Thursday 17 July 2014



Hotep, and as with it all even speaking of Egyptian History, and as said African, Greek and Egyptian too in all, but that in all ways even, it does basically refer and to life and as lived around speak of Electrification and the Body too in all (or one and as having a complete or true Zest or Enthusiasm and for life) [and as in having in all again, all of ones 'Dreams', come true, and at the right place and Time that is], in that, Hotep, does also speak of African Religion and in the form of Palo (Mayombe) and as seen in Egypt too, but that in all ways even, it does speak in all, and of the Egyptians, and as said grandiose Communicators in all actually [and further speak here, and controversially enough, and of the Pyramid Builders, or even speak in all, and of Im-Hotep that is]. In all again, a rather controversial manner and of looking into Egyptian History, and as it does in all again call into question, just whom /who in all. the Pharaohs of Egypt, truly were? For Egyptian History and as said speaking of Drama, is eclipsed as such, and by the Greek World, while speak of Egypt and from Ethnography, is  in many a way too triumphed over in all, and by speak of Italy too that is. 

Just whom/who in all, were the Pharaohs of Egypt?