Wednesday 8 January 2014



Many who know of Kenya, might have heard of the term Ki'ingereza or even Wa'ingereza too that is. It in many a way is falsely believed a term in all, and that does refer and to the British in Kenya that is. The truth though is that, Ki'ingereza in all, or even 'Imperial Britain' too, or simply in all again Britain in Kenya that is, does actually refer and to the History of 'People of Colour' in all, and as with they even truly European, American or Italian in their ways, and in Kenya too that is. That in all again, the Colonial History of Kenya, complicated in its ways in all and as with it speaking even of many an immigre in all, and into Colonial Kenya too that is, does speak in all ways even, and of British History in Kenya, and as actually referring to White populations in Kenya that is, and as with they differing in their ways even, and from the Wa'ingereza too [that complicatedly enough, the history of Colonial Kenya, does truly speak even of genocide in all, and as targeted towards Christian populations in all again and as seen in Kenya too, and as arising even, and not with African mentalities in all, but actually and complicatedly enough, and with Islamic mentalities in all truly even] [and as with speak even and of truly attempting to decipher in all, just whom in all again, was actually truly behind the Mau Mau uprising that is, and as the so termed State of Emergency in all, did not end and with the killing of Dedan Kimathi that is].