Saturday 28 December 2013



There is a reason today, and for many an African in all, to truly hate whom they are actually. This in many a way does speak even, and of just how Nubian History and culture in all again, has come to shape Africa that is. That in many a way, when those in Africa do think of what is revolting, disgusting and even despicable too, and in African society in all again, one comes to realize in all that, it is actually Nubian in its ways truly even.

How to deal with this History in all again, and speak even of an African state of mind too (and as with being depressed about life that is), does in all ways even refer, and to speak of Cleansings in all. How to do this though, has remained a difficulty in all again, but with some in all truly even, wishing to replace anything that can be deemed Nubian in all, and as with speak even of Rastafarian/Reggea culture for instance, or even truly again speak of the adopting of Islam in all truly, and in the attempt to wipe out what is Nubian about them actually.

In pondering the above though, the solution to it all, did somewhat come easily (and surprisingly enough). In many a way, this solution in all again, does speak of my meeting with a certain famed Family in all (and not reknowed truly either actually), and who do reside in Nairobi, Kenya that is, and do go by the name of the Githuthus actually [and alongside their children too, Rita, Steven, Angela, and even Jenn too actually]. The pleasure of meeting this Family, and while living in a Kenya that is truly even today, somewhat truly Nubian and as with regards to being disgusting in all, had very much to do with the fact that, they are probably the least disgusting of people, you will ever probably meet in Africa. On discerning this, my further discovery that, the Githuthus in all, and are not truly Kenyan in their ways, and as with speak even of whats Nubian in Kenya that is, but surpringly enough, were actually of Dahomey origins in many a way [and speak even of beliefs that Abidjan in all, is probably one of the far much better African cities out there that is].

In all ways then, is to perhaps to tell many an African that, when they do think of the revolting, disgusting and even the despicable too, is to tell them to simply in all again re-align themselves in all, and with Dahomey culture too (and as with speak even of basic ways of Presentation and even Communications in all), and as opposed to Nubian cultures that is [and all this as perceived, and from the very perspective of the Disgusting that is].

