Wednesday 23 July 2014



To speak of Adaptation in all, is to basically in all even, associate it and with speak of life in itself [and as versus speak of Life, and Adventure too perhaps]. In speaking of life and as just mentioned, three models in all, can be said known, and as with regards to Human existences, and as seen around the World that is. The first of these, and as said African too, can be said to speak and of Evolutionary Instinct (or basic speak even and of the Hunger, Humour, Sleep and Sex Instincts), and that in all ways even, life and as spoken of and as just mentioned above, does in all ways even and in the very least, speak of Solitude for instance, and as a Spiritual state too in all [and as associated in all even, and with Animal Wildlife too for instance], and via which one does grow/evolve by [and speak in all again, and of Elephants and as growing into humongous sizes, and via the eating Shrubbery  and Leaves that is]. In all, Solitude and as said needed, and in learning just how to evolve, and as with it all even passing, and for what some do term Spiritual/Religious Tradition, and in Africa too that is.

You do also have Asia on the otherhand, and where life in all again, and alongside speak of Asian Philosophy too, has come in all, and to be associated, and with speak of Plant Totemism in all actually. That unknown to most, the Healthy Foods/Eating Fads/Diets in all, and as associated and with the Western World too, do in all have their origins and in Asia that is, and as with this all referring, and to the very fact that, Asians in all have often truly associated life, and with speak of Body or Bodily functionings, and as said Physical, Chemical and Biological too that is [and speak of Asian Philosophy and as said emanating and from as such that is].

Finally you do have the rest of the World, and just where in all again, Adaptation and as speaking of life, has always been simply associated and with Reproduction Abilities [and as simply taken for granted that is], but that in all ways even, Reproduction in all, and as perceived and as going along and with speak of the birth, rise and fall/demise and of many a Culture (and as simply said changing, transforming or growing in its ways too), and with Culture in all again, simply said in all, and as emanating and from Family life that is [and speak even and of the very concept of Society in all actually].In all, Culture and as said Developed (and from a Religious stance too), going along and with speak even and of Virgin Births, Ghosts, or even Twins/Triplets too for instance.

In all again, speak here perhaps, and of Alien/Extraterrestrial life forms in all, and as going along and with speak of life and as associated in all again, and with Evolutionary Instinct that is [and all this, and as alongside speak of Viruses and Serpentine life forms, and as said to speak of life in itself that is].