Sunday 23 February 2014

African Forests

African Forests.

This entry in many a way, does speak even, and of Africa in all, and as perceived a Magical Continent too that is. This in many a way, does not speak even and of the most wonderful of occurrences and happenings in all, and as happening in Africa in all again, but for some, it does actually speak of Africa and as a Natural/Heavenly Paradise that is [and as with speak even of someone and as making a joke even, and at the very appropriate time and place too that is].

When most think of Africa and as such, Heavenly and Magical in all, they often immediately do even speak of African Mountains/Hills, and as with they said Scenic in their ways, and as with this even giving birth to many a Religious Belief even, and of spiritually Healing even, Time in all, spent in Africa, and as with all this even speaking of Japan perhaps, and as with it even having grounded many a Religious Belief too, and as based around Mount Fuji that is, and as with Mount Fuji even, Responsible in all, and for helping in all again serve as an example, and for the birth in all again, and of Scenic Japan that is. In all, Africa and as said even Scenic, speaking in all too even, and of Cape Town too perhaps. In all, a way of thinking of Religious Belief, and as with speak even of Magical and Heavenly happenings or occurrences in all, that is more or less Regional or Local in its ways that is.

To speak of Egypt and as said Magical or Heavenly, is to speak of the Sahara Desert in all, and as with this basically speaking of Mirages for instance, but in many a way even, this also speaking of the Moods, Atmosphere and Presences of the place that is [and as with they even, attemptedly in all, replicated in Egypt that is].

There are those though and who do associate the Heavenly and Magical in Africa in all, and with African Rivers too, and as with this speaking even and of a later period and in Egyptian History too, and where Magical and Heavenly happenings and occurrences, were associated in all, and with the Nile that is [and as with this even speaking of the sounds and of many a River that is, and as to be replicated in society in all actually].

Few though, have dared ventured in all, and into speak of African Forests, and as associated in all again, and with Religious Belief [and as with Belief here even speaking of being lost in an African Forest that is]. In many a way, this does speak of the very world of African Incorporeal and Non-Corporeal beings, and as with this furtherly speaking even and of what they Yoruba do term Elenini for instance, and as with further speak even and in Belief too, and of the most Wildly of Thoughts in all, and as very much becoming Real that is [and as with this even speaking of a Belief in Vampires, and as seen in Christian Abyssinia too that is].

In all is to know that, Belief in all again, does speak even and of the very fact that, what happens to one in all, is pretty much dictated, and by just how ones does choose to basically interact with others that is [and as with the above mentioned in all, basically in all influencing just how one does choose to basically interact with others that is].

In all again, Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia), and as mainly housing Forested areas, and not Forests truly either.