Sunday 18 May 2014

The Peaks of Civilization

The Peaks of Civilization.

The Idea of God and in African Religious Doctrine/Philosophy:

Those in Africa, don't in many a way truly ponder their societies in all, and as with regards even and to speak of everyday Transcendentalism, Enlightenment, Realization or even Actualization too [and other than speak of T.D. Jakes too for instance]. In many a way, African societies can be said to evolve and around speak even of, and of the Lesson truly learned that is, and as with it even speaking of Uncle Remus too for instance, and other than in all again, and of thinking of African societies, and as Building up too, and to a certain Peak in all, and as with regards even and to speak of everyday Transcedentalism, Enlightenment, Realization or even Actualization too. 

In better understanding this, is to associate in all again, the Build-up, and speak even of the Peaks of Civilization/society, and as defined even and as with regards to speak of Consciousness that is. That it was the Egyptians and who did try to define their societies/Civilization, and as very much based around speak even of Human Consciousness, and further speak even of Human Potential too, and as going along and with speak of the Pyramids too for instance that is. In all, a way of grounding society in all again, and that did lead to volatile relations in Egypt in all [and as with speak even and of the Greeks and as a Military Presence in Egypt], and due in all again, and to speak of under-performance in all for instance[and further speak even and of the arising Hatred for instance].

Take Greece on the otherhand, for it was they in all, and who did come to define their societies, and in speak of Consciousness too, and as very much grounded and in speak of the Earth's Consciousness in all [and further speak even of Greek Myth too], and an Earth Consciousness that does not only speak of Dinosaurs or even Sacred Animals and such as Tigers too for instance, but that in all ways even, and as with regards to speak of Humanity throughout History (and further speak even and of the Egyptian Consciousness and Humanity at crossroads), it was the Greek Consciousness that did truly come to shape the Earth or the World in all, and as with regards to speak even, and of many/most happenings and in History in itself that is [and further speak even and of the names Solomon or even Alexander too for instance].

To speak of Italy, is to speak too and of Humanity at a crisis in all. For it was Italy in many a way, that can be said to be truly responsible even, and for the World today, and as we truly know it that is. In all, a World, and as highly defined even, and in speak of the Persona too [or truly in all again, speak even of a Well-rounded Personality, and one that can be said to be of an understanding in all, and of many a thing that is]. Italian Philosophy/Thought, is not widely available to most, and as it does deal even and of Consciousness, and as going along and with speak of the Persona, and in many a way too, speak even of the (Equal) Self/self that is [and as it was Italy in all again, and that did generally evolve, and in speak of equating itself too perhaps, and to Greek and Egyptian Civilizations, and as with all this even perceived, and from speak even of Cupid, and as a God too and who does bestow on one in all, great Understanding that is][and as with further speak even and of Egypt and Italy, speaking in all again, and of the 'Valley of the Kings of the Dead' for instance].

What though and of Africa? To speak of Africa and in the above terms in all, does perhaps speak even and of the Idea of God in all perhaps, and as with regards even, and to speak of God and the Ritualized Space too that is.