Ancestral Wisdom.
What in all, does actually constitute and for Ancestral Wisdom? For many and in all again, it is all too often confused, and for Folk Art/Identity too [and with the exception here in all, speaking of Folk Song too that is]. That Ancestral Wisdom, is in all again, an Identity, and that is truly associated in all, and with speak of Memory Sequencing that is [or truly in all again, having someone in all, Remember or Recall in all too really, just about anything, and in a said Sequencing that is][and speak truly even, and of what does constitute and for Memory Storage in all, and as with regards truly even, and to just how one does observe in all, just about anything that is]. In all, an Identity, and as with it often associated and with what some do term Sequence Learning [Link], and as an Identity too, and that does attempt to tell one in all that, ones Daydreaming in all again, or speak even and of Hallucinatory Imaginings in all, are in all ways even, truly more or less Real/Factual, and as compared in all again and to speak of Physical Experiences in all, and which are just simply said Real that is, and as with regards in all too even, and to speak of Alternate Sequences/Sequencing for instance.