Friday 28 March 2014



What to make of Life today? To speak in difficult terms, is to perhaps in all even speak of Evolutionary Thought in itself. What though, does it all mean? Meaning that in all, how do we best explain Human life today, and as with regards even to speak of Evolution, and in many a way too, speak truly even and of how in all we do perceive Suffering in itself actually.

To understand all this better, is to perhaps in all again truly attempt to ground just about all Experiences possible in all (and as with they said even Mystical or Magical too), and in speak even of Survival/Courage, Bare Necessities and even Morbidity/Disorder too that is. That in all, when one does find themselves in the latter three states in all perhaps, what truly in all again, does stand for even, and for the greatest or grandest even and of Experiences possible that is [and as with this even speaking of Death as forthcoming, or even speak of Identity in all, and as defined and as based around speak of (ingrained) Fear(s) in itself too that is]. 

To understand all this better is to even state that, lots of Media today, and as with it even speaking of Individual and Unique Experiences in all, is often presented and from speak of the above three mentioned states in all, and has in many a way even led, and to the replacement in all, and of Ethnographic oriented Lifestyles too that is [and as with they all even deemed Traditional in all really].

To speak in all then and of just how Humans have attempted to define themselves and from speak even of the above [and in the attempt too, to build Civilization in all], is to not only even speak of it all and as grounded in all again and in speak of Locality too [Local, Regional, Continental Identities etc.], but in all ways even, it said to very much basically consist in all too even, and of media, and even news media too perhaps.

The first of these in all, does speak even and of Ancient Egypt too, and as said in all grounding all the above, and in speak of Ethnography too, and which in African terms in all, does actually speak of Vodou, Hoodoo and even Conjure too that is [Link].

The second of these does speak even of Ancient Greece in all, and further speak even and of Freemasonry in all too really, and as said to define Human Experiences, and as with speak even of Base existences too that is [and life too and as said even, Highly Ritualized that is].

Another of these does speak even of Italy, and further speak even and of what some do term Theosophy in all, and as with Theosophy too, speaking of the very rise of Media in all too even, and as it is even known today too that is.

In all again, all the above mentioned, and as compared to speak of Media today in all, and which in all again, is somewhat exclusive and as with speak even and of the above three forementioned states of Survival/Courage, Bare Necessities and even Morbidity/Disorder too, and as with most of it even speaking of poorly developed Entertainment Media in all, and one and as said before exclusive in its ways that is [and as with speak even and of not Locality truly, but in all ways even and of Segregation in itself actually (and in a World today, and that does present itself and as fully offering Opportunity to all, and in the name of Equality too that is)].

To get though and to the Fundamentals of all this, and as with speak even of Africa and as a distinct Continent and from others out there, is to equate Africa and with all the above spoken of in all, and with speak even of Paleontology in itself, and as with stating that life outside Africa in many a way in all again, seems to speak even and of Physiology in itself too that is.