Thursday 29 May 2014

Knowledge Discovery

Knowledge Discovery.

The African Celebration:

To speak of the African Celebration, is to in all ways even, speak of it and as taking a Party mode in all, and as compared even, and to speak of the African Festival that is, and as the African Celebration in all again, does appear in all and to bring together all kinds or sorts or varieties even, and of elements too, and as having to do and with speak of African Language/Lingua, African Rituals and even African History too that is [and as with it all even said a scenario too perhaps, and that does speak even in all, and of Knowledge Discovery and as versus Knowledge Retrieval too]. In all again, African Celebrations, and as often perceived of importance or significance in all too even, and as with regards in all again and to speak of self/Self-Discovery that is [and while growing up too perhaps], and as with it all even said to speak of what does constitute and for Bantu Identity [and outside speak of the Bantu peoples of Cameroon/Nigeria too], and as with the African Celebration in all again, often considered of importance in all, and in not only molding, shaping or conditioning African Identity, but in all ways even, and as with regards and to speak of those said new to African societies that is [and further speak even and of distinctions made in all, and as with regards even, and to speak of African Identity, and as fundamentally even perhaps, grounded in African Humour, and as said even, and to go along and with the African Celebration that is]. 

In all again, the above and as a rather simple manner in all, and of looking into African slavery or even African Colonialism too, and as perceived even and from speak of African Identity and as based around African Humour that is, and as said in all again, and to go along in all, and with speak of African Manners/Mannerisms that is.