Wednesday, 2 April 2014

of Epistemology

of African Epistemologies.

To speak of Epistemology, is to in all ways even engage in speak of just what Knowledge truly is, how it is acquired or gained, and in all ways truly even, how realistic it is in all, and in describing our Life Experiences too that is [and speak even and of all that is said possible too that is].

The first of these, does speak even of Egyptian Civilization, and as in all ways even basically presenting in all perhaps, Knowledge, and in the form of Oriki and Juju too [and as with Juju here too, speaking basically even and of (Spiritual) Awakenings in themselves actually] [and Oriki too, and as basically even speaking of Methodology, and also further speak of the Pyramids at Gaza in themselves too that is]. In all, a world in all again and that does go along and with speak even of African Gods too actually.

The second of these, does speak even of Greek Civilization, and in many a way even, does speak of Abyssinia or Kenya/Kenia too in particular, and as with regards even to just how life in all again, is deciphered that is. That in Africa, life is basically perceived and from speak even of 'Images of Respect' (and as with they said to reach their heights and in Pharaonic Egypt too), African Bodies and even African Voices too that is. In Kenya/Kenia though, a different model and which does speak of African Languages, African Communications and even (Political) Strategy in itself actually. In all, Knowledge in Africa and as said Greek too, speaking in all and of what they do term Lore actually [and as with it all even stored in the form perhaps and of 'magical' Languages, Communications, and even Strategy in itself too actually]. All this too, and as said even to speak of African Symbolism in all actually.

The third of these is very much Italian, and does speak even of just how Italians did think of life in all, and as with further speak even of the Italian God Cupid too, and as with 'he' even in all, said to present Knowledge in all perhaps, and in speak of the Paranormal, the Supernatural, the Natural, the Preternatural, the Unexplainable etc. [and as with further speak even of Italians and as associating Imagination, and with speak even of Parapsychology too for instance].

It is this third form of Knowledge, and as basically associated even and with speak of developing Imagination too, that is not known in many a way to most Africans in all, but as with regards even to speak of Nature and Imagination in all perhaps, it does speak even of the Sahara Desert, the Ruwenzori Mountains/Ranges, the Congo Basin, the Namib Desert, and even the Island of Pemba too that is [and as with all this even basically speaking of Photography in all, and of the so said places in all again, and as with speak even of the Colouring of Images too for instance] [and all this and as with regards to helping develop Imagination too that is].

In all again, the validity of the above in all again, Knowledge that is, speaking in many a way even and of just whom we are with Consciousness [and the Collective too] in all [and as with speak of Consciouness in all again, and as said Evolutionary too, speaking in all perhaps, and basically too, and of many an Event and as happening/happened that is].