Monday 23 December 2013

Natural Selection

of Natural Selection.

Most Africans in all, are not truly aware of themselves, and as Evolutionary beings too that is. This in many a way has very much to do, and with the short-minded and narrow-minded even ways in all, and that most do tend to study African societies that is. Do African races exist? The truth and to the detriment perhaps and of many an African, and as trying to make inroads and in societies outside Africa too that is, is that, they actually do exist.

To understand this better, is to generally speak of the Evolutionary path in all, and by which African societies have evolved by. That for societies everywhere, and outside Africa too, Evolution in all, has very much taken the form of Evolution, and as often associated with Stone Age societies in all too really, and speak even of Paleolithic Timelines of Human Evolution that is [and as with this even speaking of what some do term Miscegenation in all, and further speak even, and of what some do call Gene Selection that is]. African societies though and as with speak of life on the Continent, has evolved around what some do term Natural Selection actually. In many a way, this does not only lead to speak even of African races that is, but in many a way too, speak of Hybrid theories on Evolution actually [and as versus Miscegenation too], and as with being Hybrid in all, speaking of acquiring certain Genes actually, and of a top-notch quality too, and which in all again do not lead to higher forms of Intelligence necessarily [and as with speak even of Miscegenation too], but in all again, Genes in all, and as often associated even, and with opening one up, and to all forms of Spiritual experiences actually [and not the gaining of new Intelligence particularly either that is] [and as with this even speaking, and of not only African-American Bssketball Stars for instance, but instead truly even, speak of the History of Christian Worship, and in Abyssinia too (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia in all), and as with this Spirituality in all, going along and with the owning in all perhaps, and of certain Genes too, and that do open one up to all forms of Spiritual experiences in all, and oftenly too, and as with all this referring to speak of Spirituality and religion even, and as conceived around Pure Light theories in all actually].

In all again, Life outside Africa, and as speaking even of the Development of Humanity, and as based around Tools too in all actually, and not the gaining of many a Spiritual Experience too (and speak even of the above work posted, Guns, Germs & Steel too), and as life in Africa in all, and Historically too, has been known to evolve around that is.

The Paleolithic.