Saturday 3 May 2014

On the African Consciousness

On the African Consciousness.

African Renaissance Movements:

What in all, does constitute and for an African Renaissance? In many a way, it does speak even in all, and of just how any Civilized existence, does seek to portray itself actually [and as in speak of a Historical Text too], but as with it all even just simply presented, and in speak of Romance or even a Rapture too [and as with it all said even and to represent Godliness and Evil too, and as alongside each other that is].

In attempting to make all this clearer, many a place in the World, still very much does adhere and to the Egyptian Model of Renaissance Movements in all perhaps, and which does speak of bringing true change in all, and to just about any place, and in speak truly even and of the changing relations [they said Evolutionary too], and between Men and Women that is [that this in all does speak and of how the Egyptians in all again, did view whom they were and as a people in all, and as experiencing Life on this Earth; that in all again, it does speak even and of Men and Women and as said intrinsically different and from each other, and that they in all do simply forment lives with each other on this Earth, but still very much though remaining separate in all, and as in speak even and of society too, and further speak even of Taboo, and as very much separating Men and Women that is].

The Egyptian Model though, and as with regards to speak of Civilization, has not been as successful and as most do believe it to probably be, and in many a way even, did speak in all even and of the downfall, and of Egyptian Civilization that is [and as with all this even perused and from the very fact that, both Greece and even Italy/Christendom, do owe some of their Knowledge Bases, and to Egypt in all that is]. 

We do however though have the Greeks, and speak furtherly even and of just how in all, they did in all again envision Renaissance Movements. That Greece in all, and despite having been more majestic in all perhaps, and as with regards to speak of Images of Men and Women {and in the form of Myth too], and as compared to Egypt that is, did in all ways even truly attempt to steer away and from the Egyptian way of life, and as with Greece now in all, envisioning Renaissance Movements in all again, and in speak of celebrating in all, our Racial Differences that is [and as with regards specifically even, and to speak of Skin Colours that is]. Greece though and as a Civilization can be said to have been more successful than Egypt, and as they did in all come to influence Egypt, more in all, and than the Egyptians did influence Greece [but with all this too a matter of contention, and as the Greeks in all gain, and alongside the Pharaohs of 'Lower' Egypt, did in all actually worship, Sphinxes that is]. In many a way though, the fall of Greece in all, does speak even, and of a clash in all again, and as with speak even of the Greek Civil Wars too, and as born of Racial differences that is.

The impact of Italy in all though, and as with regards to helping make or forment the World and as it is today, is not widely recognized. For it was Italy in many a way, and that did create the World and as we know it today [and as simply said even truly divided and on a Continental basis that is]. For it was Italy, and that did believe in all even that, different peoples and of different Civilizations, should in all learn how to celebrate their Differences in all perhaps, and as born from speak of Religion in itself actually [that Asia, and as said even the 'Mother of Civilization', does owe this moniker, and to Italy truly, and not Greece truly either, and as it was under Mercantilism in all, and further speak even though and of Alexander too, and whereby in all again, Asia in all, did actually become a Unified Continent in all that is] [at the very least, all this even perused, and from speak even and of Japan and as coming under Italian/Christian influence, and such that, Asia was at the very least even born, and of its recognizing, that they were not Japan that is]. Furthermore, speak even and of the rise of Islam, and as radical too, and as going along and with speak of Christendom, and as Civilization too that is [Link].

What of Africa though? Is it possible to put Africa, and as with regards to speak of Renaissance Movements, and into a Historical perspective that is?. In all, it does speak truly even and of just what does constitute and for an African Consciousness [or in many a way truly, speak in all and of just how best to view the World perhaps, and from speak even of Spatial-Temporal Realities too that is]. That in all, it does not speak of the African Consciousness, and from speak even of Family Identities in all [and as the Egyptians in all even, did envision their Civilization and societies and as with regards to Consciousness too], but that in all ways truly even, and from speak of Individual Conscious States and Individual Consciousness too that is [and as with this in all ways even perhaps, speaking of Africa in all, and as said to surpass in all again, Egypt as Civilization, and as Egypt in all, did truly envision Consciousness, and from a Family oriented perspective only that is]. In all though, to put the African Consciousness in a better perspective [and as with it even said referring and to Spatial-Temporal Realities too], it does speak even and of Hayiti, and the Haitian Revolution, and as with it said even and to speak of the African Consciousness in all, and as helping or truly responsible in all again, and in giving birth and to the Western World/'Civilization', and as a place in all again, said simply racist in its ways that is. In all though, and as with speak even of the present, what does constitute and for an African Consciousness? To put it all and into a certain perspective, it does speak of the development of Regional in all, Consciousness movements, and as with speak even and of the Middle East and Hajj, America/Western World and the Fine Arts Industries [and as speaking even and of the Movies, the Music Industry, Documentaries, Sports and even speak of Modern Sexuality too that is]. 

In all again, just whom in all are Africans and as truly defining themselves and as based around an African Consciousness in all actually? It in many a way perhaps, it can be said today, and to speak even and of anything published and in the form of a Monograph too that is.