Saturday 19 April 2014

the Mind's Eye

the Mind's Eye.

Mediums and Africa:

Those living in Africa, might truly wonder in all again, just what passes for Time, and as with regards even, and to not only History [and speak even of 'Historical Timelines' too], but also and as with regards even perhaps, and to speak of an African Consciousness too that is.

That in many a way, this does all actually speak of Mediums in all that is.

What though are Mediums? In a simple sense, it does speak of Materials in all, that we in all again could very much use and as with regards to Recording Knowledge in all actually. Another way of looking at Mediums, does speak even of an Interface/Material/Substance perhaps, and which in all ways even, is used to facilitate the Transmission of many a Message/Signal in all that is, and as with regards even to basic speak perhaps of ones Imagination too [and even further speak of Hallucinations and Daydreaming too that is].

While most Mediums are deemed Physical in all, those that are used alongside speak of Imagination and Daydreaming in all again, are in many a way even made up of many a substance too perhaps [and as with speak even of the 'Building Blocks' theory of life], and which is not truly Physical [and such as speak even of Vapours too for instance].

In all, while 'Water' is often believed a Medium, and as with regards even and to speak of the Unconscious and Dreams (Night) too, the Imagination in many a way is believed to work around a Medium, and that does speak even of Aether [and the very world too of Alchemy in all actually] [and further speak even and as with regards to an idea or two here and there, and of just how the Pyramids in all, were probably in all truly Built that is].

In all again, a good way in all perhaps, and of thinking in all and of Africa too, and as with regards even and to History/'Historical Timelines', and even further speak of an African Consciousness too in all, and as with it all going along even, and with speak truly even and of the best way to Present/Represent African Cultures perhaps, and as with further speak even of Mediums too [and as including speak of Cine/Film in all], and as African societies today it is believed, could very much benefit in all, and in presenting Africa in all again, and alongside speak even of Blogs too that is.

To finally end this, Africa in all and as with regards to Mediums, speaking in all ways even and of Vacuums too that is.
