Thursday 6 March 2014

African Dimensions

African Dimensions.

To speak of African Dimensions in many a way, is to not only speak of Space in itself, but in many a way too perhaps, and of Time, and as perceived even and from speak of Planning & Organization in itself too actually. Most today though, tend to associate Dimensions and as with speak of Space too, and from the very perspective even, and of speak of Heaven & Hell [and as with this even speaking of just how Europeans in all, have envisioned, Dimension and Space in all, and as with speak even of the European Workspace, and as a place in all again, one could be heavily reprimanded even, or even speak too, and of School Shootings for instance, and as with they even more of a European experience, and not American truly either].

Africa today though, and as with speak of Space and Dimension, has come in many a way to define itself as such, and from a Nubian perspective in all, and as with this referring even and to viewing any inhabited Space, and from speak of Activity and Inactivity too [and as with all this even speaking of African Time, but in many a way too, also refuting many a belief that, Africa in itself is actually a highly problematic place in all that is].

However though, there is a third view and as with regards to all this, and which is Egyptian in nature, and as the Egyptians in all, and as living in rather different Times than we did, did see Space and Dimension, and from speak even of Memory and as said referring in all to Remembering, Recollecting and Recalling too, but with all this even said to go along and with speak of Sensitivity and Intimacy too that is [that Egyptian Spaces in all, did call into being in all again, our Memory, and as with regards to dealing with Sensitivity, and also Intimacy in itself too actually].

In all though, the Nubian way of thinking of Space and Dimensions, and even Time and in the form of Planning & Organization too, in many a way truly, defining what they do term the Modern Times in all, and as with the Victorian World on the otherhand, and which did exist in many a way and before the Modern Times, did define Space and Dimension, and from speak even of Camaraderie too that is [and as with speak even of the movie, Notting Hill', and with Hugh Grant in it for instance].