Thursday 27 February 2014

The Seas

The Seas.

Ocean/Sea Spirits & Africa:

Those living in Africa, might have heard in all, and of Ocean Spirits too. This in many a way does speak even and of beliefs in Mermaids or even Sea Nymphs, and in visions and Dreams too that is. In many a way, they are often associated, and with Healing practices too that is.

In all, this does speak and of just how we do basically define our societies today actually. That societies in the Ancient World in all, were heavily even grounded in all, and in speak of Gender too [and as with defining Manliness and Womanliness, and along the lines of Goddesses and Gods, and not Media either], but that in always even, more tumultuous times in History, and as with speak even of the European Ages, do see societies grounded in Race actually [and as with further speak even of Ivan Van Sertima and 'The Golden Age of the Moor' too], while the Modern World in all, does see societies in all, actually mainly grounded in speak of Class actually [and further speak even of Favouristism, and as based around perceived Beauty/Attractiveness too that is].

This post though, does take into the account that life and as viewed from speak of Gender in all actually, does speak even and of comparisons to the past, and as with speak even of Evolution in itself, but that in all ways even, Ocean Spirits, can be said in all to help us actually, truly learn how to define new norms and notions even, and of Gender in itself too actually [and as with this even and as with regards to Evolution too, speaking of Humans in all and as having defined life on Earth, and as with further speak even of Pain/Pleasure, Battles/Combat, perceptions of Heaven and Hell, or even speak of Religious Figures too, and as truly based around Gender in all actually].

African Lakes

African Lakes.

African Lakes, and as with they even truly influencing in all, African Weather and Climate Systems, and as including speak of all sorts of sporadically occurring Natural Phenomena that is.

Sunday 23 February 2014

African Forests

African Forests.

This entry in many a way, does speak even, and of Africa in all, and as perceived a Magical Continent too that is. This in many a way, does not speak even and of the most wonderful of occurrences and happenings in all, and as happening in Africa in all again, but for some, it does actually speak of Africa and as a Natural/Heavenly Paradise that is [and as with speak even of someone and as making a joke even, and at the very appropriate time and place too that is].

When most think of Africa and as such, Heavenly and Magical in all, they often immediately do even speak of African Mountains/Hills, and as with they said Scenic in their ways, and as with this even giving birth to many a Religious Belief even, and of spiritually Healing even, Time in all, spent in Africa, and as with all this even speaking of Japan perhaps, and as with it even having grounded many a Religious Belief too, and as based around Mount Fuji that is, and as with Mount Fuji even, Responsible in all, and for helping in all again serve as an example, and for the birth in all again, and of Scenic Japan that is. In all, Africa and as said even Scenic, speaking in all too even, and of Cape Town too perhaps. In all, a way of thinking of Religious Belief, and as with speak even of Magical and Heavenly happenings or occurrences in all, that is more or less Regional or Local in its ways that is.

To speak of Egypt and as said Magical or Heavenly, is to speak of the Sahara Desert in all, and as with this basically speaking of Mirages for instance, but in many a way even, this also speaking of the Moods, Atmosphere and Presences of the place that is [and as with they even, attemptedly in all, replicated in Egypt that is].

There are those though and who do associate the Heavenly and Magical in Africa in all, and with African Rivers too, and as with this speaking even and of a later period and in Egyptian History too, and where Magical and Heavenly happenings and occurrences, were associated in all, and with the Nile that is [and as with this even speaking of the sounds and of many a River that is, and as to be replicated in society in all actually].

Few though, have dared ventured in all, and into speak of African Forests, and as associated in all again, and with Religious Belief [and as with Belief here even speaking of being lost in an African Forest that is]. In many a way, this does speak of the very world of African Incorporeal and Non-Corporeal beings, and as with this furtherly speaking even and of what they Yoruba do term Elenini for instance, and as with further speak even and in Belief too, and of the most Wildly of Thoughts in all, and as very much becoming Real that is [and as with this even speaking of a Belief in Vampires, and as seen in Christian Abyssinia too that is].

In all is to know that, Belief in all again, does speak even and of the very fact that, what happens to one in all, is pretty much dictated, and by just how ones does choose to basically interact with others that is [and as with the above mentioned in all, basically in all influencing just how one does choose to basically interact with others that is].

In all again, Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia), and as mainly housing Forested areas, and not Forests truly either.

Friday 21 February 2014



When those in Africa in all, do think Christianity, let them not think of the Cross in all, but in all ways even, of the Chi-Rho symbol actually.

Thursday 20 February 2014



Seth, and as with he even referring in all, and to Trauma too, and as experienced in Africa in all again, and as with Trauma even, having come in many a way, in truly even defining Continuity in itself, and as with regards in all too even, and to African lives that is.

Wednesday 19 February 2014

The Procession

The Procession.

The African Conscience [and speak even of Judgment and God in himself too].

Tuesday 18 February 2014

African Linguistics

African Linguistics.

African Phonetics:

Many in Africa today, have been brought up in all, and in basically viewing Africa, and from the very perspective of its Languages [and as with speak even of the source posted above that is]. In many a way, this has resulted and in an erroneous picture and of just whom Africans truly are, and as with speak even and of just how they do think of themselves, and their lives in general that is. That in many another part of the World, Language, and as with truly mastering it even, and in Accent too perhaps, does speak even of being Cultured in all, and in the creation in many a way, and of a concrete Native Identity that is.

In Africa though, one does find that, it is the very world of African Linguistics in all, and as versus Language in itself too, and as with speak even of African Phonetics, and that are truly defining of the people [that in Africa, it is not the mastering of Language that does make one African, but in many a way even, speak in all and of Phoentics, and the possessing of said African Voices (and as with they drastically even differing in all), but in all ways even, speak even of Semantics, and as with further speak even of factual pronunciation for instance (and as versus proper pronunciation too), and that does determine in all, and whether one is considered a genuine African or not that is] [that in all again, being slurred in speech for instance, is considered Kenyan in many a way actually].

When one does view Africa as above, one then realize that a whole new Classification system, does come into place, and one where in all again, African Linguistics in all, and as compared to African Languages too, and as very much merging with African ways of living that is, and as with speak even of being slurred in speech, defining Leisure activity, and in Kenya too for instance [in all, African Linguistics, and as merging with African Leisure and Entertainment in many a way actually] [and all this as versus Language, and which does speak in all, and of modes of living in all (and as with speak of a Family Dinner and at an Ethnic Restaurant too), and as versus ways of living that is].

In all, Africa as viewed as above, does speak even and of not only African speech patterns in themselves, but in many a way too, dividing Africa culturally, and into the following groupings: Egyptian, Berber, Hamitic, Sudanic, Cushitic, Nilotic, and even Judaic too [and as with all this even referring to African speech patterns and phonetics too, and not African Language truly either].

While Egyptian does speak of Egypt, Berber on the otherhand, does actually speak of North Africa in all and outside Egypt too, while Hamitic does speak of Eritrea, Djibouti, Northern Sudan, the Sahel, and even Nigeria too actually. Cushitic on the otherhand does speak in all and of Ethiopia and Somalia, while Nilotic only refers to Kenya actually. Sudanic on the otherhand, speaks of most of Africa, and as consisting of West Africa (and outside Nigeria), Southern Sudan, the Congo region of Africa, Tanzania, and even Southern Africa and minus South Africa too. Finally, Judaic, and as speaking even of South Africa too actually [and making South Africa, more similar in speech patterns for instance, and to the parts of the Middle East in all actually]. Finally in all again perhaps, the Swahili, and as more or less Semitic truly, and as with regards to all this [and as with they in all, a people similar to those in the Middle East, and in speech patterns and phonetics too that is].

In many a way, this Classification system, and as very much speaking of whom Africans are and as a people proud of their Homelands in all, and all this too minus Uganda, and whose people in all cannot be properly classified, and as Ugandans are actually similar to all other Africans and outside those in Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia)  too that is, and in many a way, to speak of Ugandans as one, is to in all again even speak of the Biblical tale of Shem, Ham and Japheth, and as said to speak of the Middle East in many a way, when it does actually speak of Egypt/Africa, and as in attempting to say that, the Shemites/Semites, the Hamites and even the Japhetites in all, were actually an African people, and with the Ugandans in all again, believed here in all said actually, Japhetic in their ways actually.

Late Antiquity

Late Antiquity.

Many in Africa today, do in all ways even, attempt somewhat, to define everyday happiness in all [and as with speak even of visiting a really comfortable restaurant], and in manner that does not speak of Europe or America truly even, and in many a way too, speak even of what some do term the Biblical actually [and further speak of its cultures too that is]. That in many a way, this does speak even and of just how for instance, one seeks to Bond with others (and as with speak even of a curt greeting), or even truly again, just how one does seek to view in all, all forms of arrangements, formations or even alignments too that is.

That in all again and as with regards to the above, most of the World out there, has come to be influenced and by the Biblical too [and as with speak even of it originating in all, and with Byzantium, and further speak even of Lebanon too for instance], but that this does not speak only and of just how one does seek to Bond with others (and as with speak even of Stripclubs for instance), but that in all ways even, it does speak even and of City Planning & Design in itself too, and as with regards even, and to just what to erect up in all actually [that what they do call Byzantium in all, did in many a way come to help define just how many a famed City of old, and after the Ancient World had past on too, was very much Designed that is].

In all ways though, when it does come to Africa, the Biblical in all, does not truly work well (and outside Abyssinia that is), but that in all ways even, what they do term Late Antiquity (and as with it even differing from Classical Antiquity too), does speak in many a way even, and of Africa too that is.



Egypt and Africa.

African Festivals

African Festivals.

African Festivals, and as with they in the past, associated in all, and with speak of African Calendars in all again, but with African festivities in the past, very much in all a part of everyday living in Africa, and as with speak even and of just how Africans in all did perceive Time, but with furtherly stating that, Time in Africa, and as with everyday and daily living too in all, and as based around Family even, did speak even and of conceiving Time, and as based around what they do term Bodily Mechanisms too [and such as the Trigger Mechanism, Repair Mechanism, Reset Mechanism, Feedback Mechanism etc.], and as with life in the past, and in Africa, and as based around Family too, and as with Family in Africa in all and in the past, defined around Bodily Mechanism too, did speak in many a way, and of Time in Africa, and as based around the Feedback Mechanism in all again, but with so termed African Time today, based around the Trigger Mechanism in all, but in all ways even again, is to ask those in Africa in all today perhaps, to think of festivities, everyday and daily too in all, and as based around the Reset Mechanism that is [and further speak even and of African Time today too actually].

Monday 17 February 2014

African Metallurgy

African Metallurgy.

African Metallurgy, and as with it speaking even, and of African Expertise too (and as with speak even of Africans and as profound in Intelligence that is), but in many a way truly even, the Symbolism that does go with it all, and as said even truly representative, and of African Power, Might and Authority too that is.




Sunday 16 February 2014



The very fall in all, and of the Swahili Sultanate, and as with it even more responsible in all again, and as compared to just about any other event taking place in Eastern Africa too in all, truly responsible in all, and for the rise in all again, and of Decadence, and as with speak even of the fall of Traditional Forms of Organization too, and further speak even of the Family Unit too, and not only in Eastern Africa, but in the Middle East too (and as with speak even of the rise of the Modern Middle East), and even far into Asia in itself too actually [and as with speak even and of the end in all perhaps, and of Swahili Arab Merchant Trade into Asia that is]

Saturday 15 February 2014

The African Origins of Civilization

The African Origins of Civilization.

Proto-Humans and Africa:

We do live in a World today, and where in all, the very origins of Mankind or Humanity in itself, or even Humans truly even, is not well taken into account. This in many a way, does very much have to do, and with just how in all, the Western World, and as with it even deeming itself Civilization actually, does in all view, the evolution of Mankind in all [or even Humans truly in all]. In many a way, this does not speak of Hominids and such as Homo Erectus for instance, and as British Scholars in all, do often attempt to think of Mankind or Humans in all truly, and as said even, as having given birth to the differing Races to be seen on Earth [and as with speak even of certain groups of people, and as not actually able in all, to breed with each other] [and as with speak even of Children with certain conditions, and such as Autism too, and which are said in all too even, to speak of Genetic disorders actually], but that in all ways even, the Western World and as said Civilization, and as differing from the British World too, does in all associate the origins of Humans in all again, and with Asian Civilizations too, and as with attempting in all to say that, Asian Civilizations and Asians in general too, are viewed in all and as said having even, many an ancient Custom and Tradition they do adhere to, and to this very day, and that in all ways even, the Western World and as deemed even Civilization, does actually speak and of making progress in all, and as with regards to these Customs and Traditions that is.

To speak though and of the said African Origins of Civilization, is to speak of it even and as centered in all perhaps, and in Egyptian Civilization too. In many a way in all, it actually in all again speaks of the complicated History of Egyptian Civilization that is, and as with it even said to have many an origins to it all actually.

The first of these origins, do speak even and of Ancient Man in himself, and as with he said not Homo Erectus or Neathedral in his ways, but in all ways even, speaking of Cro-Magnon Man (and as with he Egyptian too), and also Grimaldi Man (and as with he Greek too actually). In all, Ancient Man, and as highly said somewhat truly even Knowledgeable, and in Ritual in itself, and as with it even merging in all, and as with speak even of the rise of Civilization too, and with Cosmology in itself, and in many a way too speak even of the very world of Freemasonry for instance [and the rise of Architecture in many a way too actually].

The second of these said origins of Humans in all, does speak even of the very belief that, the Gods in all, did actually walk on this Earth, and in the form of Deities too actually. In many a way, this speaking even of the Neter and in Egypt too for instance, and as with they said even possessing Knowledge in all, Sacred too, and which did give rise to Civilization, and in the most difficult of situations in all that is [and as with this even referring to the rise of Civilization in Egypt in all, and as with it said a place even, very much Desert like in itself actually]. In all ways even, a model adhered to in all, and by other Civilizations and such as Meso-American Civilization in all, and as with this even speaking of the Great Sphinx at Gaza, and even the Olmec Heads to in all, and as representing in all again, just whom these said Human Gods in all and as Deities too, truly were actually.

The third of these, does speak even of Egyptian Civilization and Civilization and as seen in Iraq too, and which in all ways even, does acquaint itself, and with the term the Primeval, and as with it even speaking of Humanity in all, and Human life too, and as primarily based around the rise of society, and as with this basically even speaking of Domesticity in all that is. A way of thinking of Civilization, and as with regards to Adaptation in all, and as with speak even of the rise of Lawful societies too, and which in all ways even does appear to speak of Human societies and as evolving along with the help in all (and speak even of aid and assistance too), and of so termed Higher Beings actually [and such as Angels too for instance].

The fourth of these, is just where Egyptian Civilization does meet Italian Civilization, and in all ways even, does speak of the rise of Humanity and Humans in all, and as Intelligent Beings too, and who in all ways even, do master Language in itself actually [that Language is said to originate in Egypt in all, and the very world in all again and of classifying Languages and as Semite, Semitic, Afro-Asiatic, Romance, Nilo-Saharan etc., and as with furtherly telling one that, Greek, Italian and Egyptian Language and as seen in Lower Egypt too, is actually Semite, and with Jewish on the otherhand, actually an Afro-Asiatic Language in all], and in all ways even does speak of the Italians in all again, and as compared to other peoples in the World perhaps, believed to be more masterly of Language in all, and as with this basically even speaking of the rise of the English Language too, and to World dominance even, and as with it having its origins, and with the (Roman) Celts in Italy actually.

The fifth of these, is just where in all again perhaps, Africa in all, does truly meet Egyptian Civilization [and outside speak of Sphinxes in all, and as African Deities too]. In all again, it does speak even, and of the very world of associating Intelligence and Spirituality, and with Reptilian life forms too that is. In all ways even, the Serpent, and as worshiped in all even, and in Egypt too, giving rise and to the very world of the Egyptian Pharaohs [and speak even of the Pyramids at Gaza too], and in all ways even, the belief that Civilization has always existed in Africa, but not well understood by most in all, does speak even and of African Spirituality and Intelligence even, and as merging with the world of Crocodiles, and as said Spiritual Reptilian life forms too that is. In all ways even, a failure to understand perhaps, just what Intelligence and Spirituality too, and as associated in all, and with Crocodiles in all again, does stand for, and as with it even in many a way, actually speaking of defining life, and as based around Sedentarism/'The Sedentary' in all actually.

In all ways though, Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia), and as differing from the rest of Africa, and as Civilization in it, actually does speak of the Language model of defining Civilization in all that is.

The Sedentary:

Thursday 13 February 2014

Eastern Africa

Eastern Africa.

Eastern Africa, and in spirit and name too that is.

Ancestor Reverence

Ancestor Reverence.

Initiationary Rites & Africa:

What in all, is Ancestor Reverence? It in all again, and in Africa too, does speak even and of the very world of Initiations in all actually. Initiation into what? Initiation in many a way, and not into Life in itself, and as many often do proclaim (and as with speak even of being grounded into Reality in all and as with regards even to ones Expectations of life that is), but that in all ways even, Initiation, and as with regards to the Ancestors, and as with this speaking even of what they do call Instilling Knowledge (and speak even of self/Belief), and also Distilling Knowledge in all again (and speak even of Self/Beliefs). In all again, such Initiation, and as with it even Initiationary in all (and as with speak even of being intimidated by a Joker or Trickster), speaking even of walking this Earth in all, and as filled with Courage or Valour, and as with speak even of such Instilled and Distilled Knowledge in all again, truly talking even, and of Birth-Death-ReBirth Cycles in all, and as with speak of Life, and as defined as such actually [and as mainly consisting in all, and of Birth-Death-Re-Birth Cycles in all, and as with further speak even of the Stages of Life, and Life in itself, and as perceived truly even, and via the lenses of Courage and Valour in themselves actually].

Tuesday 11 February 2014



The term Ori, is in many a way even, responsible for making the Yoruba people of Nigeria, somewhat Worldly in all known that is.

In many a way though, what to say of Ori? While some do associate it all and with Conscious States too, it does appear to speak of much more than Conscious States actually. To perhaps explain something not to easy to explain, but something known in a simple sense, that knowing oneself via Ori, actually truly makes one realize that they are in Africa, and only Africa too [and as with speaking of Ori even, and from the very perspective of readily identifying even, and with Nature in Africa too that is].

To then perhaps speak of Ori, and from the perspective of Nature too, is to perhaps in all again say that, it does speak of Character, Personality and Image formation that is [but with many apparently associating Ori, and with only Character that is].

Another way of viewing Ori, and which is also found in Abyssinia, is from speak of helping define in all again, Transpersonal, Interpersonal and Intrapersonal relations in all, and as with they even said truly African that is [and as with creating bonds with others, that does speak of knowing oneself as African, and from the very perspective even, and of Honour, Loyalty and Respect too actually].

A third way perhaps and of speaking of Ori, is to speak of it all, and from the known perspective and of speak of the Iponri, Ori and even Ori Inu [and as with this even somewhat corresponding to speak of the Trinity in the Christian world, and as with speak even of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit] too. In all ways even, a way of speaking of Ori, not well explained by most, and other than speak in all, and of Access in itself too [and as with further speak even of High Intuition for instance].

To however though, perhaps help put Ori, and into an everyday perspective, is to perhaps associate it all, and in Africa too, and with the very Design even, and of many an Information (Management) Systems that is [that in all, Computer Technology in Africa, can be somewhat in many a way associated with speak of Ori, and as with the example of Webnet too for instance] [Link].

In all though, basic speak of Ori in all, and as defined above even, does speak of basically associating Ori and with Animal Spirits, Ancestral Spirits (and as with they said Regional or even National in their ways), or finally in all again, speak even of Possession in itself, and by many a said Incorporeal Life form too that is.

The song below in many a way, does speak even of Ori, and from the very perspective of the Transpersonal etc., and while in many a way is believed truly American in all, does more or less though have origins and with Christian music in all again, but as seen in Abyssinia/'Byzant' too actually, and as with perhaps attempting to truly question even, just whom Americans are with the rest of us, and as with they the kind of people capable of taking a small Cultural phenomenon out there, and turning it into a Cultural artefact of a kind actually [and as with leaving one even, sidelined in all, and as with regards to speak of Authenticity that is] [and as with Authenticity here, simply speaking and of just what most out there, are Inclined too that is].

Purple Rain:



On the Nature of Evil & Africa:

Most living in Africa today, tend to fail to realize in all, just whom they are, and as Religious Beings too that is. This in all ways even, does not speak and of the arrival of many a new Religion and into Africa too, and which in many a way does only speak and of just whom God truly is. In all, many Africans and as failing in all even, and in realizing just what does constitute for Evil, and in Africa too that is.

In all again perhaps, this even speaking of the fact that, many a Modern African in all, does associate Evil in all, and with that seen in the Christian World actually [and as with this even speaking of Satan, the Devil, Demons or even confusingly enough, what some do call the Beast (and as with speak even of 666 for instance)]. In all though, this is all mentioned because Evil and as seen throughout History, did not take the form of that seen in the Christian world actually. Take Greece for instance, and where Evil in all again, was actually mainly found in the form of the Monster (and speak even of Hades), and as with Evil at its highest form too, said to take the form of the so termed Anti-Christ that is.

In many a way, this does in all speak even, and of how some Africans do perceive Egyptian Civilization, and as with basically associating Egyptian Religion and Evil, and with the Jewish World that is [and as with speak even of Baphomet for instance]. In reality, and as with reminding one of the basic known fact that, Egypt is actually in Africa, Evil in Egyptian Civilization, did actually take the form of that seen within Africa in itself in all. That Evil in Africa, does not only speak of the Habitat in many a way, but in many a way too, speaks even and of what are known as Beasts actually. That in many a way too and basically speaking even, and as with using Christian Abyssinia as an example here, Beasts in all, and as taking the form of Vampire-like creatures, Sheitan, Lucifer (and speak even of Hyenas for instance), Sherlock Holmes and the Hounds of Baskerville too, and further speak even and of what some do call the Abyss actually.

In many a way, Egyptian History as unknown to many, and as compared to Jewish History too, no speak of Evil in all, is actually associated with Egyptian Civilization that is. In all perhaps, one name does stand out and as with regards to Evil in Egypt, and in the form of the Beast too, and as taking the very form of Mammon actually.

In other parts of the World, Evil and as not as developed in all, and as most believe it to be, and as with the example of Asia, where most Evil in all, does take the form of Idolatory actually [and as with speak even of Moloch for instance]. In another parts of the World and such as South America, Evil in all and as taking the form of Ritualistic (Sadist/Masochist) Communions, and as with this even speaking of defining oneself and as based around a Collective Soul in all, and which does perceive others in all again, and as Victims in all truly even, and to be exploited in one way or another [and as with speak even, of public humiliation for instance] [Link].

In all ways even, the Beast in Africa, and as taking the form of the Cannibal for instance, while on the otherhand, Werewolves in all, are actually North American, and in many a way too, found in all and as a form of Evil that is, and in America, Jamaica and Haiti too [and as with this even speaking basically of Serial Killers for instance].


Monday 10 February 2014



Africa and the Revelation.

And as with telling Africans in many a way that, or reminding them too, one of the best ways to view themselves and from an Evolutionary perspective, and as with connecting to the Ancients in all, does speak even and of knowing just whom they were, and as with regards to the Behavioural that is.



The Allegorical, and as with it speaking even of Simplicity in Africa in all, and as versus speak of outside Africa too, and where Simplicity in all again, does speak of the Literal actually.

The Allegorical:

Saturday 8 February 2014

African Timelines

African Timelines.

Many in Africa in all, do tend to perceive African Historical Timelines, and from a poor perspective that is. In many a way, this does even speak of viewing African and World History in all again, and from speak of African Perspectives of themselves and others too [and as with this even referring and to the current problems that Modern day Africa does face that is] [and as with all this too in all again, speaking of those who do believe African problems in all, can be solved and via a Business/Trade Mindset too that is] [most who do in all view Africa as such, tend to view Africa in all again, and alongside speak of America too that is]. There are those on the otherhand, who do in all tackle Africa's problems, and from speak even of Political Views, and as with this even speaking of those and who do in all again, perceive perhaps, African History and even World History too, and from Western Authoritarian Sources that is, and as with further speak even of their Views in all, and as with regards to what does constitute for or make for Advancement, Development and Progress, and in speak of Africa and as viewed from the lenses of Gender, Race, Age and Class too that is [and with this even speaking of the UN too perhaps].

There is however, another way of viewing Africa in all, and as with speak even of Regional or Local Development too, and which does in all ways even speak of Engagements actually. That in all, this does speak even, and of viewing oneself and not only from a Local or Regional perspective too, but in many a way even, from speak of defining in all, Public, Private, Hidden, Secret and even Personal lives too, and to their highest levels, and as with speak even and of evoking envy, and from those not of ones Region too that is [and as with speak even of Lagos vs. Abuja for instance]. In all, when one does think of Africa as such, perhaps in all again, the above work posted, 'Setting the Desert on Fire', can truly help one not only have a Timeline on viewing Development in all, and in Africa too, and from the very perspective of many an Engagement too actually [and as with this model of living, and at a much higher level even, and than the other two posted above that is].



Africa, and as with it here in all again, said a term or name in all, said to refer and to speak of Perceptions in all, and of Africa too, and as the Victorians in all did very much see Africa that is [and as versus Modern, Western or British Perceptions and of Africa too actually].



Be-Bop: the sounds of Modern Africa.

Be-Bop meets Rap:

Thursday 6 February 2014

the American Interest

the American Interest.

Political Leadership and Tanzania:

Tanzania in many a way, is a Country or place, and that is in many a way too, somewhat backward and as with regards to what some do call Sentiment that is [or simply in all again, having a strong opinion, or a funny one too, and on just about anything that is]. That in many a way, Sentiments in all, do arise and with Political life, and that Tanzania in all again, and as with speak even of Developing the place in all, is actually truly guided in all, and by Sentiment that is (and as versus Creative Expression/Thought), but with Tanzanians in all again, and as compared to all other Africans too, believed backward even, and when it does come to Political Thought, or Political Leadership too that is [and as with all this even, not only speaking of Swahili dominance and influence and in Tanzania too, but in many a way even, the very fact that Tanzanians in many a way, have not undergone many a transformation in all, and in attempting to create Identity in all again, Political too, and as based around what is perceived even to embody in all, African Political Thought that is].

Having said the above, and knowing Tanzanians not to care to know too much, and about the rest of Africa (and outside Kenya too perhaps), is to perhaps tell them that, Tanzanians in many a way, can truly come to Develop Tanzania in all, and as based around knowing whom they are, and from speak of Sentiment too that is [and not Creativity or Intelligence truly either], and as Sentiment in all again (and in all its forms too) [and as with basic speak even of the 'Juicy' music video and by Notorious B.I.G too], is just whom they are and when do attempt to do just about anything or everything too, and in Tanzania that is [hopefully this is understood, and as in many another place, speak of Pangs or Rights, or even Group Memory too, do serve and as basic motivator in all, and in keeping society running and working that is].

In all ways even, and for the Tanzanian in all, and as truly tired of living in a Tanzania, and where change in all again is at times believed or perceived even Individual in its ways, is to perhaps introduce them in all, and to Sentiment too, and as defined in many a way, and by Conservative Americans too perhaps, and as with the kind of Sentiment they do embody, and as with one picking up on it, truly capable of helping one in all, learn how to adapt to life in Tanzania, and while staying hopeful, and that ones Individual dreams in all again [and not Group or National either], will actually become a reality too that is.

American Sentiment and the Diatribe: Link




Durban, and as with it even the South African City in all, best suited and for most Africans too, and as versus speak of Johannesburg or even Cape Town too that is.

The Blogosphere

The Blogosphere.

Some in Africa, might have heard of the phrase 'The Medium is the Message' and as said coined in all again, and by one Marshall McLuhan, and a Canadian to boot too that is. In all ways even, it does actually speak of just which Medium in all, and as with speak even of the News too, is best suited and in transmitting in all again, many a Message, and to those who might wish to seek it out [and as with the Message here, said in many a way even, to be a Warning, and the Medium too, a way or manner of warning others that is].

In viewing the Medium as such, and as with speak even of Well-presented Material too that is, most tend to believe in the Television in all, and as compared to other Mediums, and as a 'warning-box' of a kind too, and as with this even referring and to the Radio, Magazines, Newspapers, or even Cellular/Telecom devices too that is.

In all ways even is to tell many an African that, when it does come to speak of the Medium, and as with speak even and of which Medium in all, is best suited and in transmitting many a message in all again, is to tell them that it is the Blog that is truly well suited for Africa, and as with speak even of News Media in all, and as with further speak even of the Blogosphere too, and to as to be seen out there too that is [and as compared in all again, and to speak of the Radio even, and America too for instance].



Many in Africa today in all, have been indocrinated in many a way, and in believing in speak of African Inferiority that is. That this in all ways even, does speak of the fact, that when Africans in all do excel actually, they are still in many a way, not viewed from speak of Potential (and as with speak even of other Africans that is), but in all ways even from speak of the belief that, such successes or excelling in all, is in many a way an exception, and that it in all again, does not in many a way even, underwrite, beliefs in African Inferiority that is.

To make this rather silly argument rather simple to explain, is to know that, African Inferiority, is actually based around Fixations in all. That most out there, and as with speak particularly even, and of Mothering too, have been in all again, simply being raised in all, and as with speak even of Modern Mindsets too, and in worshiping anything with straight hair, white skin or caucosoid features too that is. In all ways even, this does speak in many a way, and of Modern/Western Media in all, and as with presenting many a person deemed superior out there, and from the perspective of Ordinance in all [and as with they basically presented as Idols too in all again, and as with this even speaking of Relief, Sexual or even Hunger oriented in all that is (that Idols in all again, do simply speak and of all forms, varieties and kinds of Relief that is, and as with their even in all ways even, simply able to Relieve one and from just about anything too)].

In all ways even, knowing Fixations to be somewhat of an African problem, is to in all speak even of the Egyptian God Ptah, and as with Egyptian Architecture and Art, and in many a way even presented from the very perspective of Fixations too that is, and as with Egyptian Architecture even, known to cure many a Fixation that one might have, and automatically too, and as with this even speaking of being totally free, and as with speak even of what some do call Rejoicing in all, and in exclaiming and as one does wish that is [and as with this even defining everyday Happiness in Africa in all, and as with not being judged in all again, and via speak even and of just how one does exclaim in all that is].

In all ways even, Ptah, and as very much African [and as reminding one that, the Egyptians in all again, and as Pyramid Builders, were actually Racially African in all, and not a Wordly Race and as often presented too that is], and that the worship of Ptah in all, or any other African God similar to him in all again, can help Africans truly deal and with the rather problematic issue even, and of Fixations that is [and as with this even speaking of the need to eat something rather sweet or spicy, and in the name of finding Self-Relief in all, and in Kenya too for instance].


Tuesday 4 February 2014



For those in Dar in all, and not Anatolian Dar-es-salaam truly either, the very works of Ernest Hemingway, and as published by Arrow Books too, and as with helping one form a Persona in all again, and as with this referring even, and to just whom we are in all, and when it does come to Judgmental behaviour actually, and as with further speak even and of whom those in Dar in all again, truly are even, and outside Dar-es-salaam too that is.