Monday 14 April 2014



Most in Africa, might have heard of Totemism in all. It in all again, is said even to speak even of Humans, and as very much embodying in Name actually [and as versus speak of spirit or nature too], Plant or Animal life that is [and as with truly knowing even, the real Name of a Lion that is].

 In all though, while Totemism is said a worldwide phenomenon in all again, one does find that, Animal Totemism, is actually truly African in all, while Plant Animism, is very much seen all over the World that is [and as with what does passes for Animal Totemism outside Africa, actually speaking of Animism in all actually][and further speak even and of Symbolism (Flags) and as associated with Tigers for instance].

What though does constitute for Totemism in all actually? As with regards to Plant Totemism, speak in all and as with further speak even of Pharmacology, and of the transformation of Humans, and to those said of a rather different character or nature even, and as with regards to just how Humans do interact with each other that is [that in all, most Humans today don't eat Natural Foods, and also in many a way fail to realize that Plant life on this Earth, does actually Evolve, and that in all ways even and as with regards to Pharmacology for instance, will in all gain actually change our ways or behaviour that is] [and as with speak even of advanced Psychological/Emotional states too actually] [and all this and as with regards to keeping Abreast and of what has been happening in all on Earth, and as with regards even and to speak of Consciousness too that is].

When we do however speak of Animal Totemism, we are in many a way speaking of competing spheres in all and of Influence too, and as with regards even and to what does constitute for (Physical) Reality, and as with it even said to speak of Holographic Models of Reality [and as with further speak even of Teleportation too], or in many a way even, speak of (Physical) Reality and as very much speaking even of the ExtraTerrestrial, ExtraSensory perceptions, and even speak of Extrapolation too, and the very belief that, it is possible to travel to other Existences/'Worlds' in all, and which in all again are not part of our Planetary/Earthly/Worldly Existences that is. In all, the latter view, and as very much said in all, truly a part of Animal Totemism that is.