Wednesday 19 March 2014

The Last Bastion of Civilization

The Last Bastion of Civilization.

Most Africans never do truly know just how to think of Africa, and as with regards even to what some do term the 'World Stage' in all that is. In many a way, there are three ways of thinking of all this.The first speaks of grand and majestic Kingdoms in Africa, which are at the very least worth visiting or worth truly learning all about, and something in all again that appears to have been achieved in all perhaps, and by only the Egyptians that is. The second speaks of Africa and as presented from the perspective of many a place in all, and as with Africa here said even, rather Memorable in its ways actually [and as with this even the very way in all, America today does present itself actually]. The third in all speaks of Africa in all again, and as said a 'Last Bastion of Civilization' [and as with this furtherly even speaking of how the Middle East attempts to present Islam in all], and as with all this even speaking of Africa in all, and as truly free in its ways actually [and as with speak in all too even and of what some do term Pluralism, and as with it furtherly referring in all and to speak of humour, intelligence, drama, community etc., and at the most peculiar of levels that is ].

In all ways even, a way of thinking of Africa, and for those who do waste time in all, thinking too much perhaps, and of life outside Africa too that is [and as with further speak even and of getting serious about living out life in Africa actually].