Monday 31 March 2014

The Everlasting

The Everlasting.

The Everlasting in all, does speak even and of just what we do believe in all again, to be a Sole Memory in all, and of something exposed in all too that is. To understand this better perhaps, is to in all ways even speak of turning Africa and as a Continent too, and into a Homely place in all, and as with speak even of viewing Africa, and as Familiar Ground too, and as with further speak even of being Critical in all that is. That in all again, all this does speak even of creating in all perhaps, an Indelible memory in all, and of many a thing, and as with it all even making one a Critic in all again, a strong Critic too, and as with regards to anything in all that is. 

Take Europe for instance and where the Everlasting does basically speak even and of not only Robin Hood for instance, but in many a way too perhaps, of William Tell in all actually. You do have China, and where the Maoist Government for instance did attempt to reinforce its Ideologies in all, and as with they said even Everlasting too, and via speak even of Wushu and even ancient/traditional Chinese Song too that is [and as with all this even speaking of Chinese History and from the perspective of wanting to unite it all that is].

In Central Asia, a more interesting situation in all and where the History of the Everlasting, does go along and with speak even of Threats in all, and a culture too of gossip actually, and that did in many a way unite the whole of Central Asia that is. 

When one does speak of Africa and the everlasting, is to not only perhaps speak of the Spectacle too somewhat, but as with regards to speak even of Sight in itself (and one as said silently Critical as such), it in all ways even does speak of the Three Step Pyramids and in Egypt too, and as with they said even to go back and to Old Kingdom Egypt too that is [and as with speak even and of what an Everlasting Memory in Africa, should be like and as with regards to Sight, and not Sounds either, and as with Africa even having come to be defined and as with regards to speak of the Everlasting, and via speak of Sounds too that is] [and as with they even said somewhat Nubian in all actually].

Egyptian Sounds and the Everlasting: