Monday 24 March 2014



Those in Africa, might in many a way, have a problem and as with regards to just how to think in all, and of African Knowledge Bodies that is. That African Counting Systems for instance, do readily even differ, and from many another to be seen out there actually.

This in many a way, does speak even and of just how we do define Scope & Range in our lives. That for some like in Italy, it was they in all who did think Infinity that is [and not the Chinese either]. It was the Arabs on the otherhand, and who did deal in many a way, and with the Outlier that is, while the Europeans fought and 'fraught' in all, and as with regards to the Exception actually. As for America, and as with many an African believing they do know something in all and about American life and as it truly is in all, they in all again did deal with Ubiquity actually [and as with basic speak even of Howard Hughes too for instance] [Link].

What of Africa though? And as with it even said a Dark Continent, and as with regards to the dangers of the unexpected in all, and as happening that is. For the Egyptians, they did deal with Eternity in all (and as versus the Greeks too and who did also know of the Eternal), and with Africa on the otherhand, and speak even again and of African Knowledge Bodies/Systems in all, in many a way dealing with Perpetuity in itself that is.

Eternity [Link].