Tuesday 6 May 2014



To speak of Interpretations in all, is to in many a way even, associate life in all again, and with speak of Levels of Awareness. That this in all, does speak even and of living a life very much said not truly problematic in its ways, and other than speak of the Challenge that is.

In all, Interpretations and Levels of Awareness, have often traditionally been associated and with speak of Sexualism [and as it is all very much common today], Ritualism, and even Mysticism [and speak even and of life and as taking magical proportions to it all that is].

In all ways though and when it does come to Africa, speak of Interpretations and Levels of Awareness, does in all ways even not truly refer to the Proclamation (and further speak even of the Knowledgeable), Hermeneutics (and the Experiential), Exegesis (and the Interactional), but in all ways truly even and of the Exposition (and as with it all even referring and to the Behavioural that is).