Wednesday 23 April 2014

African Lexicon

African Lexicon.

To speak of an African Lexicon, is to in many a way even speak of the term Firmament too. That the term Firmament, said in all a Biblical term in all again, does speak even and of just whom Africans in all, are, and as with regards to what some do call the Psychological Barrier [and further speak even and of Africans or even African-Americans too, and the so termed Glass Barrier that is]. In all again, the Psychological Barrier and as speaking even and of the belief that one is not prepared or ready even, and for certain said Experiences in all, but as with regards to putting the Psychological Barrier in a certain perspective, speak in all ways even for example, and of beliefs in a said highly Advanced Civilization that did once exist [and as with it even said Egyptian too], and which in all ways even we can never truly match [and once exposed to their Habitudes/Dispositions too that is], but in many a way too even, speak even of Europe perhaps, and the Psychological Barrier and as very well even said to go along and with speak of Shakespeare too that is.

In all, a way of looking into African societies, most never do truly ponder [and with the exception of certain Christianity movements in Africa], but in many a way truly even, speak of an African Lexicon in all, and the attempt in all again and in defining in all, a genuine or concrete African Iconography that is.