Sunday 11 May 2014

The Red Sea

The Red Sea.

Most in Africa in all, have been conditioned and by Western Media in all again, and in viewing the African Coastlines in all, and not only from the very perspective and of speak and of the Indian Ocean and Atlantic Ocean too, but in many a way even, the very Histories in all associated with them, and as with Africans in all even, not said to be truly a part of these Histories that is.

In all ways though, Africans in many a way do not in all truly view the African Coastlines, and as they truly are, believing them in all, and to go along and with speak even of Marine Ecological systems, when in reality, African Coastlines, are very much defined, and by Marine Habitats in all that is [and speak even of Coral Reefs too for instance].

In many a way, this does also speak of a Consciousness in all, and as said spanning the World (or even speak of the Worldwide too), and as originating in all again, and with History in itself, and as perceived even and from speak of Contacts, and as with they even Mutual, Cultural, Military or even speak of Ports & Harbours too in themselves that is.

In all, when Africans think of the Seas/Oceans, and as with attempting in all too even and to create a Consciousness oriented relationship in all, and that does speak even and of Coastal cultures too perhaps, is to in all ways even perhaps, speak again in all, and of Marine Habitats, and even the Red Sea too that is.