Tuesday 7 January 2014



Those in 'Dar' in all, have already heard of the 'back of the mind' that is. A memory in all again, that does act as motivator in all, and to simply keep moving actually. Some though, might have heard of what some do term the 'top of the mind' actually, and as with this referring even, and to being keenly intelligent that is, and as with speak even of someone like Donald Trump too actually.

Those in Anatolia, 'Dar' or Africa though, might not be aware of a serious difficulty even, and that does often plague Africa in all [that being of Cultural Development that is]. In all ways even, all this speaking of a spark in all again, or even an idea too, to simply help spearhead in all, a Cultural movement of a kind, and that does improve on African Culture that is. In many a way, Africans today, are somewhat dependent on alien and foreign forces in all, and in helping bridge or improve on African culture actually.

To resolve this difficult problem though, is to perhaps speak of the 'front of the mind' that is. That in all ways even, this does speak of being somewhat ideaful in all, and as with regards even, to just what to do in all again, and at this very moment too that is. In all, something not too easy to enact in all, defining the 'front of the mind', and with the exception perhaps of associating all this, and with the activities, movements and motions even, and of many a place of Worship in Africa, and those who in all again, are associated with such places that is.

The 'front of the mind' (and as somewhat truly seen even in Central Asia, and as with it even somewhat African too that is):