Tuesday 11 February 2014



The term Ori, is in many a way even, responsible for making the Yoruba people of Nigeria, somewhat Worldly in all known that is.

In many a way though, what to say of Ori? While some do associate it all and with Conscious States too, it does appear to speak of much more than Conscious States actually. To perhaps explain something not to easy to explain, but something known in a simple sense, that knowing oneself via Ori, actually truly makes one realize that they are in Africa, and only Africa too [and as with speaking of Ori even, and from the very perspective of readily identifying even, and with Nature in Africa too that is].

To then perhaps speak of Ori, and from the perspective of Nature too, is to perhaps in all again say that, it does speak of Character, Personality and Image formation that is [but with many apparently associating Ori, and with only Character that is].

Another way of viewing Ori, and which is also found in Abyssinia, is from speak of helping define in all again, Transpersonal, Interpersonal and Intrapersonal relations in all, and as with they even said truly African that is [and as with creating bonds with others, that does speak of knowing oneself as African, and from the very perspective even, and of Honour, Loyalty and Respect too actually].

A third way perhaps and of speaking of Ori, is to speak of it all, and from the known perspective and of speak of the Iponri, Ori and even Ori Inu [and as with this even somewhat corresponding to speak of the Trinity in the Christian world, and as with speak even of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit] too. In all ways even, a way of speaking of Ori, not well explained by most, and other than speak in all, and of Access in itself too [and as with further speak even of High Intuition for instance].

To however though, perhaps help put Ori, and into an everyday perspective, is to perhaps associate it all, and in Africa too, and with the very Design even, and of many an Information (Management) Systems that is [that in all, Computer Technology in Africa, can be somewhat in many a way associated with speak of Ori, and as with the example of Webnet too for instance] [Link].

In all though, basic speak of Ori in all, and as defined above even, does speak of basically associating Ori and with Animal Spirits, Ancestral Spirits (and as with they said Regional or even National in their ways), or finally in all again, speak even of Possession in itself, and by many a said Incorporeal Life form too that is.

The song below in many a way, does speak even of Ori, and from the very perspective of the Transpersonal etc., and while in many a way is believed truly American in all, does more or less though have origins and with Christian music in all again, but as seen in Abyssinia/'Byzant' too actually, and as with perhaps attempting to truly question even, just whom Americans are with the rest of us, and as with they the kind of people capable of taking a small Cultural phenomenon out there, and turning it into a Cultural artefact of a kind actually [and as with leaving one even, sidelined in all, and as with regards to speak of Authenticity that is] [and as with Authenticity here, simply speaking and of just what most out there, are Inclined too that is].

Purple Rain:
