Tuesday 7 January 2014

African Identities

African Identities.

Most in Africa, do perhaps truly wonder what does constitute for African Identities in all, and as with speak even of truly belonging in/to Africa that is. In many a way, recent times in all, and as with speak even of truly belonging in Africa, does speak in all ways even, and of African Aesthetics, Patterns and Designs, and as found in Nature too that is. This though, is not the best way of doing all this, creating African Identities, and as based around African Aesthetics, Patterns and Designs, as they in all again, can easily be appropriated or stolen in many a way that is [Link].

There is however another way of creating African Identities in all, and that is more or less truly suiting for Africans, and as with attempting even, to truly discover in all, what is truly African that is. This in many a way, does speak of viewing the African, and from their Neural, Nervous and Skeletal Systems too in all, and as with this furtherly speaking even of Voice/Sauti, Language and even Speech too that is [and respectively in all actually] [and as with Africa even, said to be the home of Language in itself that is]. In all ways even, the three mentioned Bodily Systems above, and as defining in all too even, African Behaviour, African speech, and even African Communications that is [and as with this in Africa, determined in all again, and by the Behavioural too that is].

In all again, those who are truly African, can be said, to very much have a look, and that is somewhat similar to the Great Sphinx in Egypt that is [and as with Sphinxes even, very much truly African actually].