Tuesday, 7 January 2014

The Sun & the Moon

The Sun & the Moon.

Most in Africa have heard of Akhenaten in all, and as with pathetically saying that, the belief in all that, he was truly even a Nubian, masquerading as an Egyptian that is. This though is not true, and as in saying that he was fully an Egyptian, and in Speech and Behaviour too that is.

This post though, does very much have to do and with seeing Africa, and as divided into two main spheres of living that is. This in all ways even, does speak of Human Behaviour in all actually. That in all again, to speak of Africa, and as divided into two, and along the lines of Egypt/Sudan/Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia)/ Tanzania/Zimbabwe/Mozambique/South Africa and speak even of the rest of Africa too. The difference between these two spheres, appears very much to do, with what one could term General/Average/Typical Human Behaviour, and as with it in the Abyssinian group, determined in many a way even, and by Sun Worship too that is (and as with the sun even, said to differ and by place and as mentioned in the Abyssinian group), while in the rest of Africa, General/Average/Typical Human Behaviour, appears in all ways even, to go with the Moon actually.

In all again, speak of Akhenaten and the 18th Egyptian Dynasty, is to first of say that, the General/Average/Typical in all, and of Human Behaviour too, was very much determined and by Moon worship in all that is [and as with Tutankhamun in all, generally spearheading a movement, to make Egypt then, very much operate along the lines of the General/Average/Typical of Human Behaviour, as being based around Sun Worship too that is].

In all ways though, is to finish this up, and by speaking of Normal and Abnormal behaviour, and in Africa too that is. That in all again, and disastrously too (and as with speaking even of Management in all), the Normal and the Abnormal, has somewhat come to be defined, and by Nubian cultures in all (and as with speak even of the moniker 'the Sudan'), while in all ways even, the best way to view the Normal and the Abnormal in Africa, is from more or less along the lines of Chad actually [Link1, Link2, Link3].

The Sudan:
