Monday 3 March 2014



We do live in a World today, and where Communications in all and between many a person too, have come to be defined in all again, and via speak of Presentation and Representation too [and as versus speak of Humour or Etiquette, and primarily too that is] [and further speak even, and of Robin Hood too, and Europe too for instance]. In many a way though, the above has led and to the development even, and of what some do term International Media too, and as with it even speaking of the so termed Industrialized World [and as with China and South Africa too, now said to be part of it all actually]. 

In all ways even and as with simplifying all this, this Media in all again, and of Presentation and Representation, has in many a way come to be associated and with the Image and the Word/language too [and as with speak even, and of just how the Egyptians in all, did actually create Media in all truly even] [and as with further speak even, and of Pharaonic Sculpted works actually].

In all, International Media and Africa, and as arising even and with Africa's attempts to Industrialize in all again, but in all ways even, one seeing a failure and as with regards to the success of this kind of Media, and due to it all being misdirected in nature that is [that Africans in all have attempted to create success profiles of themselves in all, and via associating Presentation in all again, and with the Word/language too, and also speak of Representation in all, and via speak of the Image actually] [and as with speak even of attempting to represent Africans and as Beautiful/Attractive, or even speak of the likes of Kofi Annan in all, and as probably presenting themselves to the rest of World, and via the Word too, and as truly African that is] [and as with all this even, furtherly believed to have arisen, and with Pan-Africanism too that is].

This Media though, and which favourably even, has actually merged and with the world of Internet Media too in all, can be said called in all again, Africaine perhaps, and as with it even now, speaking of Presentation and Africa, and as based around the Image, and Representation in all, and as based around the Word/language too actually]. In all again, Presentation, and the Image too, and as now even speaking and of Africans and as coming to know each other in all, and via many a Political Analysis situation that is [and as with this speaking even and of just how Africans in all do perceive Africa Politically, and as most Africans in all again, do use Country based groupings/entities in all, and in perceiving Africa, while the Blogger here in all again, does tend to view Africa Politically, and from use of terms even, and such as Western Africa, Southern Africa etc.]. In many a way too, speak of Africans and as Representing themselves in all, does speak even and of the Word/language, and as used even to create charismatic personalities in all, and as with regards even and to just whom Africans in all again, are, and outside Africa too that is [and as with speak even and of those Africans in all, and who do waste alot of Time, thinking of life outside Africa that is]. In all again, those viewing Africa and from Country based Entities, often view Africa and from speak of Colonialism, Independence etc., while those who do view Africa and from a Regional basis, Eastern Africa etc., having a better picture of Africa, and as with it even Ethnographic in nature too that is.

In all again finally, the Internet, and as now said dynamic in Africa, in many a way appearing to have somewhat got all this right, and as many an African in all, does appear to associate the Image and with Presentation in Africa [but as with this even viewed as Continental African Media in all again, and further speak even of URTNA too perhaps], and also the Word/language, and with Representation too [and as with speak even of Africans, and who do engage in constructive debate or dialogue, and on a Non-African Internet Forum too for instance].