naturally intelligent and even more aesthetically pleasing, and than most out there too] [and as with speak even, and of the Queen of Sheba too for instance]. In all ways though, this did go along with the very belief that, building Civilization in Africa, and as with speak even of the Sacred in all, did in many a way even speak of acquainting oneself and with something Sacred too (and such as the Lost Ark of the Covenant and Ethiopia/Abyssinia for instance), and on doing as such, gaining the Knowledge in all again, to build Majestic and Great Civilization of a kind actually [but with all this at the very least even, bespeaking, and of so termed African Gods and African Oracles too actually].

There is another way though, and of viewing the African Continent in all, and as a 'Place' too, and which is very much Greek in its ways actually. The belief in all that, the African Continent as a whole, is actually only a 'Place', and that in all ways even, it can be said to constitute of many a place in all again, and where the unexpected, can truly happen to one that is [this in many a way even, does speak of African Nature in itself too, and as believed more influential and in basically changing and affecting ones Behaviour in all that is (and as with African Nature too, simply viewed as being Healing in its ways, and speak even of African Tourism in all too really)]. 

In many a way, it is believed in all again that, when it does come to just how to best view the African Continent in all, that the second view, of the Greeks, is deemed best for Anatolia that is. In many a way too, this does also speak of those in Anatolia, simply making a list of 'Places' in Africa, that might be of interest to them (and as with Cape Town in South Africa too actually a 'Place' in all, and not truly a city either, and as is Nairobi too actually), and that in all ways even, the work Kusadikika, or any other like it (and by Shabaan Roberts too), might be of some interest, as it in all ways even, does speak of a magnificent 'Place' in all, African too, and where life in all again, is rather magnificent in its ways too actually [at the very least in all again, this does speak of finding English translations, and to Kusadikika too perhaps].