Tuesday 28 January 2014

Lake Tanganyika

Lake Tanganyika.

Lake Tanganyika, truly Tanzania, and as compared to speak of Mt. Kilimanjaro or Lake Nyasa too that is.

Sunday 26 January 2014

The Liturgy

The Liturgy.

"Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky, 
 Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone, 
 Nine for the Mortal Men doomed to die, 
 One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne 
 In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie. One Ring to rule them all, 
One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them 

In the Land of Mordor where Shadows lie."

This entry in many a way, is targeted towards many an African, and who does wonder what their position in History in all, truly is. This does speak in many a way too, and of Modern Publishing in all, and whereby History is often presented from a competitive stance, and as with speak even and of whom in all again, Clockwise, Historywise that is, did very much outshine the other in all actually. In this contest/bonfire of the vanities, one in many a way does see African History, and outside Egypt too, very much misrepresented, or relegated to the side in all that is.

The above lines posted in all above, and as known to originate and in the Lord of the Rings and by J.R.R Tolkien too that is, does speak even, and of what some do in many a way term a Liturgy that is.

To understand all this better perhaps, is to basically speak even, and of how many a society, does simply Store Knowledge in itself that is. That for most, Knowledge, and as with speak even of perceiving History in itself, does basically speak of it and as very much stored in all, and in the form of Language (Vocabularly, Grammer, Pronunciation) [and as with it Oracular even], Customs, Ritual and even Convention too [and as with the Conventional, speaking of a societies everyday Wisdom that is]. 

Having said that, is to in many a way even perhaps, speak of what some do term the Collective (and as with speak of a Collective Soul too that is). In many a way, the Collective and as with it even referring and to many a Group Formation, does in many a way even, speak of two or more Humans, and as coming together in all, and as based around Human traits, Human characteristics, Human physical properties etc., and as with two or more persons in all, and as possessing similar Human traits in all again, somewhat similar/the same, and to each other that is. In many a way, such groups of people, tend to experience Reality, very much differently from others in all, and as with speak even of possessing certain Traits or Characteristics, and that are similar to God/ The Gods, opening up one to all kinds of experiences/realities, and that do go along even, and with speak even of Parallel Universes, or even Higher Dimensions too that is [that speak of Parallel Universes for instance, speaks more of the Collective, and as compared to Consciousness in itself actually].

In knowing the above, is to in many a way truly even, ponder, just how best to record History in all, and as with speak even and of the Human experience, and as approaching that of the Gods, and by very much taking into account that, History as presented today, and often in the form of the History Essay too, and as with it even said very much a Professional Essay in all, and in all ways even a form of Technical Writing too, is not actually in most ways even, valid in its ways that is [that in all, the Professional Essay and as a way of presenting History in all, does in all ways even speak of Facts, and Facts too only, and in many a way in all again, speak of Events in all, and as with saying that, such Essays do not take into account an Occurrence, and as a movie might perhaps, or in many a way even, might fail to take into account, the significance, and of an Occasion in all, and as with regards to a happening in History that is]. In all, the recording of Modern History, and as very much failing to take into account, what they do term Reflections in all, and as with they even speaking of paranormal and supernatural experiences, and such as speak of Intuition in itself, or even Wondering (hallucinations/daydreaming) in itself too that is.

Having said the above, is to speak of simply how in all again (and as with the invention of Paper, an Ancient discovery in all), and of how the ancients in all again, did record History in itself that is. Take the Egyptians for instance, and who did in all very much record History, and from the very perspective and of the Study too [and as with this even speaking of studying a Civilized region in all, and from a Communal/Community perspective, and as with speak even of truly understanding what a Communities Religious practices in all, do stand for, and in many a way even, speak of their Impact elsewhere, and as with this in many a way, referring and to just how Egyptian History in all, did actually unfold: via the Impact that is]. In many a way too, the Study, and as can be used to study the history of the Haitian Revolution in all for instance, and as with the Revolution in all, and the Names that did go with it (Macaya, Dessalines or L'Overture), perceived in all, and from a study of Haitian Vodou that is [and further speak even of Impact in all actually, and as emanating with beliefs in all, and as arising and with many a Religious Hatian Vodou practise that is] [Link]. In all again, India in all, and as very much having a History and outside Krishna too, only able in all again and of being perceived in all, and from an Ethnographic Study, and of its Communal practises, and speak even of their Impact on a Community, and furtherly speak even perhaps, and of arising hate and jealousies, and from elsewhere in all that is.

It was however the Greeks, and that did give rise and to the recording of History, and as based around Literary works in all, and as with this even speaking of perceiving History in itself, and via speak of Comedy, the Comical, the Comic, the Tragic, the Tragical etc. In all, History and as very much Dramatized (and as with speak even of it perceived staged in all), and in all ways even the very way European History is actually truly recorded in all that is.

Africa though, is a somewhat difficult place to speak of, and as with regards even, and to just how to record History in itself. That in many a way, and as with speak even of Toyin Falola for instance, the Study has often been used, and with its results in all again, very much speaking of not Impact in all, but Law frameworks too actually. Those who have attempted to present African History and from the perspective of Literary works, not in many a way in all, always succeeding that is, as this in many a way, does have to take into account, and of what does constitute African Humour in all that is [and as with speak even and of selling ones Brother and into slavery/bondage too for instance].

In many a way though, African History and outside Egypt in all, did very much take place, and via speak of Secret Societies that is [and as with this even leading to Gang mentalities in all, and in America today that is] [and as with further speak even, and of African Slave influences in America that is] [and in many a way too perhaps, the very rise even and of Organized Crime, and as such syndicates in all, don't appear in History very much, and outside Italy too that is (and as with they even not Organized Crime in all, but actually truly Syndicates in themselves that is)] [and as with further speak even, and of Italian History, and as perceived even and from Family groupings in all, and as with this even speaking of the Rise and Fall and of the House of Medici too that is].

In many a way though, and in giving Africa direction in all and as with regards to the recording of History, and as with this speaking even and of Secret Societies in themselves, does see them in all, and as recording History and from the perspective of the Investigation actually (and as a Document too), and as with this even speaking of an Abstract in all [and as versus a Conclusion, a Summary or even a Homily too]. In all ways even, this also speaking of the Illuminati, and speak even and of African presences and in Islamic Spain too, the History of Christian Ethiopia in all, or Abyssinia too, and as merging with the world of the Scottish Templars (and speak even of the Rosslyn Chapel), or even speak furtherly even, and of the Priory of Sion, and as seen in Italy too that is.

In all ways though, speak here again and of the Liturgy, and as very much taking the form of a Prayer, Hymn or even a Sermon, and as very much inspiring just how History in all again, was recorded in Italy actually, and as with attempting to end any Historical or History based footing in all, and with the very word 'Amen' too that is. 

In all ways even, and as perhaps addressing Dr. Wole Soyinka, or even Toyin Falola too, speak even perhaps, and of this Blog, and many another that can be seen under the 'View my complete profile' link in all, attempting in all again, and in presenting History or society too, and from the very perspective of the Liturgy in all, and as with this speaking even and of just how Anatolian History will be recorded that is, and as with perhaps telling one that, the Liturgy and in Kenya or Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia), and as very much Liturgical in all actually, and a new way in all again and of recording Kenyan History too and outside the use of the Professional Essay (and as with speak of this Blog, and future upcoming Generations that is), and the Liturgy in all, or the Liturgical that is, and as seen and in a work and such as the Sunday Missal, and by Paulines Publishing too that is [Link] [and as with it consisting and of many a Prayer or Hymn in all, and that can very well be said to speak of the Kenyan experience in many a way (and as with Kenya here perceived even Christian in all and along the lines of Christian Ethiopia too), and in many a way even, a new inspiration in all again and for the recording of Kenyan and African History, and as with this even speaking of works and such as 'The Scramble for Africa' or even the 'Boer War' too, and by Thomas Pakenham that is, and which in many a way are actually truly of Kenyan origins in all (and as unknown to most), and in many a way present Africa in all, and from the very perspective of the Liturgical that is (this too, and as versus the Heart of Darkness and by Joseph Conrad, and which does attempt to present African History, and from the perspective of the Literary work, and as perhaps even attempting to only present the worst side of African societies, and as with they even truly a probable reality in all that is)]. 

The Investigation:

Tuesday 21 January 2014


of Republicanism.

Those living in Tanzania, might not be aware that, they in all, actually do differ, and from other Africans in all that is, and as with their belief even that, they are more in touch with Africa, and as with speak even of the general spirit of the place that is, and than most other Africans, including Kenyans, truly are. To understand this better, and as with Somalis or White South African (Afrikaaners) said more in touch with Africa, and as compared to Tanzanians in all, is to perhaps speak of what some do term Republicanism in all truly even. That Republicanism, something truly African in its ways, and where in many a way Africa does meet America in all for instance (and as with speak even of 'Black people' or past African slaves in all, and in America, and who are said or believed ardent supporters of the Republican Party that is), does speak actually, and of truly grounding our lives, and in our Homes too, and not from an Institutional perspective either that is [and as with strongly even, identifying with ones Schooling that is, and the 'Societies' that do go with them that is].

In all ways even though, Republicanism in all, does actually speak of Oracular Knowledge Bodies, and where success in all again, is often defined or predetermined even, and from Mindsets in all, originating with our Homes, and as with truly even associating ourselves and as God-like Beings, and when truly at Home that is [that in many a way perhaps, problems faced at work, do have their solutions in all come to to one, and when one does ground or reference themselves in all, and to ones Home life in all that is].

In all ways even, speak of Republicanism and as with regards to Oracular Knowledge Bodies, could in many a way even, and as with further speak of Tanzania too that is, speak of the Krishna Dharma version of the Ramayana, and as with it not only Oracular and in Republican manner too, but in many a way in all, does also speak perhaps, and of just why in all again, Tanzanians, are somewhat like Indians that is [that in all again, there is something Indian about Tanzanians, and no one truly does know what it actually is].

American Republican Ideals:

Monday 20 January 2014

EQ: Emotional Intelligence

EQ: Emotional Intelligence

Those living in Africa today, might not truly understand or know, just what in all, is actually required and to make it through ones day. For many, and as with speak even of planning a daily or weekly routine, they truly believe in attempting to intellectualize it all, or even plan it out, and as one would and while living in the Western World that is.

There does appear though, to be a fundamental even, difference, and between Africa, and the rest of the World too. That Africans in all, and as with speak even of the daily in all, are actually supposed in all again, and to live lives, and as based around EQ (Emotional Intelligence), and as versus IQ too that is. In many a way, speak of IQ in all, does actually refer and to the use of Classification, Association and Clustering, and on an everyday basis in all, and as with speak even of simply surviving that is. While in many a way, truly learning of Africa in all, and as with speak of its Nature in all again, speaks of IQ even, and in the form of Taxonomy too, one does however realize that, everyday African News Media in all, does tend to attempt to present News on Africa, and from more or less an IQ perspective, and which in many a way, is not actually realistic [and as classifying in all, African life, is not as easy, and as most think to be] [and as with further speak even, and of those truly indigenous or native in all, and to Africa that is, and as said possessing Alternate/Multiple Personalities in all that is].

The reason for this, and for many an indigenous or native African in all, believed said to possess Alternate/Multiple Personalities in all again, very much has to do, and with the very fact that life on the Continent, is actually truly best lived and as based around EQ (Emotional Intelligence) [and further speak even of truly using or deciphering sensations, feelings or emotions, and in everything we do, and as with speak even of equating two or more things, and as based around sensations too in all, and as with all this even, somewhat speaking of Boolean Logic for instance]. In all ways even, EQ and speak even of Alternate/Multiple Personalities, and as with this speaking even and of the difficulty of classifying anything in Africa, and as Africans in all, are the kind to change in their ways, and in an almost instant fashion too that is.

In all ways even, operating in all and as very much based around EQ, has resulted in Hegemony in all, and as having been a part of African History that is, and as with this furtherly even speaking and of just whom Esu is and to the Yoruba for instance, or even truly again, speak of Irungu, and the Nguni/Tanzania too that is.


Wednesday 15 January 2014

Chess & Draughts

Chess & Draughts.

Chess and Draughts, and as with they Games truly African in all, and as compared to Card Games or even Backgammon too for instance.

Friday 10 January 2014

the Tides of Time

the Tides of Time.

Those in Dar-es-salaam in all, might have heard of the phrase the 'Tides of Time'. In many a way, a phrase too, believed somewhat Portuguese in its ways actually. In many a way in all again, it does speak even and of the change in all, and that does go with creating a Homely environment in all that is. In many a way too, all this referring even, and to just how one in all, does view their World, and in a regional perspective even, and as with change happening out there and in all again, resulting in one in all, having to change their ways, and so as to create a Homely environment too that is.

In many a way, Dar-es-salaam today, might not truly feel like a Home, and for those who do inhabit it that is. This in many a way even, does have to do and with just whom those in Dar-es-salaam in all, are, and as with regards to the Swahili peoples and the Swahili Coast too that is. In many a way in all again, this does speak and of monikers in all, and such as the 'Swahili Coast' (and which does speak of viewing the Swahili Coastline, and as consisting only of Kenya and Tanzania), while the term the 'Swahili lands', does see the Swahili Coastline in all and as merging with the Islands of Pemba and Zanzibar too, and finally in all again, the 'Swahili Coastline', and as speaking of the 'Swahili lands' in all, and as made up of the coastline stretching from Mogadishu in Somalia, and all the way even and to Mozambique too that is.

In many a way, those in Dar-es-salaam today, have come to associate the Swahili world in all again, and with the Swahili song Msenangu in all, and as with it even connecting Dar-es-salaam in all again, and with the Kenyan Swahili Coast too, but also and in all ways even, and with Oman too that is. There are those though, and who do also associate the Swahili Coast in all, and with Indian presences in it, and which has led many a person in Dar-es-salaam, to view the Swahili Coast, and as connecting even and to Oman and the UAE too that is.

In all ways though, it is believed that the Swahili song 'Malaika', does in many a way even still represent, the best way, and for those in Anatolian Dar-es-salaam too, to view the Swahili Coastline in all, and as with it said centered even, and as around Fort Jesus too that is [and as with attempting to have those in Anatolian Dar-es-salaam in all again, disconnect themselves and from Oman or the UAE too that is].

In all ways even, first off is to perhaps recommend a view of Dar-es-salaam in all again, and one that does go along, and with the History of the place that is. That traditionally and as compared to today, Dar-es-salaam in all, and as a city too, was divided in all again, and by the kind of speech heard in the place that is. That this in all again, did speak of grounding oneself and in ones Home too, and as based around the kind of speech in all, one did use that is. In many a way though, the history of migrants and into Dar-es-salaam today, has resulted in many a change and in the traditional speech patterns heard in the place (and as with they even rather momorable too), and in all ways even, modern-like speech patterns in all, have invaded the place actually, and resulting in those in Dar-es-salaam, native to the place too, not feeling very much at Home either that is.

In the attempt to rectify the above, is the recommending and as a start, and of the adopting of the above Bible, The Lions Children Bible, and as with it even possessing speech patterns in all, and that would very well work in Dar-es-salaam today, and as in making one feel truly at Home even that is [that for many in Dar-es-salaam today, and due to their speech patterns in all that is, there does appear to be no difference in all, and between Home life, and Street life too that is].

In all ways even, Dar-es-salaam, and as a city too, more similar in its ways and to Addis-Ababa in all, and not Muscat or Nairobi either actually [and when viewed from City Design & Planning that is].

Dar and Addis:

Wednesday 8 January 2014



Many who know of Kenya, might have heard of the term Ki'ingereza or even Wa'ingereza too that is. It in many a way is falsely believed a term in all, and that does refer and to the British in Kenya that is. The truth though is that, Ki'ingereza in all, or even 'Imperial Britain' too, or simply in all again Britain in Kenya that is, does actually refer and to the History of 'People of Colour' in all, and as with they even truly European, American or Italian in their ways, and in Kenya too that is. That in all again, the Colonial History of Kenya, complicated in its ways in all and as with it speaking even of many an immigre in all, and into Colonial Kenya too that is, does speak in all ways even, and of British History in Kenya, and as actually referring to White populations in Kenya that is, and as with they differing in their ways even, and from the Wa'ingereza too [that complicatedly enough, the history of Colonial Kenya, does truly speak even of genocide in all, and as targeted towards Christian populations in all again and as seen in Kenya too, and as arising even, and not with African mentalities in all, but actually and complicatedly enough, and with Islamic mentalities in all truly even] [and as with speak even and of truly attempting to decipher in all, just whom in all again, was actually truly behind the Mau Mau uprising that is, and as the so termed State of Emergency in all, did not end and with the killing of Dedan Kimathi that is].

Tuesday 7 January 2014



Those in 'Dar' in all, have already heard of the 'back of the mind' that is. A memory in all again, that does act as motivator in all, and to simply keep moving actually. Some though, might have heard of what some do term the 'top of the mind' actually, and as with this referring even, and to being keenly intelligent that is, and as with speak even of someone like Donald Trump too actually.

Those in Anatolia, 'Dar' or Africa though, might not be aware of a serious difficulty even, and that does often plague Africa in all [that being of Cultural Development that is]. In all ways even, all this speaking of a spark in all again, or even an idea too, to simply help spearhead in all, a Cultural movement of a kind, and that does improve on African Culture that is. In many a way, Africans today, are somewhat dependent on alien and foreign forces in all, and in helping bridge or improve on African culture actually.

To resolve this difficult problem though, is to perhaps speak of the 'front of the mind' that is. That in all ways even, this does speak of being somewhat ideaful in all, and as with regards even, to just what to do in all again, and at this very moment too that is. In all, something not too easy to enact in all, defining the 'front of the mind', and with the exception perhaps of associating all this, and with the activities, movements and motions even, and of many a place of Worship in Africa, and those who in all again, are associated with such places that is.

The 'front of the mind' (and as somewhat truly seen even in Central Asia, and as with it even somewhat African too that is):

African Identities

African Identities.

Most in Africa, do perhaps truly wonder what does constitute for African Identities in all, and as with speak even of truly belonging in/to Africa that is. In many a way, recent times in all, and as with speak even of truly belonging in Africa, does speak in all ways even, and of African Aesthetics, Patterns and Designs, and as found in Nature too that is. This though, is not the best way of doing all this, creating African Identities, and as based around African Aesthetics, Patterns and Designs, as they in all again, can easily be appropriated or stolen in many a way that is [Link].

There is however another way of creating African Identities in all, and that is more or less truly suiting for Africans, and as with attempting even, to truly discover in all, what is truly African that is. This in many a way, does speak of viewing the African, and from their Neural, Nervous and Skeletal Systems too in all, and as with this furtherly speaking even of Voice/Sauti, Language and even Speech too that is [and respectively in all actually] [and as with Africa even, said to be the home of Language in itself that is]. In all ways even, the three mentioned Bodily Systems above, and as defining in all too even, African Behaviour, African speech, and even African Communications that is [and as with this in Africa, determined in all again, and by the Behavioural too that is].

In all again, those who are truly African, can be said, to very much have a look, and that is somewhat similar to the Great Sphinx in Egypt that is [and as with Sphinxes even, very much truly African actually].

The Sun & the Moon

The Sun & the Moon.

Most in Africa have heard of Akhenaten in all, and as with pathetically saying that, the belief in all that, he was truly even a Nubian, masquerading as an Egyptian that is. This though is not true, and as in saying that he was fully an Egyptian, and in Speech and Behaviour too that is.

This post though, does very much have to do and with seeing Africa, and as divided into two main spheres of living that is. This in all ways even, does speak of Human Behaviour in all actually. That in all again, to speak of Africa, and as divided into two, and along the lines of Egypt/Sudan/Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia)/ Tanzania/Zimbabwe/Mozambique/South Africa and speak even of the rest of Africa too. The difference between these two spheres, appears very much to do, with what one could term General/Average/Typical Human Behaviour, and as with it in the Abyssinian group, determined in many a way even, and by Sun Worship too that is (and as with the sun even, said to differ and by place and as mentioned in the Abyssinian group), while in the rest of Africa, General/Average/Typical Human Behaviour, appears in all ways even, to go with the Moon actually.

In all again, speak of Akhenaten and the 18th Egyptian Dynasty, is to first of say that, the General/Average/Typical in all, and of Human Behaviour too, was very much determined and by Moon worship in all that is [and as with Tutankhamun in all, generally spearheading a movement, to make Egypt then, very much operate along the lines of the General/Average/Typical of Human Behaviour, as being based around Sun Worship too that is].

In all ways though, is to finish this up, and by speaking of Normal and Abnormal behaviour, and in Africa too that is. That in all again, and disastrously too (and as with speaking even of Management in all), the Normal and the Abnormal, has somewhat come to be defined, and by Nubian cultures in all (and as with speak even of the moniker 'the Sudan'), while in all ways even, the best way to view the Normal and the Abnormal in Africa, is from more or less along the lines of Chad actually [Link1, Link2, Link3].

The Sudan:


Monday 6 January 2014

Sensory Perceptions

of Sensory Perceptions.

This post in many a way, does speak of whom we are in Africa, and when it does come to problem solving in all that is. That in all again, and when we do speak of Planning & Organization in all too really, and as with speak even of Mental processes and even Sensory Perceptions in themselves too, Africa in all, does not appear to be what it is [and outside Egypt and South Africa too that is]. That in Egypt and South Africa in all ways even, speak of Sensory Perceptions, Mental processes, and even Planning & Organization in itself, does differ from the rest of Africa that is.

In all again, it does appear that in South Africa, Egypt and most of the World too perhaps, Sensory Perceptions do speak of Space and Time in all, and as experienced in all again, and from a Before, While, and After perspective, while in Africa and outside Egypt and South Africa too, Sensory Perceptions in all again, do appear to speak of Pre, During and Post perspectives that is.

Before,While, After:

Pre, During, Post:


Sunday 5 January 2014

Interdisciplinary Studies

Interdisciplinary Studies.

Interdisciplinary Studies, and speak even of Trends and the Pivotal, and in Africa too that is.

Because You Loved Me

Because You Loved Me.

Because You Loved Me, and speak even of 'Dar', and the 'back of the mind' too.

Saturday 4 January 2014

The Primordial

The Primordial.

The Tortoise, and as truly even representing the Primordial in Africa (or speak that is, and of the Singular actually)  and as versus the popularized belief in all, that, it is actually Croc./Crocodile too. 

Black Resistant Movements

Black Resistant Movements.

What some do refer to as Black Resistance Movements in all, does not speak in all again, and of Hate actually, or even truly again, of resisting oppression of all kinds, but in all ways even, does actually speak of creating a Black Consciousness, and as with regards to dealing with issues of Self-Hate that is.

In all though, Black Resistance Movements, and as compared to Black Power Movements, Black Liberationist Movements, or even Black Separatist Movements too, are far much better in all, and in explaining, the state of the World today, and as with it developed and undeveloped, and also speak of 'People of Colour' in all, and further speak also of 'White people' too that is. In many a way, it does speak even of just whom 'People of Colour' were, and in History too actually. In all, Black Resistance Movements, and as compared to other Black Movements (Separatist, Liberationist, Power), do not deal with Eurocentric viewpoints in all (and speak even of the so said inferiority of 'People of Colour', and as versus 'White People' too that is), but in all ways even, does merge in many a way, and with the world of British Historians actually [what differentiates British Historians in all, and from Eurocentrism too is that, Eurocentrists in all again do claim that no 'Person of Colour' in all, has made an impact in History, while British Historians on the otherhand do claim that, such peoples do exist, but their impact was not of great importance actually]. In all again, Black Resistance Movements, and as dealing even with the belief that, being a 'Person of Colour' in all, does refer to being underdeveloped that is (or truly said even, just somewhat educated or developed too actuallys) [and as with many a 'fool' too perhaps, worshiping the city of Nairobi that is], and in many a way, does speak in all ways even and of 'People of Colour', said to possess only certain forms of Intelligence actually [and as with being able even, to work successfully, and even as a true achiever that is, and in a White owned Corporation for instance]. In all, Black Resistance Movements, and as attempting to preach that 'People of Colour' in all, should attempt to build societies in all again, even unique to themselves, and that are highly successful that is [even moreso, and than the Modern/Western World that is].

In all ways even, one of the best ways to perceive Black Resistance Movements, is from the very perspective of what some do call 'Sell-Outs' and to 'People of Colour' in all, and as with they appearing to want to appease themselves, and by interacting only with 'White People' in all, when in all again, they are believed said to possess the skills to truly help develop a Black Consciousness that is. To speak of the diabolical nature of Black Resistance Movements, is to associate them in all, and with the said attempt even, and to wipe out the Traditional Cultures in all again, and of many a 'People of Colour' that is [and as with this even speaking of replacing them with Religion in all again, and as associated with Missionary activity too that is].

While Black Power, Black Separatist and Black Liberationist Movements, are said grounded in all, and in Africa as Continent that is (and as with attempting to separate oneself in many a way, and from Africa as a whole too that is), Black Resistance Movements on the otherhand, do seek in many a way, to ground themselves, and with speak of Egyptian History that is. In all, the belief that 'People of Colour' did build many a great Civilization in the old World, and the present times in all again, does find 'People of Colour' in all, undergoing all sorts of suffering, and due to the very belief that, they do lack in all, a Black Consciousness that is.

To understand better the difference between Black Resistance Movements, and also other kinds of Black Movements in all, is that, the latter in all again, do speak of finding Acceptance in all, while the former, Black Resistance Movements that is, does speak in all ways even, and of Self-Acceptance in all truly even [and as with this speaking even of the Psyche in all, and further speak too, and of simply being driven to succeed in life that is]. In all ways even, all this does speak of what some do term, the Modern Condition in all again, and as with it truly even, speaking of developing serious Mental/Psychological Complexes, their being many of them, and as with they even simply summarized and along the lines of Superiority and Inferiority Complexes that is.

In all ways too, speak of the above, Complexes that is, does speak in all ways even and of the subtle rise of Feminism in all, and as going back to the times of Revolutionary Europe that is. In that, Women as glorified in society in all again, and as innocent victims too, does speak in all ways even, and of the very fact denied that, Women in all, and more than Men too, do appear in all again, to truly suffer only from all sorts of Mental and Psychological Complexes, and as with speak even of severe Inferiority Complexes that is [and with Feminism too, appearing in all again to downplay Men in all, and simply make Women feel better about themselves] [and as with this even, speaking of the Women in our lives that is].

To understand the term 'White People' though, is to speak of it in all again, and as going with the worship of White Women that is. For while Black Resistance Movements, do attempt to deal with Social and Societal problems in all, and amongst 'People of Colour' too, other Black Movements in all again, do attempt in all, to speak of Black Achievement actually, and in a so said White World that is. 

Africans today though, can be said to best benefit in all, and from Black Resistance Movements, and as compared to other kinds of Black Movements that is [and as with further speak even of truly freeing ones mind and to all possibilities too actually]. 

While in all again, other Black Movements do deal with the following saying in all 'The Fear of the Black Man', Black Resistance Movements in all again, do actually speak of the 'Miseducation of the Black Man' [and as with this even speaking of the difference between Louis Farrakhan and Malcolm X too that is]. 

In all again, speak of Complexes and as defining the World today, do speak of two main Complexes in all: The Castration Complex, and what some do term the Napoleon Complex too that is. In all again, the Castration Complex does speak of just whom most Men out there are, and with the Women in their lives too that is, while the Napolean Complex, and as applied even to 'People of Colour', does speak in all ways even, and of downplaying all sorts of 'Minority' success that is [and as with being a minority here in all again, speaking of those who would support Socialist mentalities in all, and in a Capitalist Country too for instance].

To speak of other Black Movements (Separatist, Liberationist, Power) in all, is to acquaint them in all again, and as with speak even of attempting to appear 'White' in all (and as with this referring even, to attempting to Impress 'White Folk' that us), while Black Resistance Movements on the otherhand, do deal with attempting to create respectful Images in all again, and of 'People of Colour' that is, and as based around Sexuality too, Intelligence, and even Spirituality that is [and as with all this even grounded in Religion of a kind actually].

In all ways even, speak of the 'Black' Psyche today, and as based around Acceptance and Self-Acceptance issues, does speak in all ways even, speak of sensitivity to all sorts of insults and intimidations, and as based around seeking Acceptance and Self-Acceptance too that is [and as with this speaking even, and of other Black Movements, and Black Resistance Movements respectively too that is]. In all ways even, Black Resistance Movements, do actually begin with those unhappy with their lives, and simply in all again, seek even, and to live life in a grandiose manner, and at a Communal level too, and as compared to those who do follow other kinds of Black Movements, and who do in all again, seek out Individual Success that is. 

In all ways even, those who do follow other kinds of Black Movements, do also deal with issues pertaining to being Black in all (and as versus White too that is), while those in Black Resistance Movements, do seek to identify only, and with Africa in all that is. In all again, other Black Movements and as dealing with Mental Conditions in all and as associated or arising with Colonialism and Slavery too, while Black Resistance Movements, deal only with attempting to resurrect Africa in all again, but as falsely said even, to be the true home in all, and of all 'Peoples of Colour' that is [and with those in Black Resistance Movements in all, falsely guided by this that is]. And while other kinds of Black Movements in all again, do somewhat deal and with the erasure in all, and of the History of the so termed Moors of Europe too (and as with they falsely believed Individual Successes that is), Black Resistance Movements in many a way, attempt to deal with issues pertaining to Communal Success in all, and as rising to Civilizational standards that is, and as with this referring even to speak of Ancient Egypt, and as an African Civilization too, and also one filled with 'People of Colour' that is. 

In all again, the basic difference between those following Black Resistance Movements, and those following other Black Movements, does speak of the latter and as seeking out to Appreciate oneself and others too, while the former, Black Resistance Movements, does speak in all ways even of attempting to Impress oneself and others too that is. 

How though, to re-direct the efforts of those who do follow Black Resistance Movements, and as in truly doing proper and fitting Communal work that is. In all ways even, this does speak even, and of just whom those who do follow Black Resistance Movements, are with Egyptian Civilization actually. That while some do perceive Egypt from the Pyramids at Gaza, a better way of viewing Egypt, and as with speak even of some or many of the Moors of Europe in all, does speak in all again, and of being acquainted with basic ideas in all, and which do open one up, and to a greater Understanding of things that is [but with this material in all, today restricted that is]. In all again, while those who do follow other Black Movements in all, do fail to realize that the Moors of Europe were actually truly Religious or Spiritual people, and as with their being Christian (Symbolism) too, those who do follow Black Resistance Movements, might be forewarned that, we do live in Media driven World in all, and Communal Development in this day, does often take Media oriented perspectives that is, and as compared to truly grounding Communal work, and in Religion too actually [and unless Religion is done from a Media perspective] [and in all that, most today, are simply Media driven in all, and as according to Belief systems that is].

To finally end this though, is to perhaps acquaint those who do follow Black Resistance Movements in all, and as with regards to just how to think of themselves and as Community Workers even, and as with the attempt even to speak of themselves as African, but also, the belief that, what is African, does actually go along and with speak of Nubian Civilization in all [and as with Egyptian Civilization too, believed different in all, and as with regards to seeking out inspiration in all again, and as with regards to Communal Work that is]. In all again, the attempt even to speak of what is African actually, and as with simply not being afraid even, to borrow from other Cultures in all, and as with the false belief that, other regions of the World did develop, and without assistance from other peoples in all that is [and as with borrowed Scholarship for instance]. To help those in the Black Resistance Movements in all again, simply know themselves in a glad or nonchalant manner too that is, is to perhaps speak in all again, and of the presence of Moors in Italy too actually, and as compared to those in Spain and Europe that is [and who are often associated with other Black Movements in all actually]. In all again, to speak of whom these Moors in Italy were (and as with little said about them actually) [and with a good example of this being the 'Sicilian' Machiavelli too], does speak in all ways even, and of simply associating them and with Communal Work, and that did in all again attain its results that is. To summarize all this, is to speak of the City of Bordeaux in France for instance, and as with it arising with Communal Work too, and in all ways even the very work 'Les Miserables' and by Victor Hugo too [and a work in all again, Communal in spirit even, and one actually written, and by an Italian Moor too that is]. Another example, does speak in all ways even and of the work Don Quixote, and by Cervantes too, and which is a work by an Italian Moor in all, Communal in spirit too, and can best be associated in all again, and with the City of Barcelona too actually. Finally in all again, the Italian work Orlando Furioso, and as a Poetic work in all, and which in all again, can be said to go along and with the very world of Italian Sportscars actually [and as with speak of Communal Development that is]. 

In all ways even, a fine way perhaps and for those in Black Resistance Movements, and who do live in a World where the achievements in all, and of 'People of Colour', have been erased, and as with speaking even of all sorts of Success out there too, and as with the Western World in all again, associated only with 'White People' too, and the furrther belief that 'People of Colour' in all, should truly even find inspiration and from only Africa and outside Egypt too that is [and as with Egypt today in all ways even, falsely acclaimed a World Civilization in all, and in its Successes too, when in reality, the Egyptians in all again, were actually highly segregative in their ways in all]. In all again, Italian Moors, and as best said even African perhaps, and in their approach to Communal Work that is.

Finally, speak of Communal Development and as based around Media too, does in all ways even perhaps, and as with speak of Black Resistance Movements that is, speak of developing unique Speech patterns in all, and as with they at the very least said Biblical in their ways that is.