Thursday 31 July 2014

The African Eden

The African Eden.

The African Eden, and as with it all even said to speak of Artful in all, Renditions, Portrayals, Depictions, Presentations, Delineations etc., and of African life and society too, and speak in all again, and of Egypt and as termed 'Egypts land' (Delineations) [and further speak too of King Menes for instance] or truly in many a way, speak of Egypt and from an African perspective, and as referring in all, and to speak of Egypt, and not from the very perspective of 'Egypt : Land of the Pharaohs' or 'Egypt : Land of the Gods', or, 'Egypt : Land of the Nile', ''Egypt:Land of the Dead", ''The Lost Land of Egypt'' (Victorian) etc., but truly in all again, speak of Egypt, and as said 'Egypt:Land of Abundance' that is.

Sunday 27 July 2014

The African Tradition

The African Tradition.

What in all, does a Tradition truly stand for? It in many a way, and in the most simplest of ways, does refer and to speak of Law, Taboo or even Communications in themselves that is. Tradition and in many a way too, can be said, and to have been Paramount in all, and in the very rise of Civilization that is.

The first of known Traditions, and from an African context too, is that said Egyptian. For it is the Egyptian Tradition (and as with it even said Abrahamic), and that does speak in all, and of what some do term the Primeval, or speak truly in all, and of a 'Time in History' , and wherein and in all again, Humans, were pretty much said truly perfect in their ways that is [and speak too, and of the 'Neter' for instance]. The second of these Traditions, is very much Greek, and does go along and with what many do term 'Human Invention' that is [and speak in all again, and of the so termed '4 Great Inventions' for instance].

Does a truly symbolic African Tradition truly exist? The first of these, and as said Egyptian too, does speak in all, and of the so termed 'African Pot'. That the African Pot, is said to speak and of the bringing together and of many a varying Belief in all (and as speaking in all even, and of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies too for instance), but that in all ways even, the African Pot, and as associated and in all again, and with manifestations of Reality, and that do speak even and of Djinns that is.

There is however another known African Tradition, and that was in many a way exposed, and by Carl Jung, and in his travels, and into East Africa that is. It is a Tradition in all, and as said believed in all again, truly East African in its ways (and further speak here and in all even, and of Odinani for instance), and that does speak in all, and of the so termed 'Human Condition' that is [and speak in all again, and of the escaping, and of this so termed 'Human Condition', and in all ways even, one and as said transformed, and in becoming 'God' too that is]. It was in all, this very Tradition, and that did interest Carl Jung in all again, and as with regards in all even, and to what some do term the 'God Gene', or the 'God-Complex' too that is.

Saturday 26 July 2014

African Oral Traditions

African Oral Traditions.

In speaking of African Oral Traditions, and as with they said in all, and to very much go along and with African Storytelling and speak even and of African Oral Literature too, is to in many a way speak in all, and of the very belief that ' Africa's Time Has Come', and as with it all even said to refer, and to many a said African Tradition and as dying out, and in favour of the new that is [or speak even and of Africa and as said Industrializing, and as with it all even said to originate, and with the Agricultural Revolution and in Africa too that is].

In all, the above does speak of what some do term the 'Human Condition', and as it does in all again, speak of many a said African community in all, and as said suffering in its ways, and suffering too, and that has result in all result and in Africa, and in Language too, simply said as Bantu, and Non-Bantu, and with the Bantu and in Language, said to suffer in their ways that is [and further speak in all, and of Africa and as said Primitive, and Africa too in all again, and as associated and with Agricultural Farming practises in all].

In all, what does constitute and for African Oral Traditions, and as with they even said and to speak of the 'Human Condition'? It in all again, does speak even and of notions of Taboo and in Africa, and as it is in all believed that, Oral Traditions in Africa, do arise in all, and with just how Africans do define or interpret Contact, and in their lives that is. That the most basic of African Oral Traditions (and as with they even said to speak of Alien beings and alongside speak of Credo Mutwa too for instance), do speak of Africans and as living in communities in all, and just where every said event or happening in all again, is interpreted truly, and from speak of African perceptions of Contact that is. In many a way, Africa, and as said truly, dying out, does speak even and of just how they do define Contact in all, and as said in all again, truly redefined, and by speak even and of Western, American or European influences that is.

While Contact is the foremost of ways and by which Africans in all, do define or create Oral Traditions, other ways or manners are known to exist, and as seen in all, and amongst those said Non-Bantu that is. The most known of these, and as said Congo too, does speak in all even, and of what some do call or term 'spirit possession' [Ozain]. In sll though, just what in all again, does 'spirit possession' truly represent or stand for? It is in all simply said to speak and of one and as Awakening and to their environments or environs in all, and at just about any minute too, and with 'spirit possession', said very much to go along, and with speak of the spirits of the Dead that is.

In finality though, African Oral Traditions, and in the very form of Oral Literature too, and as said in all, and to speak of Insight, Spiritual too, and as with regards, and to just about anything [and speak in all perhaps, and of West Africa, and as having possessed a longstanding native Textile industry for instance][Link].

Friday 25 July 2014

Thursday 24 July 2014

African Ecologies

African Ecologies.

In speaking of African Ecologies, is to perhaps in all, speak of Religion, and as with it in all even associated, and with speak of the Dawn of Civilization that is. That African Ecologies, are in the very least and in all again, associated and with speak of Natural, Traditional or Staple Diets too in all, but that in all ways even, this does speak and of just how we do seek to define Humanity or Mankind too [and as with it all even said to basically speak of the Feast in all], but that in all ways even, Man is simply said Ethereal in his ways (and as in speak of equating life and with Water in itself), and in all ways truly, speak of Death and in all its manifest forms, and as said truly a reality, and further speak in all and of the bid in all again, and in truly escaping Death that is [and speak in all, and of the Dawn of Civilization, and life and as said Innocent too, and before in all, Man becomes Tainted in his ways, in that, he is said said unable and to be of the understanding of many a Spiritual Truth, and as referring in all even, and to speak of Adaptation/Technology/Magic in all, but that in all ways too, he is said to simply live a life filled with Unhappiness, lots of struggle, and speak of Adaptation, and that does go along and with speak of Birth-Death-Re-birth Cycles in all, and as compared in all, and to speak of the full escaping and of Death in itself, and as said referring even and to speak of one and as said returning to the Source that is].

In all Humanity or Mankind, and as said in all, bonding in their ways, and as with regards to speak of Awareness, Conscious States or Consciousness in all, and as simply said to speak of the Proverbial in itself that is.

Wednesday 23 July 2014



To speak of Adaptation in all, is to basically in all even, associate it and with speak of life in itself [and as versus speak of Life, and Adventure too perhaps]. In speaking of life and as just mentioned, three models in all, can be said known, and as with regards to Human existences, and as seen around the World that is. The first of these, and as said African too, can be said to speak and of Evolutionary Instinct (or basic speak even and of the Hunger, Humour, Sleep and Sex Instincts), and that in all ways even, life and as spoken of and as just mentioned above, does in all ways even and in the very least, speak of Solitude for instance, and as a Spiritual state too in all [and as associated in all even, and with Animal Wildlife too for instance], and via which one does grow/evolve by [and speak in all again, and of Elephants and as growing into humongous sizes, and via the eating Shrubbery  and Leaves that is]. In all, Solitude and as said needed, and in learning just how to evolve, and as with it all even passing, and for what some do term Spiritual/Religious Tradition, and in Africa too that is.

You do also have Asia on the otherhand, and where life in all again, and alongside speak of Asian Philosophy too, has come in all, and to be associated, and with speak of Plant Totemism in all actually. That unknown to most, the Healthy Foods/Eating Fads/Diets in all, and as associated and with the Western World too, do in all have their origins and in Asia that is, and as with this all referring, and to the very fact that, Asians in all have often truly associated life, and with speak of Body or Bodily functionings, and as said Physical, Chemical and Biological too that is [and speak of Asian Philosophy and as said emanating and from as such that is].

Finally you do have the rest of the World, and just where in all again, Adaptation and as speaking of life, has always been simply associated and with Reproduction Abilities [and as simply taken for granted that is], but that in all ways even, Reproduction in all, and as perceived and as going along and with speak of the birth, rise and fall/demise and of many a Culture (and as simply said changing, transforming or growing in its ways too), and with Culture in all again, simply said in all, and as emanating and from Family life that is [and speak even and of the very concept of Society in all actually].In all, Culture and as said Developed (and from a Religious stance too), going along and with speak even and of Virgin Births, Ghosts, or even Twins/Triplets too for instance.

In all again, speak here perhaps, and of Alien/Extraterrestrial life forms in all, and as going along and with speak of life and as associated in all again, and with Evolutionary Instinct that is [and all this, and as alongside speak of Viruses and Serpentine life forms, and as said to speak of life in itself that is].



Salvation, and as with it all even referring, and to what some do term the Planetary, and in Africa too that is [and speak in all again, and of it all and as said Awareness, Consciousness, and Conscious States too that is].

Tuesday 22 July 2014

African Cults

African Cults.

African Cults, and as with they even said Religious too, and as said often and in all again, associated in all and with Ancestral Worship/Veneration and African Militias too, could very well in all again, be probably redesigned, and in the following manner:

1. African Media (Mythic)
2. African Blood (Herbalism)
3. African Tradition (Poetic)
4. African Rites
5. African Heritages

And all the above and as proposed in all perhaps, and in the Belief that, African Cults do offer rather novel even, ways of living in all, and as with regards to re-designing African societies, and on the average too [that in all, African Cults are oft associated in all again, and with the very development and of unique Gifts, Talents and Skills too that is, and which in all again, are often associated and with the attempt and to define what does stand for Standards, and in society too that is].



Neutrality, and speak too in all, and of African Magic [and as with it all even said to speak or refer in all and to Policy, Doctrine, Belief etc.].

The African Medicine Man

The African Medicine Man.

The African Medicine Man, and as with he even differing and from the African Herbalist, African Pharmacologist or even African Druggist (Medical Substances) too perhaps, in that, the African Medicine Man, does deal in all, and with Portions, Concoctions or even Antidotes too, and such that, he does attempt in all again, and to heal many a person and from a Para-Psychologist perspective [or speak truly even, and of redefining the role/position of Man in all, and as with regards to his Environments, Nature, the Planet, God etc.], but with the African Medicine Man in all again, often truly said, an Expert, and on African Affairs too that is.

Sunday 20 July 2014

Ancestral Wisdom

Ancestral Wisdom.

What in all, does actually constitute and for Ancestral Wisdom? For many and in all again, it is all too often confused, and for Folk Art/Identity too [and with the exception here in all, speaking of Folk Song too that is]. That Ancestral Wisdom, is in all again, an Identity, and that is truly associated in all, and with speak of Memory Sequencing that is [or truly in all again, having someone in all, Remember or Recall in all too really, just about anything, and in a said Sequencing that is][and speak truly even, and of what does constitute and for Memory Storage in all, and as with regards truly even, and to just how one does observe in all, just about anything that is]. In all, an Identity, and as with it often associated and with what some do term Sequence Learning [Link], and as an Identity too, and that does attempt to tell one in all that, ones Daydreaming in all again, or speak even and of Hallucinatory Imaginings in all, are in all ways even, truly more or less Real/Factual, and as compared in all again and to speak of Physical Experiences in all, and which are just simply said Real that is, and as with regards in all too even, and to speak of Alternate Sequences/Sequencing for instance.

Saturday 19 July 2014



Many in Africa, have truly in all, heard of IFA. It in all again, is simply said and to speak of Yoruba Religion [and from the very perspective of the Corpus that is], but with it all even, not said factual as such, in that, the very use of the term Corpus, does not in many a way, pertain to Yoruba Religion that is [and which is basically said to speak of Ase and Orunmila too, but in all ways even, further speak in all, and of Olodumare that is]. IFA in all, is however said a Corpus, and a term in all again, and that does speak of Oracles [and not Divinational Systems either, and as the Yoruba do possess], and with the Corpus too, a term in all again, best associated and with speak even and of Coptic Christianity/Church that is [that IFA, is more or less believed in all even, recently introduced and onto Yoruba Religion, and with no true known source of origins either that is].

What is IFA though? As mentioned above, some do in all associate it with speak of Oracles (and alongside speak even and of the Orisha and by the Yoruba too), but that in all ways even, IFA does basically speak of what some do term spirit [and as versus Spirit too that is], and further speak in all even and of Mediums that is. That IFA, can truly in all and in the most basic of ways, said to speak of IFA Sayings/Proverbs, and in many a way too, IFA Names that is [and speak furtherly in all again, and respectively too that is, and of spirit and Mediums that is].

That IFA in all, and as said even a Revelation in all again, does bring with it, a problematic Worldview and as with regards to Religion, in that, most Religion out there, Conventional too, does basically speak and of Man and as simply said Flesh & Bones (and as said in many a way too, born in a state of Sin perhaps), and in all ways even, and as with regards in all too even and to speak of Conscious States that is, that he in all must strive hard and to make something of himself, and via speak in all even, and of Archetype & Myth too that is. IFA on the otherhand though, brings with it, a differing view, and one problematic too in that, it does simply say that Man is born a Blessed person in all, and his goal in all again and in the simplest of ways, is to remain as such, and while in all, truly attempting in all again and to understand, that life is Abundant in its ways, and filled with Promise too, and if and only if, one can truly comprehend, that one in all, is truly Blessed, and despite any mishaps in all, or tragic happenings too, and as said happening that is.

In all, IFA, and as often touted a whole new Revelation in all, and as Religion too, said widely varying in its ways [and as with it basically known in the form of spirit and Mediums too][and Mediums, and further speak in all even and of IFA Names/symbols and IFA Sayings in all, but further speak here in all even, and of IFA, and as spurning a whole new kind of Media that is], but that in all ways even, Religion yet to be fully understood, and from basic speak of History, Character, or even Gender in itself too that is.

The sounds of IFA:

Thursday 17 July 2014



Hotep, and as with it all even speaking of Egyptian History, and as said African, Greek and Egyptian too in all, but that in all ways even, it does basically refer and to life and as lived around speak of Electrification and the Body too in all (or one and as having a complete or true Zest or Enthusiasm and for life) [and as in having in all again, all of ones 'Dreams', come true, and at the right place and Time that is], in that, Hotep, does also speak of African Religion and in the form of Palo (Mayombe) and as seen in Egypt too, but that in all ways even, it does speak in all, and of the Egyptians, and as said grandiose Communicators in all actually [and further speak here, and controversially enough, and of the Pyramid Builders, or even speak in all, and of Im-Hotep that is]. In all again, a rather controversial manner and of looking into Egyptian History, and as it does in all again call into question, just whom /who in all. the Pharaohs of Egypt, truly were? For Egyptian History and as said speaking of Drama, is eclipsed as such, and by the Greek World, while speak of Egypt and from Ethnography, is  in many a way too triumphed over in all, and by speak of Italy too that is. 

Just whom/who in all, were the Pharaohs of Egypt?

Wednesday 16 July 2014

Streams of Consciousness

Streams of Consciousness.

Streams of Consciousness, and as with it all even speaking of the very heights, and of African Media too [and as with it all even said grounded in all, and in speak of Sustenance that is].



Rejoice, and speak in all even, and of what does constitute and for an African Spirit, and as with it all even said to speak of the Local, the Locale and Locality too, but in all ways truly even, speak in all and of Sanity and as said integral and to African Behaviour in all, and in all ways truly, further speak here even, and of the Paramount, and the so called 'Paramount Chief' too that is.

Tuesday 15 July 2014



And speak too, and of Alchemy and as said African, and not Egyptian truly either that is.

The WItchdoctor

The Witchdoctor.

To speak of the African Witchdoctor, is to in all ways even separate him in all, and from speak even and of African Witchcraft that is. That African Witchcraft [Link], and as truly even often associated and with speak of Witches too, does differ in all and from the very world of the Witchdoctor in that (and as with he even said Shamanic too), it does in all even speak and of what some do term Counselling (and speak even of Psychological Heath too), and as versus speak of Therapy too that is (and speak even and of Emotional Health that is).

That Counselling and from an African Perspective, does go along, and with speak of Time too, and as perceived and from speak even and of Concurrency, and speak in all again and of Memory too, and as perceived and from speak even and of the Collective that is. In all, the Witchdoctor, and as said in all again, the very harbinger and of African History too (and as with it even said to speak of Moors that is), in that, they do in all provide interesting perspectives, and to life/History in itself, and as said in all again and to go along and with a Humour too perhaps, and that does speak even, and of Consciousness in all, and in its entirety too that is [or speak truly even, and of what is of importance or significance too, and at just about every moment that is].

Sunday 13 July 2014

African Cats & Dogs

African Cats & Dogs.

South American styled Spirituality/Religion, and as seen/found in Africa too [and speak even, and of Life, and as going along and with speak of Passages, or even Astral Projections too that is].

Thursday 10 July 2014

Unconscious States

Unconscious States.

Unconscious States, and as with they referring and to an African/Egyptian Spirituality in all, and that does speak of fomenting or the creating of Identity, and as based around speak of truly acquainting oneself, and with Referencing too, and as with regards to speak of Space, Time and Direction in itself too that is.

Wednesday 9 July 2014

Guardian Spirits/Ancestors

Guardian Spirits/Ancestors.

The very idea in all, and of Guardian Spirits/Ancestors, and in Africa too, does in many a way even, speak of life in Africa, and as said going along even, and with speak of the (Multi) Variable too that is [and further speak too even, and of one and as said basically Multi-Dimensional that is][and further speak even and of life in Africa, and as truly opening itself to one, and further speak too and of what does constitute and for true Growth, Change and Transformation, and in Africa too that is].

Tuesday 8 July 2014



To speak of Illuminance, is to perhaps remind one that, life in Africa in all, is best said lived, and when one is an Escapist/Escapism, and as versus speak of one and as said a Dreamer too that is. In all, Escapism, and as a Psychological condition too, going along and with speak of one and as said mired in Poverty, and unlike speak of being a Dreamer, and which does speak of lowly lifestyles that is. 

In all, Escapism, and as truly bringing a long, a whole new angle perhaps, and to discussions in all again, and of what does constitute for African Philosophy (Thought), and as with regards to speak of Reproduction/Breeding/Genetics too that is.

Conventional Media / Conventionalism

Conventional Media / Conventionalism.

Conventional Media / Conventionalism, and as with regards even, and to speak of the above posted work too, and as with it even referring, and to what did constitute for everyday (or daily) problem solving in the old/ancient World perhaps, and as with Conventional Media too in all, something in all again, and that does attract many a person, and to Egyptian/African Civilization that is.

Monday 7 July 2014



To speak of the Tarot, is to in all ways even, speak of Identity creation and in Africa, and that does speak even, and of the Life force in all actually. What this does truly mean is that, the Tarot in all, does speak of those said Freespirited, and as with they even finding a difficulty in all, and in truly defining what does stand for a Challenge (and Success too), and as with regards even perhaps, and to defining oneself, and as based on speak of Restrictions/pain in themselves that is [that Life in all again, is said to come to an end, and when one is free, and of all Restrictions in all actually].

To speak of the Freespirited and the Life force in an African context, is to not only speak of the Egyptian God Thoth, but that in all ways even, it does also speak of Cymbals too (and the very world of Egyptian Belly Dancers), but that finally in all again, it truly speaking even, and of the Wisdom in all, and as often associated, and with speak of the Cobra too [and as with it said the only Serpent in all perhaps, and to truly represent, the Life force in all actually].

In all, the Freespirited, and as truly even, struggling perhaps, and in defining life, and as based on Enjoyment in itself, and as those who do seek to re-define Restrictions and as seen in society (and speak even of Inhibitions, Limitations or even Inclinations too), do find themselves somewhat truly isolated from society, and as they in all again do truly struggle, and in defining Restrictions in their lives, and that do actually allow for them, to Enjoy their Lives, and in many a way too, truly know what Challenges in all, are truly worthwhile, and in living out life that is.

Amun / Amen-RA

Amun / Amen-Ra.

Amun in all, and as speaking in all and of 'God' too, and as simply said a Design, and as with African Designs in all again, said to be the most interesting, and of them all that is [and all this too, and as speaking even and of 'Ori Inu' or the Inner Self, and Design too and in life, and that does take all this into account actually[and further speak here again, and of Time Travel, and as the very least said possible, and from speak of Dream-like states that is].

Wednesday 2 July 2014

The Hebrews

The Hebrews.

The Hebrews, and as with they said in all, a race of peoples, falsely believed Semitic or Israelite, when in all, their roots and origins are Egyptian, but in all truly, an Identity that does speak of Egypt, Greece, Italy/Toulouse (Link) and onwards into Africa (and speak even of Great Zimbabwe too for instance), and furtherly in all again, speak of their being truly rooted perhaps, and in speak of the Yemenites/Arabians that is.

The Hebrews:

Tuesday 1 July 2014

African Insects

African Insects.

African Insects, and as with it all even referring and to just whom in all Africans are, and with being too, and not Being truly either.