Thursday 13 February 2014

Ancestor Reverence

Ancestor Reverence.

Initiationary Rites & Africa:

What in all, is Ancestor Reverence? It in all again, and in Africa too, does speak even and of the very world of Initiations in all actually. Initiation into what? Initiation in many a way, and not into Life in itself, and as many often do proclaim (and as with speak even of being grounded into Reality in all and as with regards even to ones Expectations of life that is), but that in all ways even, Initiation, and as with regards to the Ancestors, and as with this speaking even of what they do call Instilling Knowledge (and speak even of self/Belief), and also Distilling Knowledge in all again (and speak even of Self/Beliefs). In all again, such Initiation, and as with it even Initiationary in all (and as with speak even of being intimidated by a Joker or Trickster), speaking even of walking this Earth in all, and as filled with Courage or Valour, and as with speak even of such Instilled and Distilled Knowledge in all again, truly talking even, and of Birth-Death-ReBirth Cycles in all, and as with speak of Life, and as defined as such actually [and as mainly consisting in all, and of Birth-Death-Re-Birth Cycles in all, and as with further speak even of the Stages of Life, and Life in itself, and as perceived truly even, and via the lenses of Courage and Valour in themselves actually].