Sunday 27 July 2014

The African Tradition

The African Tradition.

What in all, does a Tradition truly stand for? It in many a way, and in the most simplest of ways, does refer and to speak of Law, Taboo or even Communications in themselves that is. Tradition and in many a way too, can be said, and to have been Paramount in all, and in the very rise of Civilization that is.

The first of known Traditions, and from an African context too, is that said Egyptian. For it is the Egyptian Tradition (and as with it even said Abrahamic), and that does speak in all, and of what some do term the Primeval, or speak truly in all, and of a 'Time in History' , and wherein and in all again, Humans, were pretty much said truly perfect in their ways that is [and speak too, and of the 'Neter' for instance]. The second of these Traditions, is very much Greek, and does go along and with what many do term 'Human Invention' that is [and speak in all again, and of the so termed '4 Great Inventions' for instance].

Does a truly symbolic African Tradition truly exist? The first of these, and as said Egyptian too, does speak in all, and of the so termed 'African Pot'. That the African Pot, is said to speak and of the bringing together and of many a varying Belief in all (and as speaking in all even, and of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies too for instance), but that in all ways even, the African Pot, and as associated and in all again, and with manifestations of Reality, and that do speak even and of Djinns that is.

There is however another known African Tradition, and that was in many a way exposed, and by Carl Jung, and in his travels, and into East Africa that is. It is a Tradition in all, and as said believed in all again, truly East African in its ways (and further speak here and in all even, and of Odinani for instance), and that does speak in all, and of the so termed 'Human Condition' that is [and speak in all again, and of the escaping, and of this so termed 'Human Condition', and in all ways even, one and as said transformed, and in becoming 'God' too that is]. It was in all, this very Tradition, and that did interest Carl Jung in all again, and as with regards in all even, and to what some do term the 'God Gene', or the 'God-Complex' too that is.