Thursday 24 April 2014

The Departed

The Departed.

The Departed, and as compared to speak even and of the Deceased (and as speaking in many a way even, and of life outside Africa too), but with the Departed in all again, and as serving as a prime example even, and for the creating in all, and of Self-Images/Archetypes and in Africa too that is.

Wednesday 23 April 2014

African Lexicon

African Lexicon.

To speak of an African Lexicon, is to in many a way even speak of the term Firmament too. That the term Firmament, said in all a Biblical term in all again, does speak even and of just whom Africans in all, are, and as with regards to what some do call the Psychological Barrier [and further speak even and of Africans or even African-Americans too, and the so termed Glass Barrier that is]. In all again, the Psychological Barrier and as speaking even and of the belief that one is not prepared or ready even, and for certain said Experiences in all, but as with regards to putting the Psychological Barrier in a certain perspective, speak in all ways even for example, and of beliefs in a said highly Advanced Civilization that did once exist [and as with it even said Egyptian too], and which in all ways even we can never truly match [and once exposed to their Habitudes/Dispositions too that is], but in many a way too even, speak even of Europe perhaps, and the Psychological Barrier and as very well even said to go along and with speak of Shakespeare too that is.

In all, a way of looking into African societies, most never do truly ponder [and with the exception of certain Christianity movements in Africa], but in many a way truly even, speak of an African Lexicon in all, and the attempt in all again and in defining in all, a genuine or concrete African Iconography that is.

Monday 21 April 2014



African Social/Socio-Anthropology, and as compared in all that is, and to speak of African cultures/presences [and as with speak of origins too], and in the Americas that is.

The Antarctic

The Antarctic.

Saturday 19 April 2014

the Mind's Eye

the Mind's Eye.

Mediums and Africa:

Those living in Africa, might truly wonder in all again, just what passes for Time, and as with regards even, and to not only History [and speak even of 'Historical Timelines' too], but also and as with regards even perhaps, and to speak of an African Consciousness too that is.

That in many a way, this does all actually speak of Mediums in all that is.

What though are Mediums? In a simple sense, it does speak of Materials in all, that we in all again could very much use and as with regards to Recording Knowledge in all actually. Another way of looking at Mediums, does speak even of an Interface/Material/Substance perhaps, and which in all ways even, is used to facilitate the Transmission of many a Message/Signal in all that is, and as with regards even to basic speak perhaps of ones Imagination too [and even further speak of Hallucinations and Daydreaming too that is].

While most Mediums are deemed Physical in all, those that are used alongside speak of Imagination and Daydreaming in all again, are in many a way even made up of many a substance too perhaps [and as with speak even of the 'Building Blocks' theory of life], and which is not truly Physical [and such as speak even of Vapours too for instance].

In all, while 'Water' is often believed a Medium, and as with regards even and to speak of the Unconscious and Dreams (Night) too, the Imagination in many a way is believed to work around a Medium, and that does speak even of Aether [and the very world too of Alchemy in all actually] [and further speak even and as with regards to an idea or two here and there, and of just how the Pyramids in all, were probably in all truly Built that is].

In all again, a good way in all perhaps, and of thinking in all and of Africa too, and as with regards even and to History/'Historical Timelines', and even further speak of an African Consciousness too in all, and as with it all going along even, and with speak truly even and of the best way to Present/Represent African Cultures perhaps, and as with further speak even of Mediums too [and as including speak of Cine/Film in all], and as African societies today it is believed, could very much benefit in all, and in presenting Africa in all again, and alongside speak even of Blogs too that is.

To finally end this, Africa in all and as with regards to Mediums, speaking in all ways even and of Vacuums too that is.


Friday 18 April 2014

The World

The World.

Those in Africa have truly in all even heard of the World, and as with it even differing and from speak even of the Earth or even the Planet too that is. In many a way though, Africa is often said to be 'Far Away from the World', and as with regards even and to speak of African Institutions too that is. That for most of the World, Institutions in all are often associated in all again, and with speak even of 'Historical Timelines' in all, and further speak even and of just how one in all again does truly define even Wealth, Property and Status too that is [and in a changing World too actually] [and further speak of even of problem solving and as based around speak of Materialism too], while African Institutions on the otherhand, have always gone along and with speak even of the Reptilian Brain (and further speak even of Dinosaurs in all), and in all ways even, basic speak too of (Situational) Analysis too that is [and as with all this even perhaps, simply speaking of problem solving and as based around speak of Materiality too, and Institutions in all again, and as very much presented and by the very world of DK Publishing too that is].

Evolutionary Psychology

Evolutionary Psychology.

Evolutionary Psychology, and as with it all even speaking of the Psychosomatic, and all this too and as versus the Darwinian/Hybrid version of Evolution of life in Africa, and as with the above even speaking of Evolution and alongside speak even of Viruses, and the transformations in all they do induce in one that is [and as Microbes too perhaps] [and as with Africa too in all, pretty much known to simply house all sorts and kinds of Viruses that is].

In all again, this theory and as very much perused even and from speak even and of the Evolution of Rocks/Granite in all that is].

Thursday 17 April 2014

The Dodo Bird

The Dodo Bird.

The Dodo Bird, and speak even of other African Ratites, and as with it even truly representing in all, just what a Tome (and further speak even of the Foreword/Afterword too) truly is like and as with regards to Africa in all [and as with all this even speaking of the Imprint, and as a form of Revelation too that is] [and further speak even of the Final Exit/End in all actually].



In many a way, what does truly constitute for the rise and fall of many a civilization that is? For many a place outside Africa, it does speak even of Ethics and Ethical behaviour [making Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, one of the more important of Greek works in all], but as with regards to Africa, and further speak even of Trajectories, it in all even speaking of Paradigms and further speak even and of the possessing of a Diseased mind that is [and as with further speak even and of what some do term the Incongruent/Incompatible, and as with it all even speaking of just how Africans in all, do actually define the Primal that is].

Tuesday 15 April 2014



Who or Whom in all, was the Greatest African to have ever lived? In all ways even, is to in many a way perhaps, state that, it does speak of the Regal, and even further speak of the term 'Transpired' that is [and as a manner too and of observing/studying African History that is].

Monday 14 April 2014

Genetic Bloodlines

Genetic Bloodlines.

Those living in Africa, might have heard of Genetic Bloodlines in all [and as with they even said to speak of Pharaonic styled Kingships too that is]. In all, and as with Genetic Bloodlines often in many a way associated for instance and with Europe too, they in all do actually speak of Egyptian/African forms of Spirituality that is][and in all ways even, speak of African Genetics too actually].

Many of these Bloodlines though, do in all possess Knowledge/Wisdom, and that not only does speak of the ability to Rule over others or even in all again, bring true change to a place, but in many a way even, speak of the very fact that, many a physical place in all, and around most of the World too, is defined from speak of Realities, Realms, Spheres and even Settings too. In all, one does find that, many a Culture outside Africa in all, do not truly know what a Space truly is [and with exception perhaps, and of speak of Arthurian Existences and in Europe too for instance].

In all again and as with regards to basic speak here too, some of these Bloodlines were reknowed and for transforming many a place, and as with speak even of Religion, Culture and even Governance too that is, and into a Space too actually. 

Why though would the above be Important? That outside Spaces in all, Life and as said transformational, does speak even of being a Witness to it all, while within a Space, it does in all speak of Exposure actually [and as with both Experiences in many a way, associated with Death in itself, and as with regards to Negativity in itself, and within one too in all, but with Exposure in all again said to be of a (much) higher Experience too that is, and as with all this associated even, and with truly unleashing ones Full Potential too actually].



Most in Africa, might have heard of Totemism in all. It in all again, is said even to speak even of Humans, and as very much embodying in Name actually [and as versus speak of spirit or nature too], Plant or Animal life that is [and as with truly knowing even, the real Name of a Lion that is].

 In all though, while Totemism is said a worldwide phenomenon in all again, one does find that, Animal Totemism, is actually truly African in all, while Plant Animism, is very much seen all over the World that is [and as with what does passes for Animal Totemism outside Africa, actually speaking of Animism in all actually][and further speak even and of Symbolism (Flags) and as associated with Tigers for instance].

What though does constitute for Totemism in all actually? As with regards to Plant Totemism, speak in all and as with further speak even of Pharmacology, and of the transformation of Humans, and to those said of a rather different character or nature even, and as with regards to just how Humans do interact with each other that is [that in all, most Humans today don't eat Natural Foods, and also in many a way fail to realize that Plant life on this Earth, does actually Evolve, and that in all ways even and as with regards to Pharmacology for instance, will in all gain actually change our ways or behaviour that is] [and as with speak even of advanced Psychological/Emotional states too actually] [and all this and as with regards to keeping Abreast and of what has been happening in all on Earth, and as with regards even and to speak of Consciousness too that is].

When we do however speak of Animal Totemism, we are in many a way speaking of competing spheres in all and of Influence too, and as with regards even and to what does constitute for (Physical) Reality, and as with it even said to speak of Holographic Models of Reality [and as with further speak even of Teleportation too], or in many a way even, speak of (Physical) Reality and as very much speaking even of the ExtraTerrestrial, ExtraSensory perceptions, and even speak of Extrapolation too, and the very belief that, it is possible to travel to other Existences/'Worlds' in all, and which in all again are not part of our Planetary/Earthly/Worldly Existences that is. In all, the latter view, and as very much said in all, truly a part of Animal Totemism that is.

Sunday 13 April 2014

Stylistics, Poetics & Rhetoric

Stylistics, Poetics & Rhetoric.

There are those in Africa, and who might be acquainted in all, and with the terms Stylistics, Poetics and even Rhetoric too. While Poetics in all do actually speak of Italy, and Rhetoric very much Greek, Stylistics on the otherhand, are very much African and Egyptian too that is.

In all, and in making the above simple, Poetics in all do speak of Sight, Rhetoric of Vision, and Stylistics on the otherhand in many a way, simply speaking of what some do term Cognizance in all actually. In all again simply said, Cognizance and as speaking of the two images posted above, and with Sight in many a way even, simply speaking of Scotland for instance [and all this too, and as with regards to speak of building Civilization, and from the very perspective of Relational Dynamics that is].

Friday 11 April 2014



Most in Africa in all, have heard of the term Cache, and as associated even and with speak of Computer Memory too that is. In all ways though, speak of Cache, does even speak in all, and of the interesting world of Indigenous/Native Designs, and as with Cache even, simply perceived as a Design in all again, and that could revolutionize in all too even, African societies [and as with Africans Designs even, believed to go rather well and from speak of Cache too], and Designs too, that do in all even basically speak of Decision-making that is.

Thursday 10 April 2014



Bats, and as with they even speaking of Consciousness, and as with regards to Illusion in itself too actually [and in Africa too], and as with all this even speaking of perceiving Reality in all, and not from speak of Holograms or the Holographic too, but in all ways even speak of the Proto-, and as with the case even of the Proto-Ancestor too that is.

Wednesday 2 April 2014

of Epistemology

of African Epistemologies.

To speak of Epistemology, is to in all ways even engage in speak of just what Knowledge truly is, how it is acquired or gained, and in all ways truly even, how realistic it is in all, and in describing our Life Experiences too that is [and speak even and of all that is said possible too that is].

The first of these, does speak even of Egyptian Civilization, and as in all ways even basically presenting in all perhaps, Knowledge, and in the form of Oriki and Juju too [and as with Juju here too, speaking basically even and of (Spiritual) Awakenings in themselves actually] [and Oriki too, and as basically even speaking of Methodology, and also further speak of the Pyramids at Gaza in themselves too that is]. In all, a world in all again and that does go along and with speak even of African Gods too actually.

The second of these, does speak even of Greek Civilization, and in many a way even, does speak of Abyssinia or Kenya/Kenia too in particular, and as with regards even to just how life in all again, is deciphered that is. That in Africa, life is basically perceived and from speak even of 'Images of Respect' (and as with they said to reach their heights and in Pharaonic Egypt too), African Bodies and even African Voices too that is. In Kenya/Kenia though, a different model and which does speak of African Languages, African Communications and even (Political) Strategy in itself actually. In all, Knowledge in Africa and as said Greek too, speaking in all and of what they do term Lore actually [and as with it all even stored in the form perhaps and of 'magical' Languages, Communications, and even Strategy in itself too actually]. All this too, and as said even to speak of African Symbolism in all actually.

The third of these is very much Italian, and does speak even of just how Italians did think of life in all, and as with further speak even of the Italian God Cupid too, and as with 'he' even in all, said to present Knowledge in all perhaps, and in speak of the Paranormal, the Supernatural, the Natural, the Preternatural, the Unexplainable etc. [and as with further speak even of Italians and as associating Imagination, and with speak even of Parapsychology too for instance].

It is this third form of Knowledge, and as basically associated even and with speak of developing Imagination too, that is not known in many a way to most Africans in all, but as with regards even to speak of Nature and Imagination in all perhaps, it does speak even of the Sahara Desert, the Ruwenzori Mountains/Ranges, the Congo Basin, the Namib Desert, and even the Island of Pemba too that is [and as with all this even basically speaking of Photography in all, and of the so said places in all again, and as with speak even of the Colouring of Images too for instance] [and all this and as with regards to helping develop Imagination too that is].

In all again, the validity of the above in all again, Knowledge that is, speaking in many a way even and of just whom we are with Consciousness [and the Collective too] in all [and as with speak of Consciouness in all again, and as said Evolutionary too, speaking in all perhaps, and basically too, and of many an Event and as happening/happened that is].

the Central African Republic

the Central African Republic.

The African Inland, and as with this even differing from speak of the African Heartland [Link] or even African Hinterlands too, and as with all this too even perhaps speaking even and of the Central African Republic, and as a place of Interest and as with regards to anything African in all, and as with basic speak even of the Tongues spoken in the place too, or even its Customs & Traditions too that is, and as with furtherly mentioning that, New African Magazine, and as said even more memorable and than most other African Magazines in all, does in all ways even appear to present itself, and in a manner that does suggest the Central African Republic in all again, and as versus the popular belief that, New African Magazine, is actually truly more or less Ghanaian, and as with Ghana on the otherhand, more or less truly like URTNA that is [and with Southern Africa on the otherhand, more or less like Drum Magazine that is].