Monday, 31 March 2014

The Everlasting

The Everlasting.

The Everlasting in all, does speak even and of just what we do believe in all again, to be a Sole Memory in all, and of something exposed in all too that is. To understand this better perhaps, is to in all ways even speak of turning Africa and as a Continent too, and into a Homely place in all, and as with speak even of viewing Africa, and as Familiar Ground too, and as with further speak even of being Critical in all that is. That in all again, all this does speak even of creating in all perhaps, an Indelible memory in all, and of many a thing, and as with it all even making one a Critic in all again, a strong Critic too, and as with regards to anything in all that is. 

Take Europe for instance and where the Everlasting does basically speak even and of not only Robin Hood for instance, but in many a way too perhaps, of William Tell in all actually. You do have China, and where the Maoist Government for instance did attempt to reinforce its Ideologies in all, and as with they said even Everlasting too, and via speak even of Wushu and even ancient/traditional Chinese Song too that is [and as with all this even speaking of Chinese History and from the perspective of wanting to unite it all that is].

In Central Asia, a more interesting situation in all and where the History of the Everlasting, does go along and with speak even of Threats in all, and a culture too of gossip actually, and that did in many a way unite the whole of Central Asia that is. 

When one does speak of Africa and the everlasting, is to not only perhaps speak of the Spectacle too somewhat, but as with regards to speak even of Sight in itself (and one as said silently Critical as such), it in all ways even does speak of the Three Step Pyramids and in Egypt too, and as with they said even to go back and to Old Kingdom Egypt too that is [and as with speak even and of what an Everlasting Memory in Africa, should be like and as with regards to Sight, and not Sounds either, and as with Africa even having come to be defined and as with regards to speak of the Everlasting, and via speak of Sounds too that is] [and as with they even said somewhat Nubian in all actually].

Egyptian Sounds and the Everlasting:

Friday, 28 March 2014



What to make of Life today? To speak in difficult terms, is to perhaps in all even speak of Evolutionary Thought in itself. What though, does it all mean? Meaning that in all, how do we best explain Human life today, and as with regards even to speak of Evolution, and in many a way too, speak truly even and of how in all we do perceive Suffering in itself actually.

To understand all this better, is to perhaps in all again truly attempt to ground just about all Experiences possible in all (and as with they said even Mystical or Magical too), and in speak even of Survival/Courage, Bare Necessities and even Morbidity/Disorder too that is. That in all, when one does find themselves in the latter three states in all perhaps, what truly in all again, does stand for even, and for the greatest or grandest even and of Experiences possible that is [and as with this even speaking of Death as forthcoming, or even speak of Identity in all, and as defined and as based around speak of (ingrained) Fear(s) in itself too that is]. 

To understand all this better is to even state that, lots of Media today, and as with it even speaking of Individual and Unique Experiences in all, is often presented and from speak of the above three mentioned states in all, and has in many a way even led, and to the replacement in all, and of Ethnographic oriented Lifestyles too that is [and as with they all even deemed Traditional in all really].

To speak in all then and of just how Humans have attempted to define themselves and from speak even of the above [and in the attempt too, to build Civilization in all], is to not only even speak of it all and as grounded in all again and in speak of Locality too [Local, Regional, Continental Identities etc.], but in all ways even, it said to very much basically consist in all too even, and of media, and even news media too perhaps.

The first of these in all, does speak even and of Ancient Egypt too, and as said in all grounding all the above, and in speak of Ethnography too, and which in African terms in all, does actually speak of Vodou, Hoodoo and even Conjure too that is [Link].

The second of these does speak even of Ancient Greece in all, and further speak even and of Freemasonry in all too really, and as said to define Human Experiences, and as with speak even of Base existences too that is [and life too and as said even, Highly Ritualized that is].

Another of these does speak even of Italy, and further speak even and of what some do term Theosophy in all, and as with Theosophy too, speaking of the very rise of Media in all too even, and as it is even known today too that is.

In all again, all the above mentioned, and as compared to speak of Media today in all, and which in all again, is somewhat exclusive and as with speak even and of the above three forementioned states of Survival/Courage, Bare Necessities and even Morbidity/Disorder too, and as with most of it even speaking of poorly developed Entertainment Media in all, and one and as said before exclusive in its ways that is [and as with speak even and of not Locality truly, but in all ways even and of Segregation in itself actually (and in a World today, and that does present itself and as fully offering Opportunity to all, and in the name of Equality too that is)].

To get though and to the Fundamentals of all this, and as with speak even of Africa and as a distinct Continent and from others out there, is to equate Africa and with all the above spoken of in all, and with speak even of Paleontology in itself, and as with stating that life outside Africa in many a way in all again, seems to speak even and of Physiology in itself too that is. 

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

On the Human Experience

On the Human Experience.

Those in Africa in many a way, do often take a wrong view in all, and as with regards even, and to speak of the Past, the Present and the Future too. This in many a way does take the form even, and of speak of Individual Consciousness too (and as with this referring even and to the holding of many a private thought too), and as with it all even taking the form of many a Comparison contest, and as with regards to speak of African societies, and as viewed from a Historical perspective too, and as compared in all again, and to many another society, within and 'without' Africa too that is.

In all ways even, this Consciousness in all, and as with it Individual too, and not National or African truly either, does speak even of viewing African societies, and from speak even of Philosophy too, and as with Philosophy here said to speak and of basically even what does entail for Religious, Social, Political or even Economic Identity too, and as with many an African even comparing themselves, and to speak even of Europe and European Philosophy too and as such that is.

Those in Africa and as often said more or less progressive in their ways, are in many a way even, different from most Africans and as with regards to speak of Individual Consciousness [and further speak even of Colonialism for instance, and even the comparing of African societies to European societies too], in that, they do in all perceive African societies, and from the perspective of Historical, Daily and Everyday Experiences too, and as with Africa even and as compared even and to Asia too for instance in all,.having fared somewhat much more well in all, and than most do believe [and as with all this even speaking of just how American societies do in many a way even view themselves and from a Historical perspective too that is].

There is another group though and of Africans too, and as with this referring even and to Individual Consciousness, and who do view African societies, and from speak even of Rationalism in all. Rationalism too, and as with it in all even Greek too, does find its ways into the Middle East, and is at the very heart even, and of the birth of society in the Middle East too, and as with it basically even dealing with issues and matters and as pertaining to Chaos and Disorderliness in itself that is. In all again, while the Israelis are said to be the most Rational, it in many a way though, is believed that it is the Saudis that are the most Rational in all that is [and all this too, and as speaking of the History of many a Religious Sect and Cult and as to be seen in the Middle East too that is]. In all, Rationalism, and as very much guiding the Human Experience in the Middle East, but with it in all failing in many a way in Africa, and as Chaos and Disorderliness in Africa, does speak even and of Habitats in themselves actually.

There is however another way of viewing African societies, and as with it Italian too, and which in all ways even and as with regards to the Human Experience and Individual Consciousness too, does speak even and of attempting to truly define what it does mean to be Human that is. That this model in all and of viewing Human societies, does find its ways and into Europe too and via Italy that is, and does speak even of viewing Europe and as with it said even Local and Regional [and speak even of the basic manner too, and of viewing Europe as a whole and as divided into Western, Central and Eastern Europe too that is]. In all, Europeans and as living Local and Regional lifestyles, now do engage in all, and in the Development of Art, Science and even philosophy too, and from more or less an Idea oriented perspective, and which does result in the exchange and of many an Idea and as with regards to the above forementioned in all, and between regions too in all that is, and Ideas too, and that does speak even and of what it does mean to be Human that is. 

In Italy though, speak even of being Human, does take a differing definition in all, and as with it speaking even and of the Italian Language in itself, and as with Italians now basically evolving and as based around the reading even and of many a Religious and Holy Text, and as ranging from speak even of the Bible or even the Arabian Nights too [and which in many a way was actually originally an Egyptian Text and of the New Kingdom Egypt too it is believed], and as with Italians too, attempting to basically even capture the speech and Speech to be found in these Texts, and as with they even now, part of the Italian Language in all, and as with it even now said here, the most Human and of all Languages too perhaps.

In all again, the above manner of viewing African societies has never been truly looked into perhaps [and other than speak of African Aesthetics], but that in all ways even, attempting to define ourselves and as truly Human in all and as with this even said to open the door to all kinds of Expression, Creativity and Genius too [and as with this even not truly speaking of becoming God-like, and as the Greeks did believe, or even becoming truly Celestial in all, and as the Egyptians did believe, but in all ways even perhaps, speak of becoming truly Singular, and as with one even said distinct and from everything out there too, and via speak even and of truly knowing in all, what everything out there, truly is actually] [and as with this even not only speaking of Astro-Physics for instance, but also speak even of the world of Italian Names, and speak even of God and as said matching in all, ones levels of Awareness that is].

In all, and for Africans too, speak and of attempting to find what it does mean to be truly Human, does speak even and of holding steadfast to ones Beliefs in all, and never letting go, and as with this even speaking and of not being Suicidal perhaps, but in many a way too perhaps, basic speak even and of suffering from Manic Depression, and as Condition too [and as with it even said a Viral/Virus like condition, or even a Genetic disease too that is].

Monday, 24 March 2014

The Ottoman Turks

The Ottoman Turks.

The History of the Ottoman Turks, and as with it even going along and with speak of the Swahili Sultanate too, and as some members of the Swahili Sultanate were actually full blown members of the Ottoman Empire that is [Link].



Those in Africa, might in many a way, have a problem and as with regards to just how to think in all, and of African Knowledge Bodies that is. That African Counting Systems for instance, do readily even differ, and from many another to be seen out there actually.

This in many a way, does speak even and of just how we do define Scope & Range in our lives. That for some like in Italy, it was they in all who did think Infinity that is [and not the Chinese either]. It was the Arabs on the otherhand, and who did deal in many a way, and with the Outlier that is, while the Europeans fought and 'fraught' in all, and as with regards to the Exception actually. As for America, and as with many an African believing they do know something in all and about American life and as it truly is in all, they in all again did deal with Ubiquity actually [and as with basic speak even of Howard Hughes too for instance] [Link].

What of Africa though? And as with it even said a Dark Continent, and as with regards to the dangers of the unexpected in all, and as happening that is. For the Egyptians, they did deal with Eternity in all (and as versus the Greeks too and who did also know of the Eternal), and with Africa on the otherhand, and speak even again and of African Knowledge Bodies/Systems in all, in many a way dealing with Perpetuity in itself that is.

Eternity [Link].

Friday, 21 March 2014



On the Nature of the African:

Lots have been said and on what does constitute in all, and for the very nature even, and of Africans too: and as with they historically in all even, simply said Frivolous too that is.

In many a way in all though, this does in all speak even and of just how we basically seek to present ourselves or even express ourselves, and as with speak even and of what does constitute and for self-awareness/awareness in itself too actually. To explain all this better perhaps, is to speak even and of just whom Africans in all are and as with regards to humour, or even sensuality in itself too [and all this too, speaking basically even, and of Theism in itself, and as something not often approached by many an African, and as with regards to everyday realities that is]. That in all, Theism here, does even speak of just whom we are, and as with regards to Enthusiasm, or even Motivation and Drive in itself too that is.

To put all this in much better perspective for all, is to speak even of Swahili cultures and the Swahili lands in themselves, and of life too and as based around Theism in all (and speak even of the term Mungu too), and which in all again does speak of Swahili life and as defined based around what some do call 'Mapenzi' that is [that in all, 'Mapenzi' is not a Swahili term in all again and that does refer to being in a Loving relationship, but in all ways even, speak of the belief in all that, Organization in itself, can truly be defined and in speak of Love in itself too that is] [and as with 'Mapenzi' too, best seen perhaps and in the Michael Jackson Music video, 'Liberian Girl' that is] [Link].

What of the Israelites, and as with they said perhaps, to have originated the great debate, and on just what Theism truly is.  It was they in all though and who did define Theism and as based around speak of the 'God of the Israelites' too, and as with this furtherly even speaking of 'Maana' in itself that is [that the belief in 'Maana', did speak even and of the Israelites, and as a rather bold people too actually].

In speaking of Africa and Theism, and as with the Egyptians too, truly acquainted with it all, is to perhaps even associate Theism, and with speak of the Ultimate Explanation in itself actually [and as with speak even of those Africans and who do believe, they do have the answers to 'It' all that is].

In all perhaps, a message to many an African, and of the difficulty even, and of defining Theism, and as with it all said African too that is.

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

The Last Bastion of Civilization

The Last Bastion of Civilization.

Most Africans never do truly know just how to think of Africa, and as with regards even to what some do term the 'World Stage' in all that is. In many a way, there are three ways of thinking of all this.The first speaks of grand and majestic Kingdoms in Africa, which are at the very least worth visiting or worth truly learning all about, and something in all again that appears to have been achieved in all perhaps, and by only the Egyptians that is. The second speaks of Africa and as presented from the perspective of many a place in all, and as with Africa here said even, rather Memorable in its ways actually [and as with this even the very way in all, America today does present itself actually]. The third in all speaks of Africa in all again, and as said a 'Last Bastion of Civilization' [and as with this furtherly even speaking of how the Middle East attempts to present Islam in all], and as with all this even speaking of Africa in all, and as truly free in its ways actually [and as with speak in all too even and of what some do term Pluralism, and as with it furtherly referring in all and to speak of humour, intelligence, drama, community etc., and at the most peculiar of levels that is ].

In all ways even, a way of thinking of Africa, and for those who do waste time in all, thinking too much perhaps, and of life outside Africa too that is [and as with further speak even and of getting serious about living out life in Africa actually].

Saturday, 15 March 2014



African Scientific & Technological Research:

Many in Africa, might not be truly aware, and of what does constitute for Research, and in Europe today for instance. That while most do believe Europeans, to strongly even engage and in Technical Research, the truth in many a way is that, Europe has always had a Technological/Scientific Body of Knowledge, and which they interpret differently today in all, and as with Europe today even and as with regards to advancing its societies in all perhaps, mainly engaging, and in Psychological Research actually.

For Africans though, a difficulty perhaps, and to just how in all, to ground in all again, any form of Scientific or even Technological Research that is. That in many a way, while most do believe in doing lots of Research in Mathematics, or even Chemistry too (and as with speak even of the Western World in all), and even Physics (and as with speak of America too), Africa in all perhaps, and as with speak even of a Technological Knowledge Base too, can be said in all, to best perhaps ground its Research in all again, and in speak of Botany too actually [Botany too, and as with it encompassing even, Microbiology in all, and in many a way too, a full study even and of Viruses too for instance].

In many a way though, Countries like Nigeria and even Kenya, and as having engaged in the study of Mathematics in all, and in the attempt to develop a Native/Indigenous Knowledge Base, but with South Africa, very much Western in all again, and as with regards to all this actually [and as with speak of South Africa, very much a Western Country that is].

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

The African Heartland

The African Heartland.

The African Heartland, and speak even of Africans and as a primitive people that is.

Mami Wata

Mami Wata.

Those in Africa, might have heard of the Mami Wata. They in many a way are often said Sea/Water Spirits in all, and as often associated and with Mermaids or Sirens too. This in all does happen to be true, and of those who do in all speak of Mami Wata, and from the very perspective of Religious practises and healings too.

There is however another way of looking at the world of the Mami Wata, and which does speak of Art in all. That Africa, is known in many a way to be a Haunted Continent, and as with speak even of being perpetually lost, and that in all ways even, Mami Wata Art, does speak of whom we are and as a Haunted people, or those truly even Lost in all, and as with this even speaking of associating Mami Wata, and with speak of Dolphins and Porpoises too [and as with Dolphins, in many a way African too, found on the Eastern side of the Africa Coast in all, and with Porpoises on the Western side actually].

In all again perhaps, America and with Art too, speaking of Sharks even, and as with regards to the Haunting actually.

Saturday, 8 March 2014



Many in Africa today, do tend to have many a problem, and as with regards to speak of Equality in all [and as with further speak even of Superiority and Inferiority complexes too]. In all ways even, this does speak of Mirroring, and as a Condition too, and whereby one does attempt to find something in all again, and that one can equate too, and in the name of finding Self/self - Esteem that is [and as with further speak even of feeling good about oneself, and on an everyday or daily basis too actually].

In all, African Textiles and even African Carvings/Woodworks, and as having traditionally even, served in all again, and in helping develop Self-Esteem and self-Esteem respectively too, and as with speak even of Mirroring in itself too that is.

The Ephemeral

The Ephemeral.

The Ephemeral, and as with it referring even and to the Timely and the Sightly too, and in Africa in all (and outside Egypt and South Africa too), and as compared even to speak of Luck, Opportunity and Chance that is [that Africa in all, and outside Egypt and South Africa too, mostly operates around the former, and not the latter either]. In all again, speak of Divination (and as with further speak even of Intuition in all), and as compared to speak of Oracles in themselves too that is.

Thursday, 6 March 2014

African Dimensions

African Dimensions.

To speak of African Dimensions in many a way, is to not only speak of Space in itself, but in many a way too perhaps, and of Time, and as perceived even and from speak of Planning & Organization in itself too actually. Most today though, tend to associate Dimensions and as with speak of Space too, and from the very perspective even, and of speak of Heaven & Hell [and as with this even speaking of just how Europeans in all, have envisioned, Dimension and Space in all, and as with speak even of the European Workspace, and as a place in all again, one could be heavily reprimanded even, or even speak too, and of School Shootings for instance, and as with they even more of a European experience, and not American truly either].

Africa today though, and as with speak of Space and Dimension, has come in many a way to define itself as such, and from a Nubian perspective in all, and as with this referring even and to viewing any inhabited Space, and from speak of Activity and Inactivity too [and as with all this even speaking of African Time, but in many a way too, also refuting many a belief that, Africa in itself is actually a highly problematic place in all that is].

However though, there is a third view and as with regards to all this, and which is Egyptian in nature, and as the Egyptians in all, and as living in rather different Times than we did, did see Space and Dimension, and from speak even of Memory and as said referring in all to Remembering, Recollecting and Recalling too, but with all this even said to go along and with speak of Sensitivity and Intimacy too that is [that Egyptian Spaces in all, did call into being in all again, our Memory, and as with regards to dealing with Sensitivity, and also Intimacy in itself too actually].

In all though, the Nubian way of thinking of Space and Dimensions, and even Time and in the form of Planning & Organization too, in many a way truly, defining what they do term the Modern Times in all, and as with the Victorian World on the otherhand, and which did exist in many a way and before the Modern Times, did define Space and Dimension, and from speak even of Camaraderie too that is [and as with speak even of the movie, Notting Hill', and with Hugh Grant in it for instance].

Global Media

Global Media.

Globalization and Africa:

To speak of Global Media, is to in all ways even associate it, and with ways of living that is. That this in many a way does speak even and of just how we do know ourselves, and as with speak even of everyday or daily routines too, and further speak even and of facing each and every day, and with enthusiasm in itself too. In all, all this has very much today, and as with speak even of Global Media, come to be associated, and with speak even of World Class Infrastructure too that is. 

In many a way, while Global Media is often associated with American lifestyles, one does see the rise of many another place and such as Dubai/UAE, and as with regards even, and to Global Media in all actually. In many a way too, Global Media, and as with it even speaking of Music Videos and even many a popular TV Show, has come to strongly influence Africans today, and as with speak even and of just how they do believe their everyday lives in all, should turn out actually.

In all, it is the United States of America, that has come to define ways of living and Global Media too, and as based around what kind of relationships we are in that is. In all again, a manner of defining ways of living, that has in all again become a World standard even, and as with many out there too, seeking to form or create relationships, very much somewhat American in their ways that is [and all this too, and as speaking even of Modern Infrastructure, and such as speak even of Fast Food Eateries too for instance]. 

Take Europe on the otherhand, and as once heavily even popular in all, and due to just how in all again, they did define ways of living that is. That in all, Europe and as with everyday life was associated even, and with a happening or occurrence in all, and as said even memorable too, and as with speak even of a joke too for instance, and that in all ways even, European Cities in all were driven and by the very fact that something memorable in all, or funny too, was about to happen, and at just about any minute that is [and as with including even, speak of a salutation too for instance].

It was Central Asia on the otherhand, and that did in all define ways of living, and speak even of Global Media too, and via Highlighting many a place, spot or venue even, and in a City too perhaps, and which at the very could be associated, and with Entertainment at the very least too that is [and as with speak even of planning ones day and as based around such places or spots in all] [and with Europe too in many a way, also accommodating this form of way of living in all actually].

In the Middle East, everyday life and as with speak even of routines too, and as based around all sorts of Family Gatherings in all [and the main reason too, Dubai/UAE, has not lived up its hype or success that is].

In Africa though, life in the past and as with speak even of Infrastructure in all, and as based around all kinds of local and everyday festivities, and as with further speak even of a Group Lunch or even the visiting of a Drinking Den, but with it in all ways even, speaking of Work Identity [and further speak even and of Work and as defined from the perspective of Ventures too], or even speak of many a Secret Society in all [and as with further speak even of Private Clubs too for instance].

In Abyssinia though, life and as differing from the rest of Africa, and as daily routines even, did speak of Sessions in all, and whether they be Prayer, Psychotherapy, Art/Music or even just about any religiously inclined Individual or Group Session too that is.

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Re-Inventing Africa

Re-Inventing Africa.

This Blog in many a way (and along Kamp-o too), does differ and from many and which does deal and with speak of Africa too in all. In many a way, it does attempt to present life in Africa, and as with Re-Inventing it too, and from speak even and of the many problems, psychological too, and that do plague Africans, and as with speak even of everyday fears, insecurities, worries etc., and that life in all, and as with further speak of Aspirations too, will not turn out and as one wants it too in all that is.

In many a way, many in Africa today, and as attempting to Re-Invent Africa in all, and from American Constitutional Ideals too, and as with attempting even to define African psychological life, and from speak even of American Images of Success, and further speak even, and of American styled voices, accents or even Education too that is. In all, a manner of Re-Inventing Africa, and psychologically speaking too, that has not beared many a fruit, and as with speak even of the adopting of American styled discriminatory behaviour that is.

There are those though, and not only in Africa or Egypt too, but in many a way even, speak of Asia in all too really, and who in all ways even believe in Re-Inventing their societies, and Psychologically too, and from speak even of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia that is, and as the Saudi Arabians even, defining their societies in all, and from speak even of Saudi Traditional Law (Sharia), and as with it even merging Traditional and Modern Religious/Political Imagery in all, and in  rather interesting manners too that is.

This Blog though, does attempt to Re-Invent Africa, and from speak even of Swahili Civilization, and as with all this even speaking of viewing society in all,and from speak of Religious/Cultural figures, Traditional too, and such as speak even of Ali Baba [and which is more of a Swahili Arab tale, and not Omani Arab truly either], or even further speak of Sinbad too. In all, speak of Africa, and from the very perspective of Civil Disobedience in all, or even truly again, speak of African Psychology, and as defined even and from speak of defining what does constitute for Bravery, Boldness or Bravado, and in society too that is.

Monday, 3 March 2014



We do live in a World today, and where Communications in all and between many a person too, have come to be defined in all again, and via speak of Presentation and Representation too [and as versus speak of Humour or Etiquette, and primarily too that is] [and further speak even, and of Robin Hood too, and Europe too for instance]. In many a way though, the above has led and to the development even, and of what some do term International Media too, and as with it even speaking of the so termed Industrialized World [and as with China and South Africa too, now said to be part of it all actually]. 

In all ways even and as with simplifying all this, this Media in all again, and of Presentation and Representation, has in many a way come to be associated and with the Image and the Word/language too [and as with speak even, and of just how the Egyptians in all, did actually create Media in all truly even] [and as with further speak even, and of Pharaonic Sculpted works actually].

In all, International Media and Africa, and as arising even and with Africa's attempts to Industrialize in all again, but in all ways even, one seeing a failure and as with regards to the success of this kind of Media, and due to it all being misdirected in nature that is [that Africans in all have attempted to create success profiles of themselves in all, and via associating Presentation in all again, and with the Word/language too, and also speak of Representation in all, and via speak of the Image actually] [and as with speak even of attempting to represent Africans and as Beautiful/Attractive, or even speak of the likes of Kofi Annan in all, and as probably presenting themselves to the rest of World, and via the Word too, and as truly African that is] [and as with all this even, furtherly believed to have arisen, and with Pan-Africanism too that is].

This Media though, and which favourably even, has actually merged and with the world of Internet Media too in all, can be said called in all again, Africaine perhaps, and as with it even now, speaking of Presentation and Africa, and as based around the Image, and Representation in all, and as based around the Word/language too actually]. In all again, Presentation, and the Image too, and as now even speaking and of Africans and as coming to know each other in all, and via many a Political Analysis situation that is [and as with this speaking even and of just how Africans in all do perceive Africa Politically, and as most Africans in all again, do use Country based groupings/entities in all, and in perceiving Africa, while the Blogger here in all again, does tend to view Africa Politically, and from use of terms even, and such as Western Africa, Southern Africa etc.]. In many a way too, speak of Africans and as Representing themselves in all, does speak even and of the Word/language, and as used even to create charismatic personalities in all, and as with regards even and to just whom Africans in all again, are, and outside Africa too that is [and as with speak even and of those Africans in all, and who do waste alot of Time, thinking of life outside Africa that is]. In all again, those viewing Africa and from Country based Entities, often view Africa and from speak of Colonialism, Independence etc., while those who do view Africa and from a Regional basis, Eastern Africa etc., having a better picture of Africa, and as with it even Ethnographic in nature too that is.

In all again finally, the Internet, and as now said dynamic in Africa, in many a way appearing to have somewhat got all this right, and as many an African in all, does appear to associate the Image and with Presentation in Africa [but as with this even viewed as Continental African Media in all again, and further speak even of URTNA too perhaps], and also the Word/language, and with Representation too [and as with speak even of Africans, and who do engage in constructive debate or dialogue, and on a Non-African Internet Forum too for instance].

Sunday, 2 March 2014



For those in Africa in all, and who do wish to have a basic knowledge and of Swahili Civilization and its peoples, is to in all ways even then, speak of the Gedi Ruins actually.

The Consequential

The Consequential.

Many an African society today, does suffer in many a way, and from Power/Energy issues in all actually. This in all, is probably due in all again, and in failing in all, and in truly defining the Consequential in society, and as with speak even, and of what does truly matter and what does not either. In many a way, many a society and outside Africa too, and as defining the Consequential, and as based around speak of energy, time and effort too [and as with this defining Philosophy and Religious Thought, and outside Africa in many a way too actually]. In the Middle East though, the Consequential, and as traditionally defined and as based around speak of faith, hope and charity too. In Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia), the Consequential in all, and as having been traditionally defined, and as based around speak of exchanges, deal-making, and messaging too. In Africa, and as with this even speaking of traditional Egyptian Thought, the Consequential in all, and as said even and as speaking of issue pertaining to defining cost, price and rate(s) even, and as with regards to just about anything too [and as with speak even of Philosophy and Religious Thought that is].