Monday 26 May 2014

Centrism: African Philosophy 101

Centrism: African Philosophy 101.

This entry in many a way, does in all have to do, and with Deconstructing African Philosophy in all actually. That African Philosophy, is often no pragmatically presented, and other than associating it all, and with speak even and of the troubling world of 'Myths of origins' [and further speak too only, and of Ancestor Worship & Veneration that is].

In attempting to speak of African Philosophy, is to also speak of African Awareness in all perhaps, and as with regards even and to Time in itself too [and basic speak here even, and of the very world of African Mediums, and truly in all again, African Cosmology too that is] [and as with the example here, and of speak of the Dogon for instance]. In all though, all this talk, truly in all again speaking of Egyptian Philosophy perhaps, and a world today, not well understood in all again, and as the Egyptians in all were well understanding perhaps, and of what did constitute and for the Image and the Word too that is [and as with it all at the very least even, speaking and of the very world in all again, and of Egyptian Names too that is].

To speak though of African Philosophy, and as merging with African Psychology too, is to first off state that, Development and in African (Political) Circles in all [and speak even of African Philosophy too], has always gone along and with speak in all too even, and of the Psychic that is [and not Psychology truly either]. Putting African Philosophy/Psychology in this perspective, does not only lead to speak of Conscious States and Consciousness in itself too, but can in many a way even be shortly summarized as follows: the Psychic, Conscious States / Consciousness, the African Family (Egyptocentric), Ritual & Worship, the African Trickster, African Communications (and as with they even said to take into consideration speak of Energy and in the form of Rays too that is), African Media (and as with it even going along and with speak of African Materials in all), the African Being (and as with it even speaking of the Supreme Being, and in many a way too, speak of Localized African Identities in all again), and furtherly in all again, speak even of African Child Psychology [and further speak too and of beliefs in Re-Incarnation in itself actually].

In all, a short preview perhaps, and of what does constitute for African Philosophy and concrete African Identities too, and as with it all truly even, truly said to speak of the Psychic [and further speak too and of the African Experience], and not truly in all again, speak of in all, and of African Languages, African Rituals, or even African History in itself too that is.

Centrism (African Communications):