Saturday 19 July 2014



Many in Africa, have truly in all, heard of IFA. It in all again, is simply said and to speak of Yoruba Religion [and from the very perspective of the Corpus that is], but with it all even, not said factual as such, in that, the very use of the term Corpus, does not in many a way, pertain to Yoruba Religion that is [and which is basically said to speak of Ase and Orunmila too, but in all ways even, further speak in all, and of Olodumare that is]. IFA in all, is however said a Corpus, and a term in all again, and that does speak of Oracles [and not Divinational Systems either, and as the Yoruba do possess], and with the Corpus too, a term in all again, best associated and with speak even and of Coptic Christianity/Church that is [that IFA, is more or less believed in all even, recently introduced and onto Yoruba Religion, and with no true known source of origins either that is].

What is IFA though? As mentioned above, some do in all associate it with speak of Oracles (and alongside speak even and of the Orisha and by the Yoruba too), but that in all ways even, IFA does basically speak of what some do term spirit [and as versus Spirit too that is], and further speak in all even and of Mediums that is. That IFA, can truly in all and in the most basic of ways, said to speak of IFA Sayings/Proverbs, and in many a way too, IFA Names that is [and speak furtherly in all again, and respectively too that is, and of spirit and Mediums that is].

That IFA in all, and as said even a Revelation in all again, does bring with it, a problematic Worldview and as with regards to Religion, in that, most Religion out there, Conventional too, does basically speak and of Man and as simply said Flesh & Bones (and as said in many a way too, born in a state of Sin perhaps), and in all ways even, and as with regards in all too even and to speak of Conscious States that is, that he in all must strive hard and to make something of himself, and via speak in all even, and of Archetype & Myth too that is. IFA on the otherhand though, brings with it, a differing view, and one problematic too in that, it does simply say that Man is born a Blessed person in all, and his goal in all again and in the simplest of ways, is to remain as such, and while in all, truly attempting in all again and to understand, that life is Abundant in its ways, and filled with Promise too, and if and only if, one can truly comprehend, that one in all, is truly Blessed, and despite any mishaps in all, or tragic happenings too, and as said happening that is.

In all, IFA, and as often touted a whole new Revelation in all, and as Religion too, said widely varying in its ways [and as with it basically known in the form of spirit and Mediums too][and Mediums, and further speak in all even and of IFA Names/symbols and IFA Sayings in all, but further speak here in all even, and of IFA, and as spurning a whole new kind of Media that is], but that in all ways even, Religion yet to be fully understood, and from basic speak of History, Character, or even Gender in itself too that is.

The sounds of IFA: