Saturday 4 January 2014

Black Resistant Movements

Black Resistant Movements.

What some do refer to as Black Resistance Movements in all, does not speak in all again, and of Hate actually, or even truly again, of resisting oppression of all kinds, but in all ways even, does actually speak of creating a Black Consciousness, and as with regards to dealing with issues of Self-Hate that is.

In all though, Black Resistance Movements, and as compared to Black Power Movements, Black Liberationist Movements, or even Black Separatist Movements too, are far much better in all, and in explaining, the state of the World today, and as with it developed and undeveloped, and also speak of 'People of Colour' in all, and further speak also of 'White people' too that is. In many a way, it does speak even of just whom 'People of Colour' were, and in History too actually. In all, Black Resistance Movements, and as compared to other Black Movements (Separatist, Liberationist, Power), do not deal with Eurocentric viewpoints in all (and speak even of the so said inferiority of 'People of Colour', and as versus 'White People' too that is), but in all ways even, does merge in many a way, and with the world of British Historians actually [what differentiates British Historians in all, and from Eurocentrism too is that, Eurocentrists in all again do claim that no 'Person of Colour' in all, has made an impact in History, while British Historians on the otherhand do claim that, such peoples do exist, but their impact was not of great importance actually]. In all again, Black Resistance Movements, and as dealing even with the belief that, being a 'Person of Colour' in all, does refer to being underdeveloped that is (or truly said even, just somewhat educated or developed too actuallys) [and as with many a 'fool' too perhaps, worshiping the city of Nairobi that is], and in many a way, does speak in all ways even and of 'People of Colour', said to possess only certain forms of Intelligence actually [and as with being able even, to work successfully, and even as a true achiever that is, and in a White owned Corporation for instance]. In all, Black Resistance Movements, and as attempting to preach that 'People of Colour' in all, should attempt to build societies in all again, even unique to themselves, and that are highly successful that is [even moreso, and than the Modern/Western World that is].

In all ways even, one of the best ways to perceive Black Resistance Movements, is from the very perspective of what some do call 'Sell-Outs' and to 'People of Colour' in all, and as with they appearing to want to appease themselves, and by interacting only with 'White People' in all, when in all again, they are believed said to possess the skills to truly help develop a Black Consciousness that is. To speak of the diabolical nature of Black Resistance Movements, is to associate them in all, and with the said attempt even, and to wipe out the Traditional Cultures in all again, and of many a 'People of Colour' that is [and as with this even speaking of replacing them with Religion in all again, and as associated with Missionary activity too that is].

While Black Power, Black Separatist and Black Liberationist Movements, are said grounded in all, and in Africa as Continent that is (and as with attempting to separate oneself in many a way, and from Africa as a whole too that is), Black Resistance Movements on the otherhand, do seek in many a way, to ground themselves, and with speak of Egyptian History that is. In all, the belief that 'People of Colour' did build many a great Civilization in the old World, and the present times in all again, does find 'People of Colour' in all, undergoing all sorts of suffering, and due to the very belief that, they do lack in all, a Black Consciousness that is.

To understand better the difference between Black Resistance Movements, and also other kinds of Black Movements in all, is that, the latter in all again, do speak of finding Acceptance in all, while the former, Black Resistance Movements that is, does speak in all ways even, and of Self-Acceptance in all truly even [and as with this speaking even of the Psyche in all, and further speak too, and of simply being driven to succeed in life that is]. In all ways even, all this does speak of what some do term, the Modern Condition in all again, and as with it truly even, speaking of developing serious Mental/Psychological Complexes, their being many of them, and as with they even simply summarized and along the lines of Superiority and Inferiority Complexes that is.

In all ways too, speak of the above, Complexes that is, does speak in all ways even and of the subtle rise of Feminism in all, and as going back to the times of Revolutionary Europe that is. In that, Women as glorified in society in all again, and as innocent victims too, does speak in all ways even, and of the very fact denied that, Women in all, and more than Men too, do appear in all again, to truly suffer only from all sorts of Mental and Psychological Complexes, and as with speak even of severe Inferiority Complexes that is [and with Feminism too, appearing in all again to downplay Men in all, and simply make Women feel better about themselves] [and as with this even, speaking of the Women in our lives that is].

To understand the term 'White People' though, is to speak of it in all again, and as going with the worship of White Women that is. For while Black Resistance Movements, do attempt to deal with Social and Societal problems in all, and amongst 'People of Colour' too, other Black Movements in all again, do attempt in all, to speak of Black Achievement actually, and in a so said White World that is. 

Africans today though, can be said to best benefit in all, and from Black Resistance Movements, and as compared to other kinds of Black Movements that is [and as with further speak even of truly freeing ones mind and to all possibilities too actually]. 

While in all again, other Black Movements do deal with the following saying in all 'The Fear of the Black Man', Black Resistance Movements in all again, do actually speak of the 'Miseducation of the Black Man' [and as with this even speaking of the difference between Louis Farrakhan and Malcolm X too that is]. 

In all again, speak of Complexes and as defining the World today, do speak of two main Complexes in all: The Castration Complex, and what some do term the Napoleon Complex too that is. In all again, the Castration Complex does speak of just whom most Men out there are, and with the Women in their lives too that is, while the Napolean Complex, and as applied even to 'People of Colour', does speak in all ways even, and of downplaying all sorts of 'Minority' success that is [and as with being a minority here in all again, speaking of those who would support Socialist mentalities in all, and in a Capitalist Country too for instance].

To speak of other Black Movements (Separatist, Liberationist, Power) in all, is to acquaint them in all again, and as with speak even of attempting to appear 'White' in all (and as with this referring even, to attempting to Impress 'White Folk' that us), while Black Resistance Movements on the otherhand, do deal with attempting to create respectful Images in all again, and of 'People of Colour' that is, and as based around Sexuality too, Intelligence, and even Spirituality that is [and as with all this even grounded in Religion of a kind actually].

In all ways even, speak of the 'Black' Psyche today, and as based around Acceptance and Self-Acceptance issues, does speak in all ways even, speak of sensitivity to all sorts of insults and intimidations, and as based around seeking Acceptance and Self-Acceptance too that is [and as with this speaking even, and of other Black Movements, and Black Resistance Movements respectively too that is]. In all ways even, Black Resistance Movements, do actually begin with those unhappy with their lives, and simply in all again, seek even, and to live life in a grandiose manner, and at a Communal level too, and as compared to those who do follow other kinds of Black Movements, and who do in all again, seek out Individual Success that is. 

In all ways even, those who do follow other kinds of Black Movements, do also deal with issues pertaining to being Black in all (and as versus White too that is), while those in Black Resistance Movements, do seek to identify only, and with Africa in all that is. In all again, other Black Movements and as dealing with Mental Conditions in all and as associated or arising with Colonialism and Slavery too, while Black Resistance Movements, deal only with attempting to resurrect Africa in all again, but as falsely said even, to be the true home in all, and of all 'Peoples of Colour' that is [and with those in Black Resistance Movements in all, falsely guided by this that is]. And while other kinds of Black Movements in all again, do somewhat deal and with the erasure in all, and of the History of the so termed Moors of Europe too (and as with they falsely believed Individual Successes that is), Black Resistance Movements in many a way, attempt to deal with issues pertaining to Communal Success in all, and as rising to Civilizational standards that is, and as with this referring even to speak of Ancient Egypt, and as an African Civilization too, and also one filled with 'People of Colour' that is. 

In all again, the basic difference between those following Black Resistance Movements, and those following other Black Movements, does speak of the latter and as seeking out to Appreciate oneself and others too, while the former, Black Resistance Movements, does speak in all ways even of attempting to Impress oneself and others too that is. 

How though, to re-direct the efforts of those who do follow Black Resistance Movements, and as in truly doing proper and fitting Communal work that is. In all ways even, this does speak even, and of just whom those who do follow Black Resistance Movements, are with Egyptian Civilization actually. That while some do perceive Egypt from the Pyramids at Gaza, a better way of viewing Egypt, and as with speak even of some or many of the Moors of Europe in all, does speak in all again, and of being acquainted with basic ideas in all, and which do open one up, and to a greater Understanding of things that is [but with this material in all, today restricted that is]. In all again, while those who do follow other Black Movements in all, do fail to realize that the Moors of Europe were actually truly Religious or Spiritual people, and as with their being Christian (Symbolism) too, those who do follow Black Resistance Movements, might be forewarned that, we do live in Media driven World in all, and Communal Development in this day, does often take Media oriented perspectives that is, and as compared to truly grounding Communal work, and in Religion too actually [and unless Religion is done from a Media perspective] [and in all that, most today, are simply Media driven in all, and as according to Belief systems that is].

To finally end this though, is to perhaps acquaint those who do follow Black Resistance Movements in all, and as with regards to just how to think of themselves and as Community Workers even, and as with the attempt even to speak of themselves as African, but also, the belief that, what is African, does actually go along and with speak of Nubian Civilization in all [and as with Egyptian Civilization too, believed different in all, and as with regards to seeking out inspiration in all again, and as with regards to Communal Work that is]. In all again, the attempt even to speak of what is African actually, and as with simply not being afraid even, to borrow from other Cultures in all, and as with the false belief that, other regions of the World did develop, and without assistance from other peoples in all that is [and as with borrowed Scholarship for instance]. To help those in the Black Resistance Movements in all again, simply know themselves in a glad or nonchalant manner too that is, is to perhaps speak in all again, and of the presence of Moors in Italy too actually, and as compared to those in Spain and Europe that is [and who are often associated with other Black Movements in all actually]. In all again, to speak of whom these Moors in Italy were (and as with little said about them actually) [and with a good example of this being the 'Sicilian' Machiavelli too], does speak in all ways even, and of simply associating them and with Communal Work, and that did in all again attain its results that is. To summarize all this, is to speak of the City of Bordeaux in France for instance, and as with it arising with Communal Work too, and in all ways even the very work 'Les Miserables' and by Victor Hugo too [and a work in all again, Communal in spirit even, and one actually written, and by an Italian Moor too that is]. Another example, does speak in all ways even and of the work Don Quixote, and by Cervantes too, and which is a work by an Italian Moor in all, Communal in spirit too, and can best be associated in all again, and with the City of Barcelona too actually. Finally in all again, the Italian work Orlando Furioso, and as a Poetic work in all, and which in all again, can be said to go along and with the very world of Italian Sportscars actually [and as with speak of Communal Development that is]. 

In all ways even, a fine way perhaps and for those in Black Resistance Movements, and who do live in a World where the achievements in all, and of 'People of Colour', have been erased, and as with speaking even of all sorts of Success out there too, and as with the Western World in all again, associated only with 'White People' too, and the furrther belief that 'People of Colour' in all, should truly even find inspiration and from only Africa and outside Egypt too that is [and as with Egypt today in all ways even, falsely acclaimed a World Civilization in all, and in its Successes too, when in reality, the Egyptians in all again, were actually highly segregative in their ways in all]. In all again, Italian Moors, and as best said even African perhaps, and in their approach to Communal Work that is.

Finally, speak of Communal Development and as based around Media too, does in all ways even perhaps, and as with speak of Black Resistance Movements that is, speak of developing unique Speech patterns in all, and as with they at the very least said Biblical in their ways that is.